US Marine kills tranny

Is it morally acceptable to kill a tranny if it deceives you into having sex by pretending to be a real woman?

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Thank you marine. You do what many fellow flips will not.

No, but it is morally acceptable to kill yourself if you can't tell the difference between a man and a woman within 2 minutes of being around him/her

Not all heroes wear capes

They should be honest up front if they are trans.

Fucking based

He could've been drunk. That impairs judgement.

>trans filipina
Who would pretend to be a filipino?

thank you for your service

Is it morally defensible to not kill a tranny when you know it's a tranny?

I'd like to hear arguments for that position.

Honestly, he was wrong to kill the tranny. But I think everyone, including the majority of filipinos understands why he did it.

They don't take so kindly to faggotry in flip land anyway.

>that face
like he didnt know? whats is wrong with people, can they not spot a mans face?

This. For once the US army weren't a bunch of faggots

It's morally acceptable to kill a tranny for existing.

The marines are not the army dumbass

He’s got a fag face, he knew, probably just upset that a Filipino tranny had a bigger dick than him.

No. Fuck this piece of garbage. He should have killed himself for being a race mixer.


Like that time you tripped and your penis magically ended up in a 14 year old?

Fucking BASED!

Fuck yeah if they lie and say they are a Chick but really have a dick they should be fucking shot or brutally beaten to death.

This man was fucking lied to and then suddenly...

"I have Benis :DD WILL YOU STILL FUCK ME?!?!"

>Is it morally acceptable to kill a tranny if it deceives you into having sex by pretending to be a real woman?

YES. based marine is based. A+



moral masterrace marine

>thinking it's okay to murder someone instead of just walking out of the room in disgust.

Nigger tier response you brought up there user.


No, murder is murder. Beating it half to death and breaking a few bones is acceptable though.

They deserve a long, drawn out electrocution like in this video


It's only murder if it's against a human being though...

For normal men with normal test levels being accused of being a faggot brings great shame. That's why 'trans panic' is a valid defense

When the shitposter posts the best post

if they lie they die,it has up until just before the 1st kiss to come clean,after that they deserve whatever comes to em.

It was actually legal here until a few years ago

Our ancestors were so based

at least he isn't going down fighting bullshit proxy wars for the CIA

>not throat punching the degenerate and leaving it to suffocate to death


Ah, this is that one case that redpilled me on the LGBT. The news and the media were overblowing the situation.


Give the Marine a medal!

Good. I would have killed that tranny too, more people need to be like this marine.

No. If someone pulls that shit on you a few punches would be acceptable but going to extra mile to actually murder them is indicative of a psychotic disorder.


No, but that is rape by deception :^)


If you're tricked to fucking someone you dont want to fuck, its rape, which means killing him would be self defence

is it morally acceptable to kill rats thats spread diseases?

No. That's some Muslim tier honor killing BS.

This. Size of the head, jaw, chin, shoulders, etc. Also pheromones. He knew it was a guy but at the last moment he fears the absolute degeneracy. He should have killed himself.

Sam Hyde's kid grew up wayyyy to fast! Now he's getting away with it?

Here it’s religiously ok in the of Allah and Hesus. But he’s a wh*tiod so he should be punished accordingly.

Remember what goes in all fields boys because this shit is two years old.

Maybe men shouldn't drink then :^)

Even CNN agrees that trannies arent women

Playboy published CP in the 70s. Girls as young as 4 involved. Brooke Shields was nude in 1975 issue called Sugar 'n' Spice at the age of 10. Spread this info on social media, tell your friends, inform independent media.


how could he not tell that was a man? it is obvious in the pics and is always so obvious in person just looking at them ir gearing the voice. I will never understand how men get "tricked"

Marines kill sex workers all the time. They also rape and murder schoolgirls.

>Feared he would be raped

Wow what a wimp. I thought marines were supposed to be tough, who the hell is scared of a skinny man in a dress?

its clearly a lie user
in a blind rage he did it
a piece of trash is what he is

why don't they just keep the dick? normal gay sex sound infinitely better than the alternative

>mfw trannies remove their dicks and in its place create a gaping open wound
>mfw they have to stretch and tear the skin every single day for 2+ hours to keep it from healing
>mfw the hole has no natural lubrication or self-cleaning abilities
>mfw the cavern probably collapses in on itself if no dick/dildo is inside, chafing the inner walls of irritated red flesh
>mfw that gaping wound gets doused in piss juice multiple times a day
>mfw the piss evaporates and leaves the strongest stench of ammonia and waste
>mfw the hole is essentially a giant, putrid, gaping wound being squirted with piss, shit, and farts constantly.
>mfw even on the best days, it probably smells like the most cavernous disgusting bellybutton on a 1000 pound man

>why don't they just keep the dick?
literally 90% do

Sex by deception is rape. There's nothing wrong with killing a rapist.

Guy's a total faggot for not wanting that. Hope he gets the worst.

any source on that?
I would imagine normal people would avoid such biomedical horror shows but trannies aren't exactly normal people

Crawling in my skin
This wound it will not heal
Confusing what is real


That's a dude in a wig

Neat I just punched a fag for making me feel his dick, but he just went and did the do.

fuck. the cultural marxists have won when we start using those terms unrionically to refer to mentally ill faggots wearing wigs.



most trannies have dicks
the reason you only see the ones without them online is because they are attention whoring mentally retarded weirdos

Morally no? Its not ok. You are due some kind of compensation or they should facea punishment from the state.

Just imagine if it was a man Muslim that committed the murder. Panic of shame would be seen as a legitimate defense right off the bat

no homo

First of all, as a woman with both a Phd. In English Literature and a victim of gang rape, FUCK YOU.

Second of all who are you or any of you little virgin dorks to judge what a woman is or isn't and who gets to live or die!?

A real man can control his animal instincts and not murder someone for disrespecting him

I look forward to trans-panic being developed as a valid legal defense, like when women kill abusive lovers.

I imagine before they got to undressing there was a lot of making out.

you okay with making out with a tranny without them tell you they're trans?

lol shut the fuck up

post pics

Okay that's just pure evil and hopefully you are joking. They have suffered enough, a quick death will end their torment.

First of all, as a man with a general education, above average yearly income, and a victim of child rape, FUCK YOU. Second of all who are any of you mentally deficient self mutilating fucks to judge what I want to fuck and who touches my penis!?

yes, i would consider that sex abuse.

people who sexually abuse others should reap what they sow.

> Russian human rights

>tranny defining a real man

No homo

Phd english nice touch
5/10 larp

They're mentally ill and told they will feel better if they cut their dick off. It's a desperation cure for a problem they can't handle. But it's not a cure and it doesn't work so they end up a bigger mess

First of all, MAN, with a lesser education, your attempts to troll me are pathetic.

Second, you're fraudulent gender change is just a ploy to mask who you really are, a creepy predator, nothing more.

Third and finally, FUCK YOU.

That's because it was a Marine

Based Australia

It's statistically proven that the majority of participants in a gang rape enjoy the experience, so shut the fuck up.

>First of all, as a woman with both a Phd. In English Literature and a victim of gang rape,
not true and irrelevant

No I was actually raped, but not like that matters to you or anyone here. Point is what he did does count as sexual harassment. The real world will not always accept you.

This comment in it of itself, is rape.

I wish this forum weren't anonymous. All of you would be unemployed.

Yes, how else can you redeem yourself and gain back your masculinity but by killing something? That's the manliest thing you can do

Did they all ejaculate inside you or did they bukkakasize your face? How many raped you? At what point did you become wet? I have so many questions about you being gang raped!! My benis is groing too


>Is it morally acceptable to kill a tranny-


Fucking hell, would this guy just fucking die already?

By the left's own definition, isn't sex achieved via deceit rape? Marine killed a rapist and should therefore be lauded as a hero.


Nigs gonna nig

You will never bear chidren