Brexit is an unmitigated disaster.
He is right, Brits
Other urls found in this thread:
>unironically believing the main Jew of Jew York
And they wonder why they got ovened.
Yeah, ok.
>unironically believing the main Jew of Jew York
He is a billionaire.
Not as stupid as letting slimy jews run international finance.
Billionaires are smart and have no interest to lie.
Ah, yes, Hans, he must be an honest person because he's a billionaire. You modern Germans are so easily duped.
Getting pretty sick of the jews
He's nowhere near as rich as Putin.
Fuck off shill
Its literally people thatll lose money that have an issue with it. Really boggles the macadamias
>smart people stand to gain nothing from deceiving you
Holy shit, I see how the kikes were able to get such a stranglehold on your society.
>He is right, Brits
He's a globalist kike.
Oh no giant financial institutions that are aren't beholden to anyone or thing and have no accountability are mad about brexit.
>it's hard to understand why a country that was doing so well would want to ruin it
Meanwhile in South Africa and Rhodesia
Either OP knows little about Brexit and Trump or this is some quality bait
To be fair, Brexit isn't going well.
It's going to cost billions, EU law gets copied word for word into UK law and immigrants get to stay.
Could it have worked? Not with May and Boris shitting up the process. The UK loses everything in this, but gets to keep the immigrants. Some brilliant dealmaking going on there.
Billionaires are smart and have no interest to lie
The fucking state of you.
Shut up Meg
Isn't it funny how jews seem to be very outspoken about anything that runs against the globalist narrative?
Britain and America are the only chads left besides Chad.
His mother not aborting him was the worst thing any woman has done since climbing out of the swamp pits.
These people are gonna pay one day...
Stop manspreading
He could not hear this other dude.
It was incredible how in the weeks before the referendum leftists were citing these people's opinions like they were gods, whereas just a few years before they were the stupid evil 1% who crashed the economy. If they were at all consistent they would have seen which side the banks supported and have thought "maybe brexit is actually a good idea"
the stupidest just might be soda pop 16oz or go to jail
As is George Soros and the Rothschilds who also say Brexit is bad.
Do you think I or anyone else here cares what these nation wreckers have to say? You only start these threads when the media favours your side for once. You've been quiet the past couple of weeks because it's been bad bad bad bad news for the EU and now this little shimmer of light that you cling to. Is this best you've got?
Is this honestly the best you've fucking got? Go back to your cuckshed you pathetic little bitch.
No, Berndt, it is your country that is a disaster. Only a subjewgated leader can let more than 1 million sandniggers in without understanding the possible outcome. Your heritage will eventually be flushed out, no branded beer, no sausages and punctuality. Only kebabs, Allah and sharia. And don't even dare to say in 10 years that we didn't tell you so.
Good goy, love your Jewish billionaires. They know what is best for you.
change the filename to AMERICA_FIRST.webm
LOL A+ Trump
and the blocker smiled and forgot the second it happened, good thing is wasn't a pronoun or we'd still be hearing about it
But we all know that would be a lie and lying is bad Israel.
Very bad.
FPBP and cheqd
Everything is going to plan...
Erry time, its not even funny anymore
>and have no interest to lie.
the absolute state of cuckmany
Oy vey
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
I would have voted for brexit even if it was guaranteed to crash our economy. Actually, I’m kind of disappointed that it won’t.
It's like Toby Young said, they wait all their lives for the Revolution, then when it finally comes they side with the bourgeoisie.
>besides trump
how to make reader lost interesting JUST from the title alone
Europe is a German first project.
Euro is an abomination (except for Germany/Netherlands)
Norway doing fine (yes because of oil)
Switzerland doing fine (yes because their unique position)
UK will do fine (because of their large base economy and own currency)
Stop crying. It's not that hard to understand. If the government would fuck off and just let people trade (sure they can watch quality) we wouldn't need any of this bullshit.
I have to admit I nearly choked on my tea, these are the same people that said the same things when we didn't adopt the Euro currency.
Exact same people, the kind of fucking slime that does this.
Yeah they don't lie at all. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
It already crashed your economy. While every country in Europe is booming right now, you hve stagnant 1 - 1.5 percent growth while the pound has crashed.
The SAME cuckman sachs that got Greece into the mess that it's in by cooking their financial books.
And that German should know fucking better. My guess is that the Turkroach has returned. Oh how I've missed that disgusting little shitskin.
He was the worst most arrogant piece of shit mayor of NYC, scammed a 3rd term, what's crazy is DeBlasio is even worse. I really can't say anything good about his 12yrs as mayor, only good thing is he didn't wreck NYC like DeBlasio has done in just a few years.
New York is unmitigated disaster outside of JYC and Albany. Good thing your shithead supporters and Cuomo's for that matter are fleeing and fucking up the rest of us too.
Brexit is only a mistake because of the people we have in power who will abuse it to create their 1984 on steroids fantasy a reality, politicians ruin every great idea by coating it in shit.
The smart thing to do is to keep the floodgates open and let in millions of foreigners
You're a fucking idiot.
( ( ( B E R G ) ) )
Not adopting the Euro was a mistake for Britain. You could be an export nation now. But you are not and have big societal problems.
If the kikes are unhappy with a decision you've made then you're doing the right thing.
Anyone who can't see Brexit is an unmitigated disaster is deluded.
Ye can't say ye weren't warned either, eejits.
No opinion on Bloomberg.
Brexit is a problem
Yeah it crashed it for a day and then it recovered, even remainers are shocked by this.
The EU isn't booming at all, in fact Italian banks need bailing out again, Greek banks do too. Spanish unemployment is up even more and our trade deficit with the EU has increased. In fact you're costing us a lot of money, so any negatives to our economy can be attributed to the EU's handling of the Eurozone crisis.
I would focus on cleaning that up before you mock us. Oh and I know you Germans are upset about having to plug that 60 billion euro hole that's almost as big as Merkels rotten cunt. But pay up you will! Like the good little cucks you are.
Dumb potato nigger
>you should have continental courts overrule your law
>n-no what do you mean Colombian courts should overrule US law haha no we are independent haha
Fuck off meddling (((Yank)))
And stay salty Hans Abdullah Goldenblitzberg
Merkel's answer, lets flood europe with 3rd world inbred refugees that will make problems a lot worse.
I cannot take you seriously, I just can't.
>Not adopting the Euro was a mistake for Britain.
Yes because surrendering fiscal and monetary controls over to a foreign power to you is a smart move isn't it?
Billionaires don't lie, surrendering of financial controls is a good thing. Next you'll be telling me that you actually enjoy changing your bed sheets after Abullah bin Jamal has gone 10 rounds with your wife.
Get the hell out of here you idiot.
All of you should have never gotten involved in that racket as is.
I've 63m in the bank and I'd shit you over anyday of the week if I could just for the lulz, and so would most of my friend who got even more money than I do.
But please do keep sucking our sulfurous cocks, you lowlife brainless shit stain
The pound never recovered. Look it up.
>Big Brother Bloomberg doesn't like a thing
Brexit is clearly good when police state filth him don't like it.
What's the matter Hans, afraid more of your protectorate states are going to wise up and ditch you?
You tell em, Britain!
And yet we will still find time to bail out your failure of a country. Yeah...
Well it was sold as just a trading bloc, we're getting out of this shitshow soon enough, even if we have to kill our fucking leaders we will get out.
But no, Merkel is wise, she knows what's good for Europe, the Germans know what's good for Europe don't argue against them! No no no, they know it all, let them rule Europe and run it into the ground, the only thing I would request is that Europe doesn't come knocking on our door for help.
The £ has been overvalued for a long time and it is at pre Brexit levels, it has been in decline since early 2011 which is a good thing. Idiot.
Says the jew filth that changed the rules to a third term then changed the rules back so no one else could get a third term. This billionaire kike is such a tyrant he then tried to ban soda.
Bitter Gercucks still upset we're leaving! The cash cow has finally run dry! I'm sure Turkey will cover the deficit we're creating, you used us for too long treating us like the black sheep of the family and this is why I voted leave.
No matter the consequences, sovereignty is the best option
And if King Oven says it's bad, than it's a good idea to keep doing it Pa
What about people like the inbred Paki of Londonstan? You can't just get rid of them all somehow, r-right?
I actually love it.
They dont even seem to understand they are containing their caliphate and not vice versa. brits are trisomy21-dindoos.
Every time
>Wall street billionaire wonder why people would want to push back against globalism
Colour me surprised
>EU law gets copied word for word into UK law
But those laws can now be replaced or removed if we so choose.
The mistake is is that these rich cunts think they've given us money, we have bailed their arses out numerous times for their constant failures in gambling. What they say is irrelevant to us, when they buy me a porsche or a gucci wallet then maybe I'll care. Until then? They can all fucking burn.
I would worry a lot more about the mainland. I honestly would. This graph doesn't even factor in the 2 million that Merkel let in, you can add 2 million to Germany's number and you can also add in the 500,000 that went missing in Germany.
Yeah, we have problems for sure, we do and we don't like it which is why we've taken action and will continue to take action.
Mainland Europe? It's over for you guys, sorry. Oh and America you might have vast empty land where you don't really notice your nignogs but you have an infestation and I would eradicate it.
their face when london willl be 21% white soon.
brexit is the best that could have happened to europe. anglos wont stop importing muzzies. in fact, they import more than ever. brexit is a containment solution for muzzies. ship them to the island apes
sure ahmed, you are a free empire again soon lel
The UK paid a strong initial fee for the right to alter its destiny in the future
Every single person who argue against brexit make the same, historical mistake
They think economy is everything
>Be german
>Sandniggers running rampant in my country
>Rape women everyday
>Crime rising
>Actual germans become second class citizens
>'Refugees' have got more rights than we do, they are not prosecuted when commiting crimes unless such crimes make it to the news
>Police covers thousands of sexual assault and rape cases because they are afraid to be called racist
>No-go zones finally recognised by government
>Go on Sup Forums
>Tell brits their country is stupid
google demographics, try to understand ahmed
There isn't a single honest billionaire on the planet.
>The cash cow has finally run dry!
we pay 30 bn net to Eastern and Southern Europe per year, not to mentiom the 1 trillion in free loans through Target 2.
For most of your membership you paid 1bn or less net per year due to your rebate. Only in the last 3-4yrs has this changed.
You are no cash cow and never were. You are just leaches, leaching of the Eastern Europe education system.
>anglos wont stop importing muzzies. in fact, they import more than ever. brexit is a containment solution for muzzies.
You reason as if we stopped importing them in Europe. We are all at risk, be it Europeans, Brits or Americans.
Shitflinging at eachother won't fix that
I'd rather sink as captain than sail as cabin boy.
>out of the way, nerd
It's only a disaster because one party is putting their fingers into their ears and starts going lalalalala once the negotiations begin
(((Bloomberg))) banned soft drink vending machines in public schools and other city properties, put Snapple vending machines instead, his kike friend owns Snapple. Said soft drinks were too high in sugar content, meanwhile a Snapple fruit juice or ice tea has just as much sugar as a can of coke. 37g of sugar for Snapple Lemon Tea, 47g for Snapple Fruit Punch & 39g for a can of coke.
He jewed the fuck out of new york with crooked one sided bullshit deals like this. The coke, it has a lot of sugar in it, not healthy, here drink a snapple fruit that has even more goyim, it's good for all of you's.
And yet us apes are smarter, better, and will survive the next 100 years. You? Your people? I'd offer you my sympathies but that would imply you're worth something and I'll be honest with you, you know and I know that you and your kind are not worth anything.
It is you that doesn't seem to understand Amjit. I posted the facts, Cameron told Merkel not to invite the third world. You were warned by us and others in Europe warned you. And you still seem to think you can foist off your problem onto Poland or Hungary or anyone else?
Nah you don't get to do that I'm afraid.