What did Trump do to the press?

CNN, WSJ, the Jew York times, are all suddenly posting anti-Clinton / DNC stories now. We've known about this shit for well over a year, as all the info was released via wikileaks, and yet it was ALL IGNORED by the fucking leftist press.

Until now.

What happened? They sure as fuck aren't reporting this shit of their own accord, as none of them have the integrity to do so.

Other urls found in this thread:


There are two options: one, their blatant dishonesty started to affect their bottom line, so they're throwing a bone to have the other side to cultivate the illusion of fairness. Or two, they're doing this as a distraction from something, and they're getting ready to unleash something huge in their collusion with each other.

Take your pick.

Or preemptive damage control so they don't get caught in if Clinton/Obama gets fucked.

>blatant dishonesty started to affect their bottom line,

That's a possibility.

They don’t have a bottom line tho, they are not a business.

Jeff bezog didn’t buy the WaPo to make money...

>they are not a business.
That's not true.

They survive on ad revenue, dude.

Tough one. They are in a dying game business wise and they havent seemed to care about the profits diminishing for the last two years at least.

I guess they're getting ready for something or maybe they were given the order to get onside with the gov because america is about to attack nk

So? I give a fuck. All their sites are hard filtered and I filter them on friends PCs. Get out fucktard


>maybe they were given the order
That's what it seems like to me, but I don't why.

Trump found some leverage, that's what

It's basically this. Snopes already debunked the idea that Obama or Clinton had anything to do with it, so the (((MSM))) is just reporting the news that the right wing conspiracy theory press doesn't want to cover.


They're fact checkers user.

Surely you don't hate facts...?

Rats from a sinking ship.

It's either a distraction, or the clintons are being thrown under the bus. I'm starting to doubt the latter though, since it would involve implicating obongo as well.

Sure they are, and the media is "unbiased".

They all want tax reform to pass, they need the extra money. So they’re gonna lay off Trump til he gets it done

They've been outed as CIA-fronts, and with the incoming JFK files...?

Something like that. They don’t want folks like the (((Snopes))) retard in this thread to be blindsided when the hammer comes down. They have to start lubing the orifice now so it doesn’t go in dry.

There’s a fight for control of the Democrat party. Clinton is toxic and must go. The coordinated attack on Weinstein was a warning to her other donators to stop. They’re choosing new sides for survival. Expect the Democrats to adopt economic nationalism, tariffs, protectionism etc. Basically to win back the working class who would never vote for the 2016 party.

Weinstein was a test. A toe dipped in the water to gauge the temperature, if you will.

The experiment was a success so now, the big fish will fry.

Who are the players leading the charge in the non-Clinton faction?

you know how you just fucked up big time, and you know for damn sure your mom was going to find out real soon?
You can try your best to hide the shit, blame it on someone else, or if the fuck up is massive and it is definitely you who fucked up, you will try and damage control it to your mom before she finds out so that she's probably 85% angry vs. 110% angry if she found out herself.

it's almost like the frog is old. this pic is old. the stereotype it references is older. and people on here just said shit was happening because they pull the strings on the fake news puppets too?


does this look like a draining swamp to you by chance

minus epstein


Some marketing agency probably released a new market study saying anti-Trump propaganda isn't profitable anymore.


The Suicided Squad

Maybe they're jumping ship so if pedowood and the molesta brothers go down they won't look like they've 100% been supporting satanic rapists this entire time

Are you tired of winning yet?

It's basically a blog that two old commie fucks run and shitpost whatever their version of the truth is..

Fools can't see the population of all western countries started to feel globalism and it's ramifications on society especially the social so how will this be countered. ..easy it was mentioned in the bildeburg meeting it said "globalism must be slowed " for the retards that means another fake cold war wich will be as profitable as the last cold war and we can already see the mcartheism entering the picture thanks to groups like antifa niggers made to kneel and muh patriotism freedom of speech taking to the streets because murica ..
Trumps job is to pull a nationalism card from his ass and he will when America gets attacked again. .. Pakistan is my pick since the Webb of big nose lies leads to that as the easy pick ... Turkey is about to have internal problems as is china .

They survive on the patronage of mega wealthy owners

It's a publicity stunt to show "Oh look, we're not bias. We're totally unbias and reliable."

Don't take the bait, anons. They're just making it obvious as fuck.

I have a feel this is your actual 4-D chess

>Spend a year working up a fever about muh Russia
>impotent investigation into Trump goes nowhere

When media is at maximum frenzy point, point out it was Clinton wot done it.

Sit back & enjoy as the old cunt gets hauled off to prison.

or they simply see the writing on the wall when normal people on the street are spitting on their journalists and calling them fake news.
Journalists thrive on two things. Fame and money. But they prefer fame. They will never have power.
But just because they changed their tune doesnt mean they escape the DOTR.

My guess is Hillary burned enough bridges by trying to throw everyone under the bus on this media tour she's been doing that some people got pissed off and outed her to the leftist media.

Keep in mind, liberal media writers do not believe right wing media and do not follow what is being talked about there. Liberals insulate themselves and can stay ignorant amazingly well.

So even though we were familiar with all these allegations for over a year, it shouldn't be surprising that liberal media outlets were blindsided by it until a source THEY TRUST said it was true. The reason it's come out like a flood instead of a trickle is because we already had this information all readily available, all it took were liberal outlets to accept it was real.

Lol ok. Two richest people in the world own the (((WaPo))) and (((NYT))). You think people who have 80 billion care about ad revenue?

Anti-dem clicks suddenly drive more traffic and shekels.

if it is then I will join the cult of trump or something
that would be some high order maneuvering

Maybe they all sense something on the horizon so big and inevitable now that they have to report this or risk total viewership collapse

The NK part is both true and makes sense.

>In any way credible
Top kek

Because you faggot cucks don't seem to be aware that I'm in charge

not some cuck you keep spamming

Notice they dont have an article saying "hillary paid for dossier: true". They pick and chose what claims they write about in a weasely way. Or pick exaggerated forms of claims so they can write "mostly false"

Snopes and Politifact are the propaganda arms of the DNC. Neither of them even attempt to be anything resembling neutral or objective.

The swamp is draining.

If they cared about traffic and shekels they never would have catered to a skewed ideological cult group in the first place.

This is just preemptive damage control for what, finally, could be coming in terms of retribution against Clinton and maybe Obama.

All you guys talking about ad revenue and other conspiracy theories still don't seem to get it that the left is a cult group.

It's called a "limited hangout." When they know something is coming out and they won't be able to squelch the story entirely, they broadcast it themselves so they can decide what parts to talk about and how to frame it. Remember Lewinsky? They'd suppressed stories of Clinton's rapes and affairs for years, but that story was breaking in the tabloids, and the stained blue dress was too attention-grabbing to be suppressed by ignoring it. So the MSM went hog-wild, talking about it 24/7 and having all their late-night comedians turn it into a joke. What should have been a serious obstruction of justice case became a circus, thanks to the pro-active efforts of the MSM.

>What happened? They sure as fuck aren't reporting this shit of their own accord, as none of them have the integrity to do so

the rats are abandoning the ship. they have realized that the people they have been protecting are fucked


Who let this faggot in ?

The difference between now, and what we already knew from Clinton Cash is the FBI and Obama's DOJ involvement.

We knew the connections between Russia and the Clinton Foundation, but what is new is that Obama's DOJ and the FBI knew about the bribes before the UraniumOne was signed off on by then Sec. of State Hillary Clinton.

After the deal was signed, they swept all the evidence of bribery under the rug. FBI has just recently released the documents -- hence the resurgence in the story.

No matter what happens, Jews will still be in control.

Well this thread itself is a duplicate of another thread that was made about 6 to 8 hours ago. So if we're talking about marketing agencies....this is one of their bot spam/research threads.

All to save their own skin, nothing more.

Okie doke faggot time to leave.

Nothing happened. You're letting your fantasies run wild.

Jews have been in control for nearly a hundred years. Not until the Central Banking system is brought under complete national control and all of the Jews are cast out will we be free.

CNN has actually made some okay strides since those one guys ousted their leaders as total DNC shills.

MSNBC is still fucked though.

i'm tired of seeing t_d faggots cheer when cnn or msnbc loses ratings. like it's some victory.
Bezos was awarded a cia contract worth over 3 times what he bought WaPo for. its literally a propaganda outlet funded by the deep state.
if bottom lines were a real concern they would have reacted and stopped the russia and anti trump bullshit idk 8-9 months ago when they started hemograging viewers

Watch the first 10min of Tucker's show from last night.

it only took them 2 years of failing ratings to realize this...
yeah i don't buy it. they never cared about their ratings because they loses are covered by deep state black budget funds and people like soros. it's a propaganda outlet. look at the nfl. it's players association teamed up with soros and now the nfl is a social change vehicle. never mind their historic drop, they continue to double down on it.

>unironically quoting snopes

That’s some fine shit posting m8

It isn't just some papers either.

Comic books, video games, hollywood, playboy - they are all losing money due to their political stances. But they continue to preach.

It's this plus some effort at damage control. For a year there was handwaving and narrative spinning about how Trump was a criminal Russian puppet based on no evidence. But this morning on the radio they read this damning list of Clinton, DNC and Obama fuckery and ended the report saying it looks bad but they dindu nuffin. Their narrative is shaky and they know it, but they aren't giving up just yet, just giving themselves some cover by talking about it for a change.

Most people will just believe the press was duped too. That way the media and the viewers get off the hook. People will make themselves believe anything as long as they don't look like morons.

Or they just interpret it in a bizarre abstract way that can only be seen while standing on your head and squinting during a leap year and a solar eclipse.

When had cnn done anything except report the news?

I just realized my post looks like "it's damage control plus damage control."
Quoted post was more about CYA damage control whereas my point was about political damage control.

Ratings are eyeballs, and propaganda needs eyeballs to be effective.

Liberal Media don’t want to be seen as “enablers”...such as the Hollywood types who covered up Harvey’s crimes...

what it like to be gullible?

I'm fairly certain that even the ((Imwithher)) crowd and the ((berniebros)) were aware of Hillary's crimes long before the election. They simply didn't speak about it. There's a long list of items that they haven't gotten around to addressing yet. Pic related.


If the Hollywood liberals hadn’t turned so fast on Harvey...the Clintons might have squeezed by...

But Harvey proved...he was no longer rich and powerful enough to remain “untouchable”...

This is going to be yet ANOTHER fantastic Thanksgiving in America.

Look america has started calling CNN out on their fake news in a big way. They are losing their platform at an alarming rate. We've got 7 more years of Trump coming, and Trump won't even talk to them and calls them 'FAKE NEWS' to their face. I think they're waking up. Get on the trump train, or commit financial suicide.
>My favorite "CNN BTFO video"

Same as all of Hollywood looking the other way during Harvey’s crimes were being committed.

Add the boycotting if the NFL...

media can see that anger can’t not be managed with lies...

Trump’s America has had enough...

Things like this

Trump is draining the swamp.

If you are going to pretend to be redpilled, then at least learn how to write properly.

Nothing sells papers more than bad news you literal fucking retard.

They’ll print whatever they want in order to get paid.

It doesn't matter.
The Lugenpresse will go for whatever gets them the most clicks and shekels. If they have to start appealing to Chump voters, they will. If you really think Chump is an infallible savior, you are so fucking naive. MAGAmaggots have ruined this site. Nobody cares about The Orange Jew anymore. GTFO sheep.

It's possible they know shit is about to go down with Clinton and commey and they are covering their ass

The press doesn't care about shekels anymore. It's funded by billionaires with political interest.

In Europe, we are so cucked that billionaires don't even have to fund the press. We taxpayers do it for them. As all major news sites here are government funded and extremely leftist.

it's weird how people have trouble internalizing the fact that the primary goal of these media is to control opinion not making money

>it's almost like the frog is old.
>and people on here just said shit was happening because they pull the strings on the fake news puppets too?

I'd be quiet now, if I were you.

Maybe james oqueef scared them a bit.

its the CIA bro. they know they are losing the war for hearts and minds and they want to subvert.

not when every college liberal prof is enforcing into every young adult that outlets like cnn msnbc and huffpo are the only reliable sources of info.
it's not about ratings. it's about pushing deep state propaganda thru "free news outlets" to maintain the illusion
it's only that their message is out so it can be (((verified)))


weak bait

I don’t know. My theory just fits the facts as they are now and makes a prediction so we can verify with time. Most likely they’re other donors who don’t care about SJW shit and just want power so laws & regulations suit their business interests.

Snopes are notoriously biased
Not objective fact checkers

If you thought the press was ever really against Trump, you may have autism.

Every time he went on TV, they loved him.

It's OK, though. It's for a good cause.

They realized everybody is tired of the ZORNALD DOURMPH ate TWO SCOOPS shit and it was affecting their views.

yeah the zog cause

Top kek, I didn't even think that would be bait