(((modeling scout))) pedos in Brazil

>Searches for underage girls of German or Italian decent in Brazil
>hits on 13 year olds on their way to school
>offers their impoverished parents money to take their innocent daughters away

What else is going on here guys? Why is there always a (((merchant)))behid this creepy shit? Why are people so intimidated and afraid to name (((them)))?


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bump bc we're all niggers

Harvey wienstien?

It really is a shame. This should make the news in Germany and there should be solidarity visits by our politicians to help the pure remaining Germans down there.

>offers their impoverished parents money to take their innocent daughters away
We could probably help these people in the land of reverse evolution with a few million dollars but we spend billions on barbaric semi-primates from Africa.

Jews are hunting whites down, no matter where they hide.

They want to humilliate their women, rape their children and kill their men.

Super simple stuff.



I feel so bad for these people. These innocent girls are about to be (((enriched))). There is always a slick (((parasite))) behind this. Heartbreaking and infuriating .

When scouting for young white girls, Japanese model scouts go to Russia, since pedosexuality is pretty common and accepted in both our countries.

We should set up a gateway for these people into the west. Arranging false one year marriages will get citizenship for them.

all the red flags go off in that video, no doubt thats a human traffficking tactic.

>uncut dick
>Harvey (((Weinstein)))

sorry but its not real

Why don't you take Japanese lolis to model in Japan?

>go to Brazil
>find German qt
>age of consent is 14
>marry this pure virgin girl
>live on farm or work in factory
>have ten Brazilian German children

>age of consent is 14

Wait, the Jew York times just let someone admit that the best models come from German and Italian genetic stock? That sounds definitely racist. Mr Tepper will need to talk to him.

How great would it be if the Jews made Dr. Mengele's illegitimate granddaughter into a supermodel without knowing it?

This is exactly how pedophiles and human traffickers work. A certain group of people needs to be exterminated.

They purposely target rural areas and are granted access to these young girls by their schools during the school day....wtf that is just insane. This whole thing needs to be investigated and exposed.

I want to find out more. Brazil Anons should dig into this guy and this agency.

>we have to kill Jews because of models in Brazil

You lot are now dumber and more ideologically blind than game journalists.

>go to Brazil
>find German qt


God damn it are all of these (((people))) pedos???

Pedo jidf hasbra (((Tribe))) member detected

These guys are definitely raping these girls

Yeah I regret ever associating with the alt right and using their lingo.

At least leftists don't have the alt right's shame of being correct on race yet completely squandering it.

Oh, and the term is hasbarist.

Yes, (((these))) guys definitely are. Btw, the legal age of consent here is 18.


>13 yo

muricans are retarded

if you wouldn't fuck a 13 yo you're literally gay and will be the first on the day of the rope.

In Australia, pic related is called a trainer-beer.


Her left knee is raised ya dumb cunt.

It's still thinner than her arms.

Age of consent is 14. Don't spread lies.
>CP - Decreto Lei nº 2.848 de 07 de Dezembro de 1940
>Art. 217-A. Ter conjunção carnal ou praticar outro ato libidinoso com menor de 14 (catorze) anos: (Incluído pela Lei nº 12.015, de 2009)
>Pena - reclusão, de 8 (oito) a 15 (quinze) anos. (Incluído pela Lei nº 12.015, de 2009)

nice one shill

*monkey noises intensifies

Polio confirmed

Nazi's fled there, mostly Italian and German ones.

That's nothing. It's 13 here, and you're good to go if she's 12 as long as she turns 13 before the end of the year.

Pedophile is more of an umbrella term for any adult with sexual promiscuity towards a minor (sub 18)

This is true. I dont know about giving them money, but i feel bad for them anyway. The germans I know here are really hard working people, and dont deserve to live in this shithole full of niggers.

> Art. 217. Seduzir mulher virgem, menor de dezoito anos e maior de quatorze, e ter com ela conjunção carnal, aproveitando-se de sua inexperiência ou justificavel confiança:
> Pena - reclusão, de dois a quatro anos.

Free translation:

>Art. 217 Seducing a virgin woman, younger than eighteen years and older than foruteen, and have sexual relationship with her, taking advantage of her inexperience or justifiable trust:
> Penalty - reclusion, two to four years

Who is lying you misinformed fucker? Unless you can't interpret this excerpt properly, you illiterate.

>prepubescent children

how retarded you are ?
if you keep extending this term then you will end up in retarded state where even fucking your gf when she is 2 days before 28 will be a pedophilic act
like amurica alredy did
oh right

Gib big German tits.

>finding a girl who is virgin at 14

found the fag

Forgot one thing: don't fucking quote the Articles if you're not quoting word by word. In my post I've quoted word by word, as it is written there, and translated from that.

Hopefully you didn't change on purpose just to support your bullshit and only did so because you're illiterate.

>(Revogado pela Lei nº 11.106, de 2005)

Free translation:

>(Revoked by Law nº 11.106, 2005)

Here, word by word for you, lazy bastard;

>Bothering to split hairs over kiddy-rapists
>I'm not a pedophile! i'm a hebephile!
Sorry Mikhail, but here in the advanced world we don't cater to the deplorable and deranged.
>Pole trying to take the high ground
You're the africa of the Eastern front, even Slovakia has the leg up on you

>t. Le 56 %

you mongols are making new laws to chase pedos
in reality those laws are pain in the ass and real pedos in government are untouchable
go jail some anime weebo you mongol that's all you can do

What the hell is wrong with you people

>Why are people so intimidated and afraid to name (((them)))?
No one cares.

I want to do this when older tbqh. Not for people reasons but just to raise this girl right and then marry her.
It seems like the only way to not end up divorce raped and maybe even have a healthy marriage

Fuck you phone. Pedo reasons.

>nothing to see
(((Hides behind meme flag)))

[poo smell intensifies]

This is from 2010.

Funneling the underage gentiles to Dilson Stein.




No Korean girl worth her salt would have premarital sex or ever go with a foreigner. That's why it doesn't matter.

The fuck, Worst Korea. I thought you were civilized.

Poor people must be kept poor for a reason.

Now thats hot.

The three big pedophile centers in the USA are Hollywood, NYC, and Miami. Guess what they all (((have in common))).

Israel is also one of the largest human trafficking nations in the world, and actually abducts Slavic girls to be used as slaves in Tel Aviv brothels.

Ha, a kike is literally in charge of the operation, Dilson (((Stein)))

>our politicians
If only you knew how bad things really are