Sjw hate/cringe thread

sjw hate/cringe thread

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Animals are the most marginalized group in history, particularly mosquitos

>I was abused and raped by my teacher at a very young age and she threatened to kill me if I ever said anything. Male rape victims need to be heard too.
>Yes mr hetro sexual white male your opinion holds the most wieght cause you are obviously the most marginalized group in history

Id say its a tie between neanderthals and Ashkenazi. Mosquitos get genocided, but lazilly. Meanwhile there where worldwide efforts to remove neanderthals and ashkenazis from the planet multiple times.

shouldn't the majority opinion hold the most weight?
why should 0.3% of the population, like black tranny pansexuals, be given "more weight" when making decisions that affect everyone?
why are they so dumb?

more OC

That's what happens when you turn "democracy" into "liberal democracy" (aka the only 'accepted' form of democracy globally). When Orban in Hungary announced he wanted to create an "illiberal" democracy, the shills, EU and other assorted cucks called him a Putinesque wannabe dictator.

That "liberal" qualifier in liberal democracy is where all this minority rights shit comes from.


anyone else here keen for nov 4? I hope it's a big happening so there's an influx of fresh vidya and memes

>your opinion counts more if you're a historical loser
>let's worship weakness, guys, that'll be good for society


>these marginalized people should have a louder voice! Black gays should have a bigger and more important voice than whites!

>Like, fuck the electoral college! If it weren't there we wouldn't have Trump! How is it that less votes from rednecks in middle america got him in office!?! Such an outdated way of voting!

Tumblr has institutional protection. It's the beginning of the end times.

>being "marginalized" means your opinion matters more
>this group of people was weak and they were subjugated into becoming a minority so they should make the rules

>spend all day long obsessing over the authorities "systematically wiping out all minorities"
>completely incapable of imagining at all that the majority might be subjected to unfair treatment, too
It's like all those commies who will rant all day long about "the rich" but when you tell them who the rich people are they scream for your head

why is it always these white faggots who hate whites the most

i think this bitch got fired

>/the wild/

Fuckin saved that dank meme

Oh come on, you know this.

The funny thing about this is that the black women I know don't shut up for a minute, especially in class, it's a string of asinine questions from the niggers from start to finish and nobody dares to tell them to shut up.

Why do commies hate animals so much?

This one activates my almonds every fucking time I see it.

Solipsism to psychotic degrees. They'd do the same to humans if they thought they could get away with it.

>Whites are actually becoming a minority now and actually are in some places
>But they won't recognize that because of some made up privilege that (((they))) came up with

lol this dude is a goldmine

also don't post this stuff in ROK there's antifa and liberals galore


>PLOT TWIST: The School is renting lab equipment from the KKK.








and weep

holy shit that dude is SO FUCKING PUNCHABLE sweet fucking jesus




>I have bad knees

That has to be a troll account.



I can never tell if these are trolls or not. It has to be bait, but on the other hand there are some very deranged people on the internet.


>Listen to the people having the worst time because the people having the best time don't have any idea on how to make it better.

We should applaud her, she is redpilling every single white person that goes through her classes.

My fucking dad's Guamanian hound of a wife has been giving my half-sister on my mother's side shit for wanting to dress up as this girl, I fucking hate it. Bitch, she dresses up as EVERY Disney girl, she's a fucking KID. She was obsessed with Frozen, she became obsessed with Moana, and she's gonna become obsessed with the next fucking thing they pump out. Guamanians are discount Hawaiians, fuck all of 'em.

The holocaust never happened. But it should have.

/our guys/ got her fired for that

Tell her to grow up and tell your dad to stop being with a kid, it's creepy.

>people who vaguely look like you used to do bad things so now we will deliberately ignore your concerns because we are vengeful cunts
Any time an SJW talks about how they want equality, what they really mean is they want revenge.

Muh sogee knees!

Guamanian is the proper term for someone crom guam?

I thought it was Guamish...

She's a cunt to everyone. Every few months there's some big drama event and he's suddenly broken things off with a long-time friend or family member. I remember before he met her, he was a rowdy alcoholic fuck that'd hang out with old friends all the time. He'd give me shit for not having a girlfriend even though I said I didn't like the girls at school since they were all sluts, but it wasn't until I was older that I realized he was the real beta. Dude settled HARD, dated a fat bitch that he met online, despite all of the family not liking her. She was rude, poor, had a kid (I hated him at first, but now that he's in college I like to keep up to date with him), fat, ugly, etc. Asked me before the wedding if I didn't want them to get married, that he'd understand because I'm the most important thing to him. I told him no, and he fucking did it anyway. Bailed home when I could, but I watched him fail shit-test after shit-test as this woman left over stupid inane shit, only for my father to literally wait by the window until she got back (her son left behind as well of course though), her starting fights with his friends and their wives, and constantly buying stupid shit and never being satisfied. Dude now has no friends other than this other couple they met at a pizza parlor once, a white male asian female couple that is about the same fucking deal. Both that man and my father lost their friends and bloated up, with my dad focusing on old anime as an escape, and his pizza buddy that he sees once in a blue moon sinking into WoW. Meanwhile I met virgin gf. Never settle for a thot, user. If you can't make yourself happy, desperately chasing after women won't help, my father is proof of that.

Men cant get raped you stupid cuck

Fat fuck or island nigger are both valid terms as well. I don't really care, they're all despicable. She used to have extended family that'd crowd us at family events, and some of them were decent people at the time, but they became insufferable after Trump became a thing in politics. They talk shit all the time and act so high and fucking mighty, it's ridiculous. DISCOUNT HAWAIIANS, THAT'S ALL THEY ARE.



Newest assigned males are BTFOing pol yet again


Why do these self important fuckwads speak like their opinion means more than jack shit? He seems like the kind of person most people would avoid like the plague in real life.


Lefties often hate themselves and their own kind

(((Big noses)))

Got in an argument with my gf over this. Its like women woman cant understand that men have to deal with more shit.

Big mouthes*

Someone post the pic of what the guy who draws these looks like

>men have to deal with more shit
Rip anons gf, has todeal with a babyman


Not my plunger

this looks fake
or it's just THAT bad now

does anyone actually find these funny? i just find them mentally deranged.


Last panel should be the little gay kid secretly slipping Rando a fiver.

Fresh OC. He's claiming to bring the glory of kekistan to his school.






he didnt even have to say anything, I had the instant urge to dropkick him.

terrorism refers to a particular motivation, and can't just be used synonymously with "mass violence"

What do you think she's saying, Sup Forums?

Just check the hands. The hands never lie.

"Liberal democracy" IS the end result of Democracy. Groups begin pandering for their own pet issues and politicians are fine with obliging. Checks & balances ultimately fail

>hip hop
>black culture

Cunt, it's poetry with a jungle beat. The jungle beat is the only black part of the equation.

That meme was funny and cool when it was a cult thing but they goofed hard when the decided to start it on Twitter cause the normies caught in real quick and it all spiraled out of control


So if they line the interior with sackskin, do they get hair INSIDE?!?!

what about XYY, XXY and so on? check and mate

Those idiots actually think AI means "self aware."
If they jeel pushing consent on this robot issue, we should start pushing consent on microwaves and cars.
They also fear their vaginas will lose value, but littlr did they know, they're fat, feminist vaginas are worthless

This guy has autism ripping out him. Shame on her.

Fun fact: searching rape on xhamster will give you a message to seek therapy

Lel. Communism turns you into an actual Cuckold, who would've thought it?

>being so delusional you think any of this is likely to happen


When the ballsack is made into a vagina, they iron out the wrinkles


Nah the beat is usually made by Jewish producers. There's actually nothing about hip-hop that's intrinsically black.