Assange Taunts Clinton

Julian Assange just mocked Clinton's birthday tweet from last year. Pic related. Either epic shitpost or tactical nuke incoming given all that has taken place this week. Please drop the goods on her birthday!

Did you really have to show your heart and retweet
Now it isn't even a guess as to whether you are a complete fag

> It's real

Fucking savage.

Kek. Shitposting extraordinaire.

I like /NuAssange/



I did it just for the (you)! Not disappointed. Now drink bleach and rid the world of a nigger.

houston btfo

Oh and to top it off JFK files are to be released too. Happy Birthday!


What do you guys think his suicide will be?

Playboy publicly operated a CP ring in the 70s. Girls as young as 4 appeared in their european magazines. Brooke Shields appeared in Sugar 'n' Spice nude at age 10. Spread this info on Social Media and contact independent media.

Holy fuck she's going to kill him
And here I thought that had happened already

Bomb the replies requesting #OctoberSurprise

The opposite, Kek willing.

The only way Assange could be capable of killing Hilldawg would be in a figurative sense and so far despite his best efforts he's failed to
There have been interesting things coming out of Wikileaks but nothing you could point to and say "this is the end of Hill's professional life"
the smoking gun is still somewhere out there across the horizon
Only when Julian comes forth with something that even the normiest normies can look at and say "that's fucked" will be when Hillary's career ends

I-It was her turn you fucking white bastards

While it's true we can't point to a particular email or even leak as the nail in the coffin, are you Fucking kidding? What he's done to her, what he set in motion and nudged and nudged and nudged has been worse than any death could ever be.

It's Chinese water torture that trickled away all of her power and all of her hopes and dreams and her ability to pay her enormous debts.

Why a day early tho? (Oct 25 instead of 26)

>would be in a figurative sense

I didn't mean literally, oc, although a huge dump alongside all other scandals developing, could very well induce extreme stress

>this is the end of Hill's professional life

Assange arguably cost her the Presidency

>the smoking gun is still somewhere out there across the horizon

And until that day... which may very well be tomorrow, we wait user

Fuck off.

Because sending it as she's being arrested would prevent her from seeing it?

Hillary's idea of charity.

Guys still stuck in the embassy, hes got nothing to do but shitpost all day. Literally /our guy/




They won’t. Pretty soon we’re going to get tired of winning.

top bantz

It's NOT releasing anything too damaging that keeps him alive. If assange ever btfos the deep state so badly that things can't get any worse, that's when his life is in the most danger.

Why is he doing such a petty thing? He's really gone downhill lately, with the conspiracy theories.