We eat lower life forms, is there anything wrong with a higher life form eating us?
Is eating humans wrong?
Of course not.
so why're human eating things so often depicted as "evil" in folklore and media?
There is chemicals or shit inside us that basically poisons us when we eat other humans.
You can probably find some1 to describe it better scientifically.
As for other species eating us, I think it could be viable but I think because of our long gestation period and maturity time, it probably wouldnt be worth it economically to keep us as cattle
why not just eat babies?
the other species i mean
Sometimes a man is born who breaks all conventions. This man could be seen as a God. He loves not what he creates, but what he destroys.
Because generally speaking morality is centered around our own in-groups, so if someone does bad things to humans then they must be "evil", even if we would tolerate doing that same thing to a "lesser" species.
Cannibalism is just as degenerate as homosexuality.
As it goes against our very purpose to procreate and multiply.
Naturally speaking humans are pretty shit at giving birth, the risk of losing the baby in womb, stillbirth, dieing in child birth when your young.
Economically innefficient
It could be a delicacy they keep for their higher ups tho, kinda like veal or expensive steak
what's your point?
i'm not talking about cannibalism
>is there anything wrong with a higher life form eating us?
cannibalism isn't a higher life form eating us. it's fucked up. even hippos don't eat each other. they protect the body.
>As it goes against our very purpose to procreate and multiply.
the only reason there's overpopulation is because we have no natural predators
Most laws and rules where created for practical purposes, eating human flesh has serious health problems, which is why most places banned or discouraged it.
>higher life form
pick one
Eat to live, don't live to eat.
Considering the fact that humans are the highest life form and always will be, even outside our own solar system, I sort of assumed you meant cannibalism.
t. retard
Yeah if gives you a dieases called something... but it's really bad. Hillary has it
That Mother Nature is a serial killer. No one is better at it or more creative. The universe had the temerity to bring sentience into existence and here we are, clambering around any half-baked intellectuals justification for that.
t. degenerate with vore fantasies
I'm an actual medical doctor and molecular biologist, lol I can't believe I'm actually posting here but I guess I am qualified to clear this up, so let me """lay down the law""" as they would say.
There is chemicals or shit inside us that basically poisons us when we eat other humans.
I’ve never really gotten why people are so uptight about eating human meat after the bastard croaks
Yeah I know it’s gross but have you seriously never wondered what we taste like? I’d try it just for the experience, I really would. Hell, I’ve thought about allowing anyone to eat a little hunk of my meat after I kick the bucket if they’re curious. Can someone tell me what the big deal is?
>Is eating humans wrong?
Yes, humans are filthy.
Cow eats cow it creates mad cow disease
Human eats human it creates kuru
Black rapes monkey it creates aids
We don’t do shit like this to our own kind or else it makes something worse
no you mental midget. just that there's nothing fundamentally wrong with aliens or zombies or whatever the fuck the horror genre comes up with, eating humans
Honestly, not that I would do this, but women are so fatty I bet the t h i c c ones taste so good.
I'll stick to steak though fuck that.
I was a real big fan of the tv series Hannibal, and I found out they actually hired like real scientists as advisors to figure out which parts of the body could be safely consumed for the show.
not quite
if you eat bone barrow, and nerve tissue, especially the brain, there is incurable progressive neurological affliction that basically makes your brain a swiss cheese and after, sometimes years of deterioration, with tremors, uncontrollable laughter and other symptoms the cannibal dies, however eating muscle tissue is safe for the most part and will be able to sustain you, as we have instances of cannibalism with no adverse health effects in the past
By that logic it is not wrong for lions to eat humans. Do you see how retarded you look, vorefag?
yea i realise there are certain parts that are safe for consumption, but desu if you resort to eating human flesh you probably arent qualified to make a medical diagnoses
Besides blood born pathogens you are at a very real risk of a prion disease like mad cow. Don't cannibalize, I am a real doctor, I was just having a laugh earlier.
>it is not wrong for lions to eat humans
correct. and?
yes but neurological issues from prion consumption would not likely occur from consuming muscle tissue, correct?
>Can someone tell me what the big deal is?
humans consuming humans might not be medically safe. but i think other species consuming humans is somehow "wrong" is borne out of some sort of pathological narcissism. sometimes i wonder if we're not just a cancer upon this world. honestly, what do humans do other than terrorize lesser species and rape the earth of its resources?
Eat too much and it will make you very ill, not Kuru but other illnesses.
Being a killer means having intention which "mother nature" lacks of because it's a fucking human made concept like God or what else.
It’s kinda weird but I want my bf to eat my girlpenis.
>he doesn’t think human intention is a creation of Mother Nature
This always seemed like bullshit to me the person you eat has to have it how many people have the kuru or mad cow? Fucking no one and it can be avoided easily just don’t eat vegetables when choosing people to eat problem solved.
And almost all human societies practiced canibalism in some form before modern times.
>kinda weird