Sup Forums VENT

Someone hurt you, didn't they Sup Forums?

Who was she and what did she do?

Sage and report, fucking shill

that fucking bitch Woodrow Wilson
that fucking bitch Lyndon Johnson
that fucking bitch Nixon
that fucking bitch Churchill
that fucking bitch Howard

Hillary a big dumb poopy head

Not mocking natsoc user - women are legitimately terrible and I'm curious how their actions have shaped your views

You ever fought a woman?

amelia earhart is a cunt

It was pretty dreadful, but she deserved it. She was the only one who could get under my skin, and I was the only one who could get under hers. It was bound to fail.


your mom when she sat on my dick too hard

Yeah, but reality will hurt her much more in the future

I once choked a canadian chick that I used to date.

They haven't, women are irrelevant animals you can fuck and dump, as long as you don't want children. If you want children, wife material is harder to find, since most women are used to getting all the attention just for being somewhat pretty, thus making a childish personality; plus no race mixing.

Playboy publicly operated a CP ring in the 70s. Girls as young as 4 appeared in their european magazines. Brooke Shields appeared in Sugar 'n' Spice nude at age 10. Spread this info on Social Media and contact independent media.

She fucked around and claimed she still loved me. I fucked around and said she hated me. Tough life eh

nah not really, i'm not a frustrated nice guy like many lefties and sjws so i understand that any problems i've had are my own responsibility and that the past doesn't define me.

cunts like this look so superficial and meaningless.

you're not actually smiling, you're not happy.... you're holding up a ceramic cup and pretending to be in a state of mind that you think will benefit you.

this dumb bitch will never be happy, while on the other hand, men don't have reproductive biological imperatives to uphold - we're emotionally crippled from a young age, it doesn't matter if we're alone, it's these stupid cunts who get hurt in the end, and they don't' realize this until it's too late.

keep smiling dumb bitches.

That face is so empty. It speaks of 1000 different dicks that have jizzed on it and one or many unfortunate guys who will blind himself to that fact out of emotion.

Hillary Clinton touched me in my nonos, it was so traumatic.
Please give me some justice against the white female matriarchy !

but was she nice?

Yes, O told her not to use teeth, she bit the tip off of my dick, now im left with a stub. It's ok I knocked her teeth out in return. Now I get gummies. When she shows she cares, we call it gummy bears.

She intentionally infected me with Hep C. Don't do drugs kids.

The woman in the OP needs braces, unfortunately. Definitely a habreed, where there's a large upper structure, but the bottom row of teeth seems to be combating, back to forward. Absolutely low priority, something invisaline can handle.

male tears....

men do cry.

men cry for a very few number of reasons.

men cry for a very few serious number of reasons.

what do women cry for?


No I take it back, will need braces. Ask her in 3 years you'll see she got them lol. Too much upper pressure it's actually bad enough for braces and she's like 29 lol