Name a More Based Country

>Hates Muslims
>Hates Gays
>Hates EU
>Hates Nazism
>Hates Communism

Why can't we be more like Lithuania?

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BTW you guys should know, its easier and cheaper for me to be able to migrate to lithuania then to sweden.
there has been massive immigration of pakistanis to lithuania in the last 5-6 years.

Lithuania is very cool

but it will be invaded by Russia so ...

How do they feel about productive american, conservative white males migrating there?

Looks pretty nice.

don't know about white m8

Pretty much all Lithuanian women here are coal burners, actually most eastern euro women are.


Hungary. I think they are more based.

no more Immigration in Eastern Europe especially by Pajeet

BTW romanian is also pretty easy for me to migrate to. easier and cheaper then sweden.

Well, why do you think they're there in the first place.

be careful your distant relatives don't like competition at the gibs

>Hates EU
They are their biggest balls licker
>Hates nazism
They actively collaborated with them during WW2
>Hates communism
They backstabbed Poland in 1919 during war with Bolsheviks and praised Stalin do much he gave them Wilno twice, in 1939 and in 1945

So this song is going to be played at every Antifa rally, right?

im going to assume you are talking about gypsies. buddy they were from south india.

There will be another Crusade. Either we join and recreate the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth or not.

We also have mandatory military service so our men are not soy boys like in the west.

>Hates muslims
>Hates Gays
True in school being called gay is the same as a nazi in america, However we do have a political party that constantly pushed gay pride parades and other such BS. Nobody likes them.
>Hates EU
Not true. Most people still like the EU, the common normie can't disstinguish the difference between the EU and NATO.
>Hates Nazism
Nope. Nobody cares. Hitler was like Napoleon. A good leader that freed us from the Russians but lost the war.
>Hates Communism
True. More so than most countries in Europe. We experienced first hand how communism doesn't work.

You do know that Lithuanian population is dropping so fast that in 15-20 years there will be no more people living there?


As a person who cycles I really dislike their truck drivers.

As a person who drives and walks everyone really dislikes you.


I have the money to move to eastern europe and live to a realistically high standard.

However, in terms of me fitting in and being accepted how likely?

As in, will the locals be nice, or will I get beaten walking down the street. Not that im scared of some slav cucks

i agree

i c wut u did there

We are not Slav we are Baltic there is a big difference.

Okay central european monkey, your baltic, now are you able to answer my question, pig.

you lost me at 'hates nazis'

Lmao i laugh everytime people ask if they will get beaten up by the locals xD Central Europe is not a warzone xD True if you look oriental you might experience some racism by some chav but in biggest cities people are rather tolerant

"I'm not a nigger I'm an abo!"
top lek

>hates nazism

Being a pig means Muslims are afraid of you. But as long as you're white I don't think so.

Depends, First you would get beaten up for saying were slavs, others would pretend to like you, but when you're not around, laught at your sissy boy British accent.

I can confirm this

You don't have biking in your culture, just saddle down an emu, free transport mate.

IsnĀ“t Lithuania just like a worse version of Poland?

do you hit jumps with ur bike?

don't do that

This is my point. You will still act like niggers and gang bang and shit

>Hates Nazism
That's not based. Besides, Lithuania loves nazism. The nazis were welcomed to Lithuania as liberators from (((Russian))) communism. The government and people collaborated with the nazis. There were around 40,000 soldiers in the TAR (Lithuanian Territorial Corps) fighting in Hitler's army in the USSR. They are seen as freedom fighters and are a source of anti-Russian national identity. And there aren't any jews there to guilt them about it like in Germany. They don't give a fuck and openly celebrate their nazi history on national holidays.

I second that.

They don't hate nazis, nazis got them their city back, Vilinus used to be a Jewish city.

>hates muslims
>hates gays
>hate EU
>Loves Nazi
>Hates communism

how can you even compete.

The thing about nazis here is that we don't really care. Our dislike for nazis is overshadowed by our hate for the commies.


Fuck off, this is JUVE-land

Forgot one
>sucks Russian cock