Why is the western media painting this guy as innocent when he was illegally drinking alcohol and using obscene gestures in a foreign country?
Why is the western media painting this guy as innocent when he was illegally drinking alcohol and using obscene...
>illegally drinking alcohol and using obscene gestures
Why are there bars in Dubai if alcohol is illegal. Why would they even sell it?
Muslim hypocrisy
Fuck off Ahmed.
That said, he should have known better than to go to a Muslim shithole with a modern fascia
What's with his eye?
>illegally drinking alcohol
Not illegal for foreigners. I drank in Dubai.
Maybe keep your hands to yourself, dumbass.
Come here and touch my hip britboy
Dubai is filled with hookers and booze.
Anyway, it sounds like Mr Tabaza is an insecure homo.
It is illegal.
its just not widely enforced.
Spoiler: all muslims secretly drink alcohol
>touching a man on the hip
He looks like a fag, to be honest.
>That face
Yeah, I'm going with "faggot". Hope he gets killed in jail there.
He's a Brit so Fuck him!
couldn't agree with this more definitely insecure maybe even bit curious
>The toucher
>go to a shitty country ruled by a shitty religion
>get treated like shit
>"wuh wuh wuh how could this happen to me"
its illegal youre just on a suspended sentence that any muslim can enact whenever they want
>faggot thinks he can touch men in muslim country
boy, we've really let you all get comfortable here havent we
He's british
You die in Dubai if you do guys.
Piss off mohammed goat raper, even the Sheikh has released him after we threatened to bomb his 100 husbands.
Fucking faggot.
>going to durkadurkastan
let him be a warning to others.
I'd omatingpress 0
He's already been released you stupid nigger.
Oh and he's Scottish so nice try. Fucking inbreds.
There is one major hotel with a bar...
It's ok if it is under the roof, because Allah can't see through the roof.
Anyone but number 3.
Well he went to a backwards country ruled by stupid, violent people. "Our allies" some would say, also "are you racist user?"
It's like those journalists taken hostage that come crying about it. You knew the rules, but you certainly don't throw yourself into the mouth of the beast and act like a victim that needs rescuing.
I've heard a good deal of these. Allah is on the other side of the river. Allah is watching my neighbour now. It's after midnight Allah is sleeping.
Because if there's a market, someone will provide for it. And there's always a market for drugs.
it would have been fine if the person he was touching was a 12 year old boy. Apparently it isn't gay if it is a kid in a Muslim shithole.
Because the pressure is on to liberalise islam, as per the agenda 2030 appt of bin chicken al whathisfuck.
The irony is KSA will be a libshit paradise of degeneracy in 30 years and you'll be thrown off a building as per sharia law.
>implying faggots dont rape children everywhere
It's hilarious what an islamo-facist backward hellhole Dubai is but they have money so everyone ignores it, they're like the Harvey Weinstein of Earth.
fukken saved
Guarantee this electrician was drunk and starting off on this guy - his initial story was that the Jordanian man was giving him aggressive looks from the other side of the bar and so he went to walk past him and touched his hip. It doesn't make any sense unless the bar is shaped like a corridor. The electrician was blatantly being a tool and taunting this guy then shoved past him to antagonize.
You also shouldn't be drinking and fucking in Dubai, the rules might be stupid but they are their rules. Only utter chavs go there, it's essex-upon-arabia.
Harvey Weinstein of Earth. Cheers mate, totally stealing that
>voluntarily going to muslim shitholes
Why do white people love going to shitty third world countries for vacation?
You would be amazed at how the overwhelming majority of the population don't internalize anything and just live transient lives based on what is directly in front of them. Statistics or news on terror just directly washes over them and any information on the state of the middle east and islamic nations is different to information about holidays in dubai. They just don't internalize information to have a coherent set of beliefs.
Why the fuck would the retard goto dubai and act like that though? he should know it's a shithole.
He deserves whatever he gets. If he wanted to pleb around with shitskins just goto london.
He said he's facing prison for the charges, illiterate fuck.
He has a NATO armband why?
At any rate, they ought to let the idiot go. He's so stupid he doesn't even know to avoid Arab shitholes.
good post
It's stone island.. uk hoolie clothing
Because of rich westerners and shit like that.
Just dont do it outside or in the open.
I mean the saudi royalty regularily has these tent parties with lots of alcohol, underage boys/girls and insane amounts of drugs anyways.
Its all just hyprocrisy but it will end to some extend with the new patriarch.
Hes basically a westerner from his mindset.
>Implying they're the only ones raping children
It's men. Men are rapists user. You don't need more qualifiers than that
if the west wasn't cucked to shit this guy would be smuggled out by the cia and mi6
instead they're smuggling slimes in
It is illegal for everyone, they just close both eyes for tourists and westerners.
I wasi n Dubai for a week and got shitfaced 3 times with plenty of coke.
Saudis are insane behind closed doors.
>adored by older women
god damn ive been hunted by milfs and cougars all my adult life. But i never had the urge to suck a cock.
I worked in saudi arabia years ago and the antifaggot police asked me a few questions once because I was just wandering alone after a party in a hotel.
This guy actually looks like a fag and after a few drinks he couldnt hide it.
pls be 9 pls be 9
Lol, when did sandnigger tribes started counting as countries?