i know this will trigger you but i was raised by two gay dads and i have turned out fine
ask me anything losers
i know this will trigger you but i was raised by two gay dads and i have turned out fine
ask me anything losers
Other urls found in this thread:
why are all the leaf posts fucking worthless low quality bait? sage
I thought that was common in Canada?
how does it feel to live in a country that doesn't allow true, full legal free speech
it feels better because some hate speech should not be allowed.
like a clandestine dictatorship?
it is common but people on Sup Forums think it's bad for society.
i have graduated from university, am not gay and have a stable job. i do not use drugs.
>just fine
Pick two and only two
You know its a sign of a dying culture and society, right?
So did you ever walk in on them frosting butts?
Did they ever give you cock breath kisses before school? Or did you ever smell poopdick when you got home from school?
how does your butt hole feel?
Who's your mother the one with beard or the bald one???
CP ring publicly operated by Playboy in the 70s. Girls as young as 4 appeared in porn mags in Europe. Brooke Shields appeared in Sugar 'n' Spice magazine in the US when she was 10. Spread this info on social media.
It's widely practiced before a society collapses. Look at Greece and Rome.
>and i have turned out fine
the mere fact that you're here proves you didn't
>ask me anything losers
What's it like to have a mom?
>On /Pol
>Turned out Fine
Rethink your life user, we all suck here.
Are you straight? When you got reprimanded as a kid did you ever think "This man had a dick in his mouth."
Did he teach you how to fight? Did you guys chop down trees? I find gay dads to be endlessly hilarious.
kek, you wish
Everyone who drink water also dies
Society needs water. It doesn't need gays.
Did Justin Trudeau ever come over for a threesome with your cocksucking parents?
>my point
>(you)r head
You can't be gay and build a civilization. You need babies to do this. Homosexuality is the antithesis of progress, for there are no genes to propel your ideas into the future.
The point is correlation =/= causation.
>"I turned out fine"
>on Sup Forums
Lame and gay
This isn't correlation. Picture the first man, alone in a cave, fucking the second man. They invent rockets. 80 years later nobody cares. Prodigy is progress. Clean the jizz out of your gizzard.
>My point
>Your head
How many dudes did you kiss/sleep with till you realized you like girls?
dear op Hitler was a homosexual
You are like Hitler
would you kill your self
your self kills
Kill your Hitler
Jesus Christ you're a dumb one. My argument was that gays didn't cause the fall of rome/greece, much like how drinking water isn't the reason everyone dies. I said anything about reproduction not being necessary for a society to continue.
Your claim than offspring is required for the transfer of ideas is also wrong.
Tell me to kill my self
I never said anything*
waiting op
Were you ever (((touched)))?
Were there any benefits to that setup?
What were the negatives
do it pussy
tell me what to do
>i have turned out fine
tell me Hitler fucked my mom op
say it shit lord
>Hitler fucked my mom
Good to know that you were born in the end of WW2, what great stories did your mother tell you about Addy
Fucking leafs posters are shamful faggots holy shit
tell me to kill my self
say it jen
op was abused as a child. homos dont raise 'normal' children
Who's jen?
this is why you are a pussy
>i was raised by two gay dads
Did they put the pacifier in your ass when you were a baby to calm you?
le epic maymay XDD LMAO
The woman that will say high at 2216
two days from now
when you meet her it will cause a chain of events that cause you to see you failure.
Im so sorry for you. What was it like not having mother? Do you have mommy issues? Did you turn out to be a homo? Also did your fathers touch you sexually?
>and i have turned out fine
>am not gay
is it embarrassing that when you go to a bar for a beer, "both" your dads start sliding down the bar stool?
Also, is it true that two gay dads always make a gay son?
Oh yes. Because OP is a faggot.
The point is it's indicative of decadence that comes before the decline and destruction. Strong children are needed to defend any civilization and those can't be made by shoving dicks if your twinky pooper.
Offspring are absolutely required.
>turned out fine
people don't just either "turn out fine" or "turn out bad". Mostly it comes down to the individual parents but "turning out fine" is a spectrum – you may have turned out fine but you would have undoubtedly turned out even more fine with both male and female parents in the household. Science agrees that the psychology of child development is best balanced by the traditional family.
>2 dads still a lot better than 2 moms
Did the pediatricians ever get suspicious about your rectum falling out?
pick one, Canada is the Sweden of North America
so op whats it going to be
gonna keep polishing that ego
Nobody who advocates artificial wombs should have a problem with that.
At least there are two adults so he could experience how adults lead a relationship. Better than single parent.
didn't think so
cuck yourself
>and i have turned out fine
Then how do you explain your being here?
I don't get it?
No one cares about how you were raised by inferior parents leaf.
>sorry I'm not sorry. Rake day cometh
You still haven't answered my question. What did it feel like to be reprimanded by a man who had a dick in his mouth? Asking for a friend.
why are you so based. it's simply two times the test. what would raise a better male than two men? the traditional nuclear rocket man family is fine. but especially for boys these days who need proper male influences. what better than a house of dudes? a single woman? im sure lots of families turn out fine but it's nice to see you took the time
do you ever fondle your wifes black son?
Damn you, I want to know, what is it like being reprimanded by a man who's had a dick in his mouth!?! I must know! How do you respect such a man?! Does respect exist for such a creature? Is it possible for the male warrior spirit to submit to a man who has been penetrated?
>Posting on a frog sprouting alt rite hate forum
kys on cam famalam
Well it's nice that you're an exception but all the kids I grew up with that were raised by faggots all have chronic depression and aren't doing anything with their lives. One already killed himself after high school.
>I turned out fine!
He says, posting on Sup Forums.
No one is here because things are going well for them.
You didn't turn out fine if you thought posting this thread was a good idea.
are you nice?