Today they show the 1st episode hopefully with enough time to make the necessary fixes
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Is anyone watching livestream? Any noticeable changes?
Dead show.
No shit. They stopped broadcast after 4th episode and restarted it after over a month
I'm ready.
So will it have better quality?
i want more butt
>[Ohys-Raws] Regalia - The Three Sacred Stars - 01 v2 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4
Funi is supposedly will be doing v2. I don't know if Daisuki will be doing v2 as well or not.
>Caring about lolibutt
The only thing that matters is the robots, you fool.
mai oppai empress
I need more Ingrid.
They should fix the stupid story.
How can a princess act like that? Japan should get a reality check.
I also want more loli butt. Might actually start watching this.
Any noticeable changes so far?
>Today they show the 1st episode
Already? Wasn't the remake only announced like a month or two ago?
Yes. And they said from the beggining that it would start from episode 1 in Semptember 1 (today)
People made fun of the delay at the time, but honestly this is a much shorter wait than the wait for KS's last episode and GE's last 4 episodes
They're airing the redone first episodes that already saw airing before the next season starts so the show can "resume" where it left.
But lolis are robutts.
But that's the best part, the lolis ARE the robots.
>And they said from the beggining that it would start from episode 1 in Semptember 1
I remember being in the thread when it was announced, I suppose I'm just surprised that it's already September 1st.
>People made fun of the delay at the time
Well, that's the thing. If the issues were half as bad as they made them sound, would a mere 1-2 months make enough of a difference, especially if they went back and reworked episodes 1 to 4 (which probably didn't require much work to begin with)?
>sound is still shit
The lolis summon robots, but they are not actually mechanical.
T-Thanks, Actas.
This smug faggot and Sarah each have a new line at the start of the episode, otherwise it's mostly minor art improvements in a few scenes. The tram that Oppai Empress gets on is much more detailed, for example.
I haven't been through everything, but I don't think there's any more to it than that in this episode.
The robots aren't really mechanical so much as magic. And the robots are very much the girls go back to that scene where Rena reveals that she was one of the giant robots to Yui's council.
I hope the animation in the unreleased episodes is good, then.
I want to think the delay wasn't a waste of time
>We can see Lux(?) power soon?
What does it mean? Isn't Kei's robot named Megaera?
We won't ever know know how much of difference was made to the episodes that weren't aired, but 2 months is enough to make the difference between having to put out some episodes looking like Qualidea Code's episode 4 and actually getting them done without having to rush them.
Their loli bodies do not have mechanical parts. The point was that lolifags who don't care about mecha should fuck off, not to split hairs regarding the origin of the mechs.
they aren't human, the lolis are the mecha
The mechafags who don't care about loli should fuck off.
I watched the first two episodes of the old version, and it didn't seem too bad. Did it shit the bed afterwards or something?
They have humanoid bodies and no mechanical parts in their loli form. That's what the conversation is about.
Not in what they aired
Kill yourself, lolifag.
>not liking these cute girls
Lolifags and mechafags should live in
Their fuck up start to show around ep 4, not much of a fuck up though. Just QUALITY characters and making Rena smaller than she is. Mecha fight still top tier.
The animation was still above average, the delay was just a precaution for the future, I guess.
>Get a show with 100% hand drawn mechs and no garbage CG (inb4 Muh studio Orange!)
>Main mech even fights with a cape made of fire
>Only care about retarded lolis
Literal shit taste.
All hail our loli mech yuri overlords.
What if I like both, and both make the show great.
it's literally about yuri loli mecha
You get lolis like this a dozen times each season, there's nothing to make a fuss about. When was the last time we got mechs like this?
From what they said for the delay, it seems like they didn't think that any episode beyond what they aired would be up to the quality they wanted, so they delayed it.
It's a traditionally-drawn 2D mecha, so it seems they realized that their budget couldn't cover 12 episodes of delicious animated mecha. Hopefully this doesn't affect their cycling anime airing next season. Or the rest of the Regalia season, even with the delay.
I also hope they don't work themselves to death with two shows on their plate.
>What if I like both, and both make the show great.
I'm with this user.
God damn I love the mecha design in this.
>When was the last time we got mechs like this?
I'm not a very mech crazy guy so why would I get hyped for that? I do enjoy both though, no reason why I should only like one part of a show.
Elder chuuni mech loli with a busty imouto waifu who is leader of a nation? What anime have you been watching because I want some of that.
A mecha show about lolis? How does that even work? I thought the primary draw in the mecha genre is the homosexuality.
The real question is when was the last time we got a mech anime with adorable lolis piloting them like this.
Especially one with fantastic animation and good fights like this.
>still have to wait one more month to see the old/fa/g fight
The lolis are gay.
>The animation was still above average
Please don't write anything if you have no idea what you're talking about next time.
homosexual lolis
well it is a yuri
the lolis are the mecha, so when their yuri loved ones enter them it's like they're engaging in tribadism
Girls can love mech lolis you know.
>You get lolis like this a dozen times each season
Is this a fucking joke?
We get like one or two late night series a YEAR, not a season where they are more than side dish without screentime or fanservice.
It's not mid 00's anymore.
He's right though. Animation was decent, especially in 2D robot fights.
>2D robot fights
Yeah, but anything else was just derpy.
>engaging in tribadism
user, I don't really know what to say. Gave me a good laugh though.
I care about both though. Lolis and mechas are both the reason I see this.
There is actually not that much loli lately. There is only Prisma and Amaama with some kind of focus on lolis this season, and I don't even remember if there was something last season.
I dunno, I liked it. looks really nice for example.
Compared to 90% still shots in other shows? yes, Regalia was much better in the action parts.
It's a slow scene, yet the animation is still choppy, framerate is low, the camera angles static and really not much animation to speak in the first place.
Where else do you need great animation?
The animation during the robot fights is well beyond average, specially considering it is mecha.
Why is she such a dork?
SRW when?
The worst.
Normalfags should leave.
Fuck your shit.
So what are the differences?
>1.58 GiB
>1.5 GB
That's a little too big right?
bloating is what Funi does best
I just hope that starting with episode 5, the giant robots will actually at least look like they're giant robots instead of masked dudes fighting each another.
Have them fight in urban settings and crash cars underneath their feet, ducking and taking cover under houses, throwing objects at each another like cranes and tanks.
The fight on the harbor and that little joust on the bridge are just not enough.
And of course have the frigging army try to support their empress and her girlfriend by shooting missiles and using artillery and whatever, even if they're completely useless by the laws of convention.
What, really? Holy shit japan.
Nothing yet.
Just re-airing so that the new episode will air at the start of the new season.
Smug shota mentions something significantly plot relevant (probably) in the scene you posted. He didn't in the original.
Also in the opening, the white robot pilot gets a short line that let's the audience in on the fact that she's familiar with Rena. I kind of liked how that was up in the air in the original, but whatever.
Kei and Rena's conversation tweaked a bit.
Plus a couple changes in animation/scene length that would be typical with any BD release.
But only appealed to yurifags.
Way too big.
Comparison shot.
Tisis > Alecto > Megaera
Kei/Ingrid > Rena/Yu i> Tia/Sara
This was agreed upon.
Oh, nice. Thanks for the link, user.
Also, what are all of these .5's and special about? Must be what they aired in the timeslot so they didn't fuck up the scheduling, right?
Does anyone know if they have anything relevant? Or are they similar to the Wolf's Rain 4 weeks of recap.
Because its designs target women.
Unlike here which targets generic otaku.
>this fucking scene still hanged
What the fuck was up with that? I'm still pretty sure that's a broadcast error.
Masochistic ones. I'm still recovering. Do you have a webm where they slowly kiss in the night? Or the one where she hugs her at the very end? I have the hand holdings.
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
Sup Forums loves loli+mecha ever since Nanoha. Purist mechafags that don't like moe and loli are the ones that starts shit.
Yeah buddy, worth the wait.
I rally hope bottom one is v2.
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>Don't like mechs
Well then you've just got shit taste.
Retarded loli in an imouto-oneesan relationship despite no blood relation, that also has yuri bait. There's one that even uses the same damn seiyuu. Don't pretend the lolishit is anything wildly different, especially when we haven't had anything resembling this in terms of mech action in years.
You count all the drawn and we'll animated mechs this year, I'll count the lolis. We'll see whose number is higher.
Change that to Rena/Yui > Tia/Sara > Ki Ingrid and we can agree.
Fuck off. Lolis are fine, but the lolifags that reduce all discussion of a plot and action heavy show like Nanoha down to "Look at the lewd transformation scenes!" and throw bitchfits when they grow up are pure cancer.
Horrible taste there.