Thanks SJW's

It's over boys. The greatest movie franchise of all time has been ruined.
>“To me, the fun of Star Wars is the glory of possibility," he says.
>"So it seems insanely narrow-minded and counterintuitive to say that there wouldn’t be a homosexual character in that world.”

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Lmfao and they wonder why Trump won.

Two shit characters in a shit sequel push in each other's shit.

Honestly, they all triggered my gaydar, especially Daisy. She seems like a gay.

Faggots never add anything to a story. It's pointless to force it as a point.

Tbh those two faggots and their "romance" were still more interesting than the female protagonist from what I remember.

Here's the link in case anyone is interested.

Oops. Apologies fellas. In all fucked up.

Okay yea the new ones are garbage true, but why put the bullet in the head? To add insult to injury or something? Man I'm legitimately upset over this. Star wars was a huge part of my life.

As long as they're making the nigger gay, I don't really mind.

it's already been done the new movies are shit anyway

>Man I'm legitimately upset over this
Why? The moment it was bought by Disney you should have known it would go down the shitter.

I know man. I knew it. Most people did. But I still had an ounce of hope that MAYBE it would be okay and I was just over reacting. I was wrong. I should have known better. Especially since it's coming from disney.

This was unironically good

if they would have paired ray and finn you guys would have lost your mind on that.
if they found a black women to be paired with finn you guys cry about blackwashing
and now that they mad the black guy gay, you guys still found a way to be triggered by that.
Sup Forums really is the right-SJW

The only cool black guys in star wars was Lando and Mace.
Now a days it's like state enforced homosexuality and tolerance.

>Watching hollywood movies

How do you think they made it through auditions? They gave the best head.

Fuck yeah!
Celebration time niggaz

I thought Finn and Paul were just going to be buddies, not butt buddies.

>having one black guy and first gay couple in a dumb movie is state enforced homosexuality and tolerance
like i said right-SJW and snowflakes


the newest star trek tv show is taking the planet by storm. get on the ship or get back to dharma and greg. newest south park. just confirming the best memes and gayness. welcome to life and enjoy your stay

Niggy shot pozloads first!

>greatest movie franchise of all time
are you for real?


(((JJ Abrams)))


lol what he says. go on. tell me what was so "wat"

>Watching hollywood movies
Kids do, this is how to prepare the next generation of pozloads.

kek, this.
not like I will watch the movie, because the first one already was boring as fuck and depended entirely on nostalgia, but if they want to shove their agenda on minorities I don't really care

truvada. enjoy the ass cancer

Dead serious. Not lord of the rings or Harry potter, star wars has had the most influence and impact in movie history
Oh shit I tottaly forget he is a jew. Why do Jews have to fucking ruin everything?

Yea but we don't have to see a nigger kiss a white girl when we watch the movie

that coon is so fucking annoying. " i have to keep pushing sjw shit now im this far. no i dont care about the fans this is a time to teach them gays and blacks are like everyone else!" such a fucking faggot. who lets these people culturally appropiate this hard

>What is Lord of the Rings

Dude nobody knows what you are trying to say. Get all the cock out of your mouth and try again fag.

muh bbc. or are you the black commies? are you the anarcho socialists?

fuck off hazel

Hahah to be a black actor in Star Wars you have to be a faggot.

Fuck that guys life. I don't think they could pay me enough. Maybe like 10 billion dollars every year for the rest of my life or something similar.

Next movie will have a 17 minute hardcore gay sex scene. Hailed as progressive, highest rated movie on rotten tomatoes.

I haven't seen any of these shitty movies since the prequels (which were god awful enough by themselves) so I don't care. Why do you any of you care about this garbage? Go experience real Western culture not this drivel.

>Oh shit I tottaly forget he is a jew. Why do Jews have to fucking ruin everything?

Because white people are a threat to the (((Chosen))). But look at his skin colour and his eye colour, he's whiter than most Americans which is funny... White when they want to be, Jewish when they need to be.

hi screech

Star Wars has been shit since the late 90s. I just want the original theatrical releases remastered without all the bullshit

Millennial faggot spotted

u wot m8

Who /giantniggerbots/ here?


I can't stand jews. They ruined Germany and europe and now they are trying to ruin us. Their international click is nothing but pure evil.

i'm only cool with this if boyega's the bottom also i would have bet my bottom dollar on them blacking rey but i guess the reylo theories are true

Nobody understands what this fag is trying to say. It's like he's using Google translate.

They will try that's for certain.

Honestly if would be better for the white race to show boyega as a fagot than to have Jews push the idea that he's somehow desirable and show him seducing Ray

Indeed they will.

Star Wars ended in 1983.

A Jew created this franchise anyway, let them destroy it. They're not harming us, some weak minded will fall for it, let them. The smart ones will see it all for what it is. It is those smart people that are of value, not the trashy SJW green hair dye'd prissy little princesses.

And they will fail like they have done before.

>fail like they done before
They succeeded at stopping Germany who got closer than anyone else in history. Hitler was our last hope.

who fucking cares

>The greatest movie franchise of all time

americans and their shit taste

>Still watching Hollywood interracial propaganda produced by pedos and perverts

Kawoshin is such a terrible pairing

>Last hope
Oh please... He helped in the formation of Israel itself. They will fail like they always do and do you know why? Because like their Muslim brothers they are idiots deep down. They reveal their plans, they reveal their intentions they just can't help themselves. They are not covert, they are not sneaky not really anyway, if they were they would shut the fuck up, stop boasting, stop gloating, stop all this shit and just do it, slowly and quietly like a deadly predator.

They are no deadly predator... History will continue to repeat itself until we are all dead.

At least the Chinks will censor out those parts in their Pirate Blu Ray DVDs

>The greatest movie franchise of all time
muh shitty pop culture

Dont you have nation's to be surrendering to?

Not in a million fucking years would modern Disney pass up an opportunity for a white woman to get blacked. Finn is straight deal with it.

me babby me no speakee da enghee

It was never that great of a movie franchise. Lucas became shit at storytelling by the time Episode 1 released, and its never been as good as the original trilogy since then. Hell, even the original trilogy was only "decent."

You called me a character from Saved by the Bell?

Revenge of the Sith was my favorite out of the prequels. The original 3 were amazing. At least to me. To each their own.

yeah because muh hardcore sexuality mixed into a series from youthhood. screech made a sex tape sounds as similiar and relevant and needing a bel ami orgy in this movie

Fuck this crap!

I would rather have a blacked heroine than blacked faggots.

Fuck star wars


I don't speak Gaylick

Doesn't matter. Star Wars has been dead for decades.

At this point, I laugh when they do this shit. They're making it so blatant now that even normies see the agenda.

so it's literally nothing, they're just hinting at it so that they can sell gays more merchandise. yeah nothing new.


Yeah, let's promote more faggotry, it will certainly save the west right?

star wars will speak in currency as this has it take off. that is all

Dude wtf are you trying to say?

what he said.

Star Wars has always been shit but I can see why people liked the original trilogy. Why anyone would like the new Disney films is beyond me though.

better than him fucking lukes super hot daughter

The prequels had the potential to be great, due to the story that was actually being told "giving those with victim status power leads corrupt people to pretend to be victims," but Lucas did a horrible job telling that story.

If you listen to Alex Jones actually break down the plot of the prequels, you'd be really interested to watch it, but all the prequels were horrible compared to the originals, which were, again, only decent.

Star Wars was ruined when Lucas added a crappy Jabba the Hut in A New Hope. It's been over for a long time, you just wouldn't let it go.

Those 2 both give off gay in real life vibes...I bet theyve fucked.

Agreed - it was better than Boss Nigger.

C3P0 was light comic relief in the earlier movies. Him and R2D2 even had their own story lines. Why do they have to push it in this one, it was always known that C3PO was a whiny faggot and everyone loved him for it. But now we get these gay boys trying to push it on us. C3PO kept it to himself. Jedi aren't meant to have fucking relationships.


Mark said his character is probably Gay. So, probably not his daughter.

I want lucas back. I'm sorry.

>'Positive depictions of gay relationships are generally censored by the Chinese film board and Disney have invested a whopping $4billion in the Star Wars franchise'

It's a shame that he got so greedy and arrogant. He has a brilliant imagination, if he would have just seen his weaknesses and let someone else help him create his vision Star Wars would be the greatest story of our age.
But that didn't happen. And it sucks now.

It's "clique" you brainlet

All I know is that George Lucas says that the whole rise of of the empire was based on the Nazi party. Hell, star wars was inspired by WWII and the Nazis. Imperial officers are wearing German officer uniforms.
So it's clear what the prequels were about and how the franchise relates to history. Loosely based obviously.

This huwhite man has a point, would be boxoffice suicide to include gays, ghosts or timetravel in a franchise this large.

That said, does china care about star wars?

Greatest franchise my ass, it had like 2 good movies and that's it, and knights of the old republic was a really good game, but the franchise is still horse shit.


>Bow to mammon user. What will you do for fame and cocaine, money and a fanhood willing to praise you?

t. satan

Is it bad that I am more ok with this than Finn being with Rey?

>Adding gay characters to a series that is literally propped up by China
what could possibly go wrong

The newest Star Wars movie would have flopped if not for China.