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So what is it now? Joseph Conrad is literally the devil, Dickens is a shit for focusing on the underclass, and fuck white people, rite? Let's all go burn books written by white men because who needs them. Who's with me?
> 100 students
Britcucks. Never change
Wow, 100 students said that? Fuck off with your Jewish thread.
People are just going to get stupider and stupider with each year.
easier to manipulate. easier to guide into violence
>Jewish thread.
He's talking about the erasure of white writers from academic courses, you fucking philistine. This is happening even in community college level English literature classes.
I took an English lit class recently and I fucking swear it was 60% nigger shit, and niggers never even started writing until the 50's. If I could go back in time, I would choke Langston Hughes with his own belt and save future generations from his degeneration of the English language passed off as literature.
Since when do students decide the curriculum?
>> 100 students
Cambridge University is in England. It is no colony.
>getting a degree in Pidgin
meanwhile STEM is considered white male privilege central
It's not a school anymore, if students instruct teachers.
And then they wonder why fewer males are studying in higher education.
professors clearly have sympathies in that direction and were just looking for a reason
Eventually these schools will all go out of business.
It's literally 2017
I'm so glad that Oxford still hasn't let in a SINGLE nigger since they can't reach the standard set for getting in.
Its not even that they wouldn't allow niggers; they just aren't willing to lower their requirements.
Fuck Cambridge, go Oxford.
The moment you let blacks rule, you turn into Africa. Buckle up.
or teach The Book of Animals by al-Jahiz
while teaching Darwin's Origin of Species.
since Darwin built his ideas from reading the former...
but your ignorant of history so will let it slide.
modern schools are for indoctrination not education.
taken statistics? correlation is not causation genius neet.
>tfw I didn't take freshman year seriously and wouldn't be admitted for grad school
a-at least I can get into st. andrews r-right
> University surrender against 100 students.
Holy fuck, did Bongistan just our-surrender us ?
Its okay user, I know that pain too. I grew up in a shitty household and was never emotionally supported in anything, let alone my education. Just gotta make the best of what you've got and be thankful that at least not everywhere in the world is willing to cripple itself for the lowest common denominator.
>Eventually these schools will all go out of business.
No they won't. They will continue to be funded by your tax dollars, and they will favor brain dead niggers over you and your white children, if you make them. They will glorify the paltry contributions of the subhuman to the English language and said subhuman students will be convinced that they are relevant in the context of English language history.
They are not simply trying to erase the white race from the stage of world today. They are trying to erase everything our ancestors ever accomplished.
>100 students
thanks a
world's a tough one
Cant wait to study thousands of years of mud huts and wooden slears lmao
Shitting on superior culture because of "muh inclusivity."
JESUS FUCK, this makes me so mad.
Go to the University of Dindu if you hate white literature.
What can I do to fight this?!?!
"ebonics" or, "nigger talk"
should be illegal really
>University is in fucking England
Name one shitskin writer than is even ½ as good as the white ones taught in most English classes.
There are only a few types of bachelor degrees worth mentioning, namely engineering, mathematics, certain natural sciences and medicine.
I'm not sure the students in question are part of any of these courses.
lmao i bet people actually would say this is true
Yeah, it's fine, we should just let them gut our culture in the name of diversity; only faggots care about that stuff anyway.
Why would you voluntarily destroy your own culture because 100 crybullies threw a tantrum?
>decolonise our own language
Isn't that what ebonics is? Are they banning ebonics?
Not really what I was trying to say, but now that you've brought it up -
Cambridge University isn't my culture, and it isn't yours either. If universities are becoming more and more leftist, then there's little point in trying to uphold them as defenders of culture. That's the kind of thing a sycophant would do.
>Be good goy, do English lit in prestigious Cambridge University
>First book, WE WUZ KANGS: A treatise on black royalty in Egypt
>Question it's voracity to the professor
>Professor is a toothless Pikey
>Get reported to Administration of Correct Thought
>End up in Prison
>Get shanked by Paki terrorist
A regular Edgar Allen Poe
At least they eventually fired this bitch though. Also Mizzou took a huge hit in enrollment after that. We're not as cucked as Britainistan no matter which way you cut it.
>What can I do to fight this?!?!
Help us to induce literal book burnings on that campus and others. Once these brainwashed retards actually start burning books like the Nazis we will have them in a position that they can't escape.
Good one user, 11/10 kek
>Chicken finger, French fries for them hoes that wanna diss
>Sup Forums would think this is world-class writing
>>Question it's voracity to the professor
>methinks it's a little too voracious for the likes of you
>every stunt they pull like this is one step close to the inevitable total implosion of the liberal arts colleges
My bad, ment veracity.
Feels good man
If the goal is to ensure minority representation in English, then we should have the same equality everywhere in such fields.
Thus, people taking Africa studies should be forced to read books by Cecil Rhodes and Karen Blixen, who were a minority in Africa.
Might as well simplify the curriculum while they're at it
Playboy publicly operated a CP ring in the 70s. Girls as young as 4 appeared in their european magazines. Brooke Shields appeared in Sugar 'n' Spice nude at age 10. Spread this info on Social Media and contact independent media.
Every day the list of reasons to nuke the UK just gets bigger and bigger
>pretty sure it was one student
Until the white man exits stage left and leaves you in your native filth and squalor. Again
At least you are instructing human beings
Anybody that isn't leaving the UK is deluded and stupid
Get the fuck out while we still can
Rabindranath Tagore
I planned on moving to NZ until they elected a fucking woman prime minister.
This "decolonize" bullshit began in south africa, moved to UK and will soon land in ZOG. You can trace how the Jews implement their plans. Nor do I believe that red-headed cunt of a prince found a half negress/half-jewess girlfriend by accident...
Best way to get a classical education these days in not to go to a university at all, but just read the classics on your own time
Shakespeare was black
we don't want you titbag
Fuck this dumb planet.
So we can read more shit like Things Fall Apart.
What in the fuck
>mfw I actually read that shit
Things Fall Apart is great - but Plato and Shakespeare are much greater - and Chinua Achebe would be the first to tell you that
So what why're going to replace Chaucer, Milton, Ovid, and Shakespeare with some random niggers? Sad day
>decolonise Cambridge University
Does that mean all the niggers have go back to Africa?
makes your heart bleed.
how can the administration be such cucks if THEY are the ones with an educational mission. what the fuck do Watermelondrea and Avondré know about Shakespeare's legacy in the first place?
Currently at Cambridge.
Studying French
We read based conservative monarchist Balzac. And then the professors shit on him and talk about lgbt and communist perspectives on his books ffs
I was sceptical about Moldbugs (((cathedral))) theory but now I see he was absolutely right.
People don't understand. The race war is already here. It's guerilla warfare for the control of your schools, education and culture.
At least shakesepear will still be on the curriculum.
in english plz
How long until traditionally elite universities lose their elite reputation in the eyes of employers because of shit like this?
You're welcome here
Thats the point.
it should say transgender black woman...
>So what why're going to replace Chaucer, Milton, Ovid, and Shakespeare with some random niggers?
Yes with grime
It's already happening. I'd think twice before sending my kids to those teachers. Everyday there are more headlines about US and British universities caving in. The curriculum of top Japanese universities is much better. The West is losing all credibility.
>Liberals will unironically defend this
This only makes them MORE elite.
>'I say Wentworth...MY wife's son was the FIRST to be taught decolonized Shakespeare at Cambridge...what has your daughter been taught at...ahem...state uni?' ***everyone else in the room smug laughter***
Amazing. The goyim are literally begging to become dumbed down
>decolonize a University
Sorry, I'll report myself to the re-education camp.
We should introduce more diversity in Israeli universities. ((They)) don't get along very well with Muslims and Ethiopian Jews. en.wikipedia.org
i wonder when they will necklacing "witches" in Oxford and shit the sacred halls of Cambridge...all the way to Somalia full steam ahead..
Since universities became a scam in the 50s
Sup Forums will put up with it though, gotta get that STEM degree goy!
no don't... we need more memes !!!
he said anus
heh hehheh
1776 has commenced again