
So this is what will happen when you give Type-Moon unlimited budget... I don't think any VN will ever surpass Mahoyo in terms of art and visual quality.

Reminder that this would be what Fate and Tsukihime would be like if they weren't forced to add in h-scenes to make it sell. Nasu is objectively better than Shakesphere now.

Fuck your VN, we FGO now.

>full english patch never

You'd think that in a community as big as the Type-Moon fandom there would be at least a few people with the knowledge and drive to translate this, but no.

i'll read it in 2020 or something when the english patch is completed. talk to ya then

I don't know why none of TM's VNs are officially english translated either.

Chapter 5 is a good enough stopping point without any cliffhanger.

Fuck Commie

Nasu is obviously not interesting in gaijin money.

>I don't think any VN will ever surpass Mahoyo in terms of art and visual quality.
Becasue director is GOD. Can't wait to see his battles in Tsuki remake

Interested god damn it.

At least they're doing Extella.

might be, but that's about only 1/3rd of the whole VN. to me it seems like reading only the Fate route in F/SN. or like leaving a book half finished. why bother?

Chapter 6 is out too, but with my order of Flowers on the way and the need to reinstall it since my computer crashed I think I'm gonna hold off. Different user btw.

Too bad the story was dumb as shit.

>to me it seems like reading only the Fate route in F/SN. or like leaving a book half finished. why bother?
I think you're looking at it the wrong way. Think of it more like reading the first installment in a series and just waiting for the next book to come out. Unlike with only reading Fate route, up to C. 5 is actually a great read. If you've lost any faith in Nasu, this will restore it.

>translation not done
>anime nowhere in sight
>ufotable busy with heaven's fuck and tales of fuckya
>shaft busy with sol and fate/extra
>ost is based as fuck
>see beautiful pictures from it all over
>don't know nihongo yet
Feels bad man. Unironically driven to learn japanese because of this and other non-translated godtent.

Then maybe there is hope.

Because the licensing fee is massive.

I just want more Touko.

Its just one of those Dynasty Warrior games though (at least as far as I've seen, could be wrong). There's probably not much to translate compared to VNs.

>DDD is untranslated for ten years
>two volumes
Biggest community
>F/SH is untranslated
>F/A is taranslated
>Saber shit is translated
>Peopel translate GO trash

Nasu is the main scenario writer so I expect it to be long. Hopefully Xseed does a better job than Aksys.

The effects were nice but story in general was pretty ass. The only interesting thing that I remember was that they said if the common people learn about a spell then it stops working so that's why mages need to be secretive. Which I thought was weird because I never remembered that anyone in nasuverse ever said that, magic was supposed to recreating natural phenomena not world of darkness style reality warping. And the extra chapter was pretty fun, because there you had choices and had to track down a culprit and stuff, with lots of dead ends and storylines. But that part was barely related to the main story, I guess that's why it had a chance to be decent.

MLA had better animation.

This is probably bait but Mahoyo isn't even the best looking VN, although it does look quite good. A good example of similarly executed games would be any of Minori's titles which are still better directed than Mahoyo despite several of them predating it.

TMs nothing is ever translated, officially or otherwise. There are dozens of untranslated LNs, tons of fanworks, and Mahoyo. Even F/HA took forever to get TL'd and it's been crowdsourced, it's of dubious quality, and it's an EN -> CN -> JP TL, so it's totally shit.

EOPs have it bad, I don't know why nobody wants to TL stuff for TM.

When you give VN unlimited budget it becomes an anime.

With less budget, you have a manga.

Based Shinkai.

And no anime will ever surpass even the shittiest VN

Thats retarded, you are retarded.

>Art quality
The plot of every VN is still shit.

Better than the plot of any anime

Best Mahoyo.

Sequels never ever.

VNfags sure are delusional.