How are there actually still people who call themselves European nationalists and simultaneously follow an Abrahamic religion?
I understand Christianity has been a part of European identity for a long time but nationalism and regionalism are about waking up and seeing that the elites don't have your peoples best interests at heart, and about becoming aware of your roots and rediscovering your ethnic/cultural origins. It just reminds me of conspiracy theorists who are convinced that something was done by the government, yet their only answer is "hand yourself over to god", and by proxy, the Church.
Most countries with a state religion have Church of [Country Name]. The very same elites that some nationalists claim are trying to fuck them over or wipe out their race are also at the heads of the national churches. Church of Norway, Church of England, Evangelical Church in Germany.
It's not to necessarily say you should become an Odinist or a Roman Pagan, but at least realise that Christianity is not a European religion at all, so for nationalists to endorse ethnicity-based ideologies or policies, but still practice Christianity or any other non-European religion is absurd.