>be italian
>dad says my great grandpa fought in Mussolini's army
>start researching Mussolini
>shit is pretty badass
Why don't we ever meme Mussolini here?
>be italian
>dad says my great grandpa fought in Mussolini's army
>start researching Mussolini
>shit is pretty badass
Why don't we ever meme Mussolini here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because Sup Forums can only have one daddy and that's Adolf.
he wasn't as kind as hitler, and was more for the state and less for the people.
Because as big of a fuck up as Hitler was he managed to be at least slightly less of a fuck up than Mussolini.
How so?
Because wops are basically niggers without the athleticism or big dicks.
Because what Italy did cannot be replicated anymore; its philosophy is too deep and complex to be done without propers intellectuals and is just too far away from the present ideals for they to be born again.
Nazis are the same, but Sup Forums feel so much guilt for being the grandchildren of those who destroyed it that cannot let the idea go.
G-guys...anyone else notice the building says ISIS over and over again?
He couldn't handle a war against even Greece, requiring Hitler to bail him out and thus delay his invasion of the USSR.
It says 'SI'.
>the ideology that preaches state control over induvidual lives in all aspects
Just move to canada.
They will take your children away for not being gay enough and put you in prison for callin a tranny a wrong name.
Because they know better whats good for you.
Isnt that the fascism you wanted?
Because anyone who allies with Germany becomes it's fucking bitch boy, which leaves the Germans with an incompetent ally that just drags German forces to other fronts.
>now all of Europe due to the EU
Really Germany should just ally with no one at all. It'd make everyone much happier.
even has Gelati right next door
While we're on the subject of lesser discussed fascist dictators, how is Francisco Franco doing?
>Why don't we ever meme Mussolini here?
lurk moar
>hurrdurr dems r da real fascists!!!
I really like Mussolini-senpai.
>Why don't we ever meme Mussolini here?
you must be new
Mussolini was a cuck, couldn't handle shit
I wonder why Hitler started "working" with him in the first place
Fascism is nothing other than rampant elitist statism.
The core belief is that tge elite must dictate the people how to live.
Left fascism, right fascism centrist fascism - different agendas, the same shit, tge same short stick for you.
And the only difference between the Commies and Nazi is ethnic policies (internationalism vs nationalism) but at the core they are all the same shit.
>using ANTIFA's definition of fascism
Read a book nigga. By your retarded definition, practically every single country is "le evil fascist".
Playboy publicly operated a CP ring in the 70s. Girls as young as 4 appeared in their european magazines. Brooke Shields appeared in Sugar 'n' Spice nude at age 10. Spread this info on Social Media and contact independent media.
Mussolini was a pathetic loser. Italian troops lost every battle they fought in. The one time they won a victory was against fucking Ethiopia.
Rommel captured 19000 Italians in WW1, with hugely smaller forces. Italy were the 3rd wheel of the Axis.
Mussolini was an idiot too who only won a battle against poor Africans and even then it took way longer than it was supposed to. Germany could have taken Moscow had they not had to compensate for the fact the Italian army couldn't do fuck all of anything
I haven't seen him in a while.
I hope he's OK, my grandma is a big fan.
That big face literally looks like "big brother is watching you" type shit. Cringey as fuck compared to Germany
HAHAHA a Russian of course. The cuck baby’s of communism.
me too m8, me too
Nice hats. I think this is where Fascism really (and almost certainly only) excels: uniforms and head-wear.
>the Chad Fascist vs the Virgin National Socialist
It's pretty good at rebuilding destroyed nations. The Hugo Boss suits and Italian Head wear only sweeten the deal.
Im fairly certain thats the original definition of fascism.
Dont have the book on my hands right now but the point it was trying to make
>people are degenerate and cant be left alone
>to protect and guide the society the elite must hold it in a stranglehold
>because the elite are smarter and they know better what's good for you.
>every country is fascism
Almost every actually.
Why wont you embrace Trudeau?
He knows exactly what he is doing, he floods Canada with immigrants for better interest rates and better economy, and the grand plan of global globalist simgle market, just imagine SUCH PROSPERITY you just have to make a little sacrifice.
Why wont you shup up and endure?
Its for your own good after all.
Yeah, pretty fucking fascist.
>Why don't we ever meme Mussolini here?
Because he was a fucking idiot who only dragged Hitler and Germany down. Mussolini's and Italy's incompetence did more to defeat Germany than Poland and France combined.
Dunno. What about Hirohito?
Peak Smug
You want to know what fascism is? It's not a general term for totalitarianism.
Read pic related, it's only 47 pages, but explains a lot about fascism in an easy to digest way.
>audiobook version
Because Adolf is our dad.
Plus Benito whilst charismatic and with great presence was a good fit. His love of Jews and his belief there is no such thing as race really lowers himself down the ranking ladder.
>yfw you realise Hirohito and Heinrich Himmler are one in the same
Italians suck at warfare, thats why
This beats it.
Btfo'd by Svetozar Boroević
best pic is best
>His love of Jews and his belief there is no such thing as race really lowers himself down the ranking ladder.
Lol what he talked about race constantly and kept flip-flopping on italians being Mediterranean/Nordic
He also hated Jews but he knew a lot of Italians liked the local Jews in their small towns so he danced around the JQ. He still blamed Jews for the downfall of Rome though
>the fascist powerwalk
>Because he was a fucking idiot who only dragged Hitler and Germany down. Mussolini's and Italy's incompetence did more to defeat Germany than Poland and France combined.
Don't be butthurt. Mussolini's march on Rome and eventual takeover of the Italian state was a major source of practical Inspiration to Adolf. The Early days of the SA are almost exact copies of Mussolini's tactics and the two spoke often. Adolf sent Otto Skorzeny himself to rescue Mussolini in 1943, and If you hadn't noticed the entire world except for Japan Switzerland and Sweden were collectively shitting themselves and fighting on every possible front to stop the rising tides of Popular Fascism. You should probably re-read Mein Kampf, or just switch to the talmud before you embarrass yourself on a Namibian Banana farming forum.
That's what happens when you join a conflict with WW1 weaponry and retarded officers, the same officers that almost fucked up the entire WW1 for us at Caporetto
Because Adolf is the one leader, Mussolini lacked the style. I mean look at that disgusting mess "YES YES YES" it just looks like a dystopian shit hole hell bent on controlling the masses, Nazi Germany was far more empowering for the white man.
Shit yeah! I used to collect MUSCLE men! My favorite was Mussolini Dredel. I miss the 80s
>That's what happens when you join a conflict with WW1 weaponry and retarded officers, the same officers that almost fucked up the entire WW1 for us at Caporetto
This is why
Musolini wanted to delay the war until 1945
He knew that Italy was not ready
>hey, the Austrians defeated us at the Isonzo for the 10th time, let's try it again. The troops had no morale, but this time we will win.
He only disliked Jews from an anti-capitalist perspective. He didn't mind them racially,religiously or culturally and said due to their role in Italy's history that they were true Italians.
He also had a Jewish mistress.
As for race prior to the 1938 Racial Laws which Italy signed(with German insistence). The Italian army had songs about pretty black girls in Ethiopia and how they would liberate them from slavery and bring them before the Duce in a blackshirt and become a true Roman.
Majority of Italians despised Hitlers racial based system which aprticularly went after Jews above all over racial groups which the Germans had little interest in except for mixed race people who were sterilised.
Vid very related. Yes its very catchy. I have it in my HoI IV playlist for Italy on the music player.
Faccetta Nera (Little Black Face)
>I mean look at that disgusting mess "YES YES YES" it just looks like a dystopian shit hole hell bent on controlling the masses
That's kind of the appeal of it. A right-wing dystopia for any degenerates unfortunate enough to be born there
>nazi Germany was far mroe empowering for the white man
You sound like a negroid BLM supporter. You gonna demand reparations next?
Lmao I just posted him here. Like minds.
Why are Italians such a god damn liability.
meant to add this quote from Mussolini regarding race:
"Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five per cent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today.… National pride has no need of the delirium of race. "- Talks with Mussolini,1932
Well Italian Jews did serve in WW1, but he made multiple anti-semetic comments
muh dick
>Ethiopia bitches
dat ass
Interesting stuff though. Wikipedia shows a bunch of quotes and dialogue from Mussolini about race tho
>italian warfare
Didn't he go back and forth on this like 20 times though?
Mussolini looks more like a goofy uncle than a totalitarian dictator to me, he always appears really unserious(and Italian) in his photos.
Benito is displeased with your post
The biggest meme is Mussolini speaking of "Making America great" back in the 20's. KEK
I sound like a negroid for liking Nazi Germany? Nigger what
>Empowering the white man
>Empowering people of color
>Empowering women of color
>Empowering marginalized peoples
Wow, thanks for that gem. Never seen Benito speak in english before.
Italians are NOT white.
Khazars are NOT jews
>German and Italian soldiers on field exercises, 1934 (Colorized)
You are NOT white.
Admit it.
>t. gyppo LARPing as a Slovenian
the jews win again.
You KNOW it.
Mussolini wasn't very woke on the jq or race.
>war is everything
underage fag leave
be gone jew
This needs to be view with the knowledge that the French were defeated by the Germans after only 6 weeks of War.
Burgers are even LESS white than Italians.
Do NOT fear the truth.
ADMIT you are NOT white.
are you guys done sliding the thread with your kike tricks, or are you going to discuss Italian fascism like good goys should?
do NOT fear the truth
ADMIT you are NOT human
>Read Rommel's personal notes on his desert campaigns
>Hate italians even more
All you had to do was to give him supplies, yo stupid fucks! Why are you so incompetent?
>blaming your problems on romanian diaspora whist being s fuckup in ww2
Italians are humans, but NOT white.
we weren't prepared to fight that war to begin with, add that to a command structure that actively refused any efficiency improvement to avoid losing their privileges and you get the fuck up that was Italian performance in WW2
>>blaming romanian diaspora
you're not sending your best
>gyppo calling anyone not white
>Why don't we ever meme Mussolini here?
I do though. its no use, lauren southern amd other podcast intelectuals have a larger following
daily reminder hitler was retardrd
daily reminder the national socialist ideology is garbage
daily reminder germanics are subhuman
>declares war on Britain and France for no reason
>gets completely btfo in North Africa and needs the Germans to help
>gets completely btfo in Greece and needs the Germans to help
There's a reason we don't "meme" him here.
That's pretty fucking ugly. No wonder they threw him out, he shat all over those nice buildings with some avant garde shit
>be mussolini
>tell shitler the italian industry is not ready for war
>ribbentrop tells you germany wont start a war for atleast 4 years
>sign pact of steel
>shitler invades poland a few months later
made me think
futurism is the logical devlopment of art in an industrial society