This Podesta shit is going to be big.
They are already back peddling
Ho ho ho Olberman. His life must suck right now.
>stop obsessing over Russia
left for first 6 months
Left now
...this is what winning looks like
>Trump's inability to shut up about Russia
holy shit this can't be real
the best part is...
there's people walking around right now
that watch that shit and take it to heart.
typical charlesmansonite protege behavior signaling all year with this loon.
True if big :)
someone should call out Keith for being the left wing Alex Jones
If Olbermann isn't playing a character then he definitely is developing Schizophrenia. He'll be seeing Putin everywhere and having word salad conversations with reality in a few years.
Trump maybe talked about Russia 5 times out of his 50,000 tweets
You should have seen CNN tonight.
Apparently colluding with the Russians to influence American politics is no longer a big deal or something. It was oppo research goys - nothing to see here!
The gallows, for the lot of them.
My gramps gave me some wise words once “Never trust the words of whores”
Hahaha...oh the irony is to rich.
Well your grandpa was a smart man. My grandpa told me that the only good communist was a dead communist. We were both raised right.
>Olbermann having the gall to call out somebody's obsession
>tfw grandpa died before he could give me good advice
Holy shit, we literally won
USA truly lives in another dimension.
>When no news outlet will hire you and you have to LARP as one for a mens fashion magazine.
Sometimes I really feel sorry for keith I mean just imagine how much agitated he must be for straight 11 months.
this is the age of irony
none of this makes sense
how do I fight an enemy that is without form
you've got to be kidding the projection is so apparent it hurts... are they the only ones not aware of how this looks? are they just trolling us now?
These people are so retarded it bordering on insanity
goybermann.exe has stoppdd working
>literally pages and pages of keith olbermann twitter, youtube, and news articles about trump and russia """collusion"""
imagine being this assblasted.
gunna git u DRUMPHIES!!!!
why is it that degenerate fucks look like degenerate fucks?
is this an evolutionary thing to ensure they don't breed?
>taking internet spelling this serious
if you can logic, if you can reason
than why da fuk duz it matter how sumthing is spellt
If this thing blows up then we'll see many leftists denying that there ever was a "scandal" about Russia hacking the election. They'll genuinely believe it too, their brains will give them false memories to keep their world view in step with whatever the media is pushing.
i unironically want to see him shot on live TV.
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
Don't worry, they're working up ways to gaslight us all. Chief among them: WHITES ARE SO SILLY THEY THINK THE MINORITIES ARE GANGING UP ON THEM!
They'll find some way to bury this with race-baiting.
did wikileaks dump documents?
what was the date?
>Olbermann: This is madness
Olberman is insane, he’s the one that can’t shut up about Russia and now this. Alex Jones is the lolcow of the left, Olberman definitely achieved his goal of being the AJ of the left.
is this 4 real, where's my fkin link OP -- not that i didn't think Olberman was a walking-joke already
Alex Jones has a thousand times more substance than this moron.
There is nothing that this moron says that you don't get from CNN or MSNBC
Is olbermann our guy like mensch was? Surely no one could be this stupid and transparent?
That's a vintage meme right there. What is that, 08? 09?
Big block of shit.
It needed to be said
>Dec 14, 2007
Wew. I was close. I get nostalgic for the old days when I see a classic. Thanks user.
For some reasom saved.
The absolute state of liberal hypocrisy, right? Those arrogant fucks honestly believe that we have the memory of a goldfish, apparently.
My grandpa told me not to even talk to whores.
Your grandpa was a fag desu
This truly is what winning looks like
Thank you, thank you so much for this. I can not stop smiling
And news sources will start deleting and revising old news stories about it.
We're unironically going full 1984
>degenerate calling a man a fag for being upstanding
found the kike.
That's the most ironic headline I've ever read. We've crossed the threshold.
>whites think they face discrimination
>whites don't actually face discrimination because only a minority of whites experience it
We need a cap of all the Russian hysteria headlines followed by the back peddling.
>Trump's inability to shut up about Russia
Queef Oldbadman should be ashamed of himself. He should commit suicide. He's white.
this. It's hilarious to say the least.
But do normies also see this or are they too brainwashed for it?
This dossier shit is fucking nothing. It's old news. We already knew how it was funded.
There must be something else they're afraid of. What's being ignored is that the dossier is pretty much collusion with Russia, only through a British intermediary. That could be what they're afraid of, but we already knew that too. Hmm.
The left was obsessed with Russia, I guess they did it to create Russian collusion fatigue?
This guy is genuinely unhinged. Its hilarious
pic related
my friends from college dont even watch the news or read news headlines. Most of them just listen to their one friend that watches comedy central and has them tell them the news from watching colbert. But when asked about it they know that colbert isnt real news.
Says the country that takes their immigration advice from hollywood actors.
Oberman takes a knee and sucks DNC micro-penis. He should go back to his original job of sports reporting.
You should resize that pic to be as large as Sup Forums will allow.
Olbermann needs to die already
>they deliberately listen to second hand propaganda.
Can't say I'm surprised. Over here its even worse. Deep down nearly everybody knows refugees are somewhat bad for us and yet they all repeat what they hear "Mutti Merkel" say and publicly spout nothing but left wing propaganda and slogans.
>Sport reporting it's so comfy compared to daily lying to the country.
Yes we faggot in most instances it is okay to talk about Sup Forums as “we“.
>This Podesta shit
I've been away, gimme the basic gestalt.
>somewhat bad for us
just end yourself
Fucking saved, I'm dying m8 thanks
They just dont care to be honest. They have that one friend show them the funniest "news" skit from colbert that week. They don't care about what actually happened, only how funny and entertaining it is when a popular entertainer who can make silly voices and funny faces talks about it. Trump is the big bad evil guy with lots of money who is incredibly out of touch with the populace, thats the caricature most college students or post-college students have been given about him. Its partially the college brainwashing but also just the simple truth that they believe nothing in the news effects them.
>TRUMP'S inability to shut up about russia
whats the deal with germans being unable to question their leadership for all of modern history.
seems like you guys would have figured it out after the last war.
. . . . serious?
Yeah, for Übermann and the rest of them, this is now nothing more than a "who can scream 'no' louder" campaign. Not that it was much more than that before
Did you read any of that?
Hi new friend
What a faggot
I haven't seen this in a long time.
We won, soon they will look like total fools and con men liars that they are. Once the fake news outlets get spanked down and lose all credibility, all the bullshit shilling and propaganda spreading will go back to normal levels.
Topest keks Hillary mentioning yesterday that this russian uranium deal is just trump trying to divert from his own russian ties investigation.
The left will just collectively wipe their memories of the last 10 months and pretend the Russia shit is irrelevant and the media will follow along and down out all talk of Russia until everyone else forgets
I want public executions for every leftist in the nation.
This timeline is truly a gift that keeps on giving.
people who don't speak english as a first language will NEVER understand what this wall of text means
he looks like a scared child in this pic
like he's anticipating another beating by daddy Trump after mouthing off again