>used to produce so many useful things
>never killed anyone
>illegal because dude weed lmao
>used to produce dynamite and obesity
>kills people on daily basis
>legal because some irish starved back in 17th century
>used to produce so many useful things
>never killed anyone
>illegal because dude weed lmao
>used to produce dynamite and obesity
>kills people on daily basis
>legal because some irish starved back in 17th century
You’re right. Ban spuds.
I could hit you with a potato, kill you and get a monument build.
I could not kill you with a bud, asshole
Nobody ever became obese from eating potatoes.
How dare you.
Weed reduces productivity.
Stop sabotaging your countries GDP by being an unproductive traitorous piece of shit.
(and no i dont care if you THINK you're productive on weed, the point is you could be more productive if you weren't).
Move to a better state.
God I hate this Irish cunt
LOTR was overall pretty stupid anyway, let’s face it
>spend 5 hours shitposting on Sup Forums
>spend 5 hours shitposting on Sup Forums stoned
What if I want to use the marijuana fibers to make ropes for the day of the rope?
Daily pot smoker here. If I don't quit soon, I'll never get anything done in my life.
If you have the ability to quit or cut down drastically, DO IT.
I wrote an entire book, edited 12 videos together (including my mother's wedding video, which she absolutely loved), cleaned my room twice, and went for 3 separate runs while high in the span of 24 hours a few days ago. Your "but weed makes you laaaazy" argument is garbage, and you know it. Everyone I know who smokes weed is 12x as productive while high, and they fall asleep much easier afterwards, too.
Lord of the Rings were great movies cunt, they are superior over the new shit that gets produced these days
Even classic shit like star wars died after the new politically correct jewish directors ass raped the series into the fucking dirt
I had 2 seizures when I tried my first dab, I was in the hospital passed out for 10+ hours . Weed isnt a perfect drug.
illegal because your brain is rotting, just like you right now when you made this thread
I think that was crystal meth my dude
fucking zombie
In the west, the mind is sacred.
Polluting/destroying your mind is a sin. Everyone understands that.... except potheads.
>Your "but weed makes you laaaazy" argument is garbage,
oh dear, weed impacts cognitive reasoning skills by the looks of it :(
Nobody in the thread has asserted it makes you lazy, the consensus is it makes you LESS PRODUCTIVE.
Imagine what you could have done in that 24 hour period if you were operating at 100%...
You'll never know, until you stop being a weed junkie and actually try.
Nah Star Wars was a fun ride with an amazing sequel and an adequate ending. The rest was just business. Jews this Jews that. Shut the fuck up. Profits and business are what ruins shit. Look at halo amazing first game, groundbreaking sequel and a masterful ending but what about now? It's being dragged on and squeezed out for whatever we're willing to fork out. Once bottom lines and projected profits take over the desire to create/innovate that something is going to suck.
>never killed anyone
This isn't entirely true. Smoking just about anything on a regular basis will raise chances of cancer.
Furthermore, I'd wager at least one person has been killed or seriously injured by a driver under the influence.
Stay mad cunt and why I would be more productive for the kikes already? Better be stoned if you are forced to work in order to survive
>Better be stoned if you are forced to work in order to survive
>this deadbeat faggot wants society to feed him and clothe him like he's a little baby who doesn't need to do anything.
because, you dirty commie, in your Utopian world were everyone is a subsistence farmer, trying to grow enough to survive the winter, productivity on your plot impacts how much free-time you have at the end of the day, to read manifestos.
You want to read more manifestos don't you?
You're a fucking idiot. The works of Tolkien were the first of a new era int he field of fantasy.
the man wants you to be content sitting on your ass glued to the TV or computer, getting high is mind control. it feels good, i did it for a long time, it's fun, but you're doing exactly what they want you to do. being a docile little doggie
To be fair though doing god damn near anything raises your chances of cancer. That little device you carry in your pocket? Watching too much tv? Eating fucking Nutella? It's all associated with the big c.
I work 6 days a week you fucking nigger, weed is better than opiates to treat my back problems and cheaper than the Pharmaceutical Jew but hey, you're smart, keep judging
Don't you have some roo to fuck? Calling people commies out of nowhere is retarded
We should legalize skub instead.
Skub kills all known forms of cancer, and can cause on to develop an intuitive understanding of the stock market. With skub, you can become both immortal and incredibly wealthy. Its the secret the elites are keeping from all of us. Not the secret space program, or the long-term goal of leaving for another world, abandoning the rest of humanity to starve in pure, radioactive chaos.
All I see in this thread is a bunch of closeted faggots whining about weed instead of actually trying to do something with their lives. If it works for some people, why not just leave them be? Unless, could it be, you have no lives and want to tell other people how to live theirs?
I guarantee I smoke more than anyone else in this thread and am more redpilled.
Whhy is it always kids between the ages of 10-20...
o wait Sup Forums..
Whatever. I have job keeping air planes in the sky and keeping your credit card data safe.
If i go home and smoke thhe fuck do i care what your faggot ass thinks? Un productive? HAHAHHAHAH Yeah basically EVERYONE who has a job.. when they get home. wants to be un productive or as un productive as possible.
I'm 23, I've been smoking since 13/14, I'm graduated with honors at IT. If you still smoking like me, think a bit. Use your mind,