Math actually is racist, according to Rochelle Gutierrez an education professor at the University of Illinois

Math actually is racist, according to Rochelle Gutierrez an education professor at the University of Illinois.

>"On many levels, mathematics itself operates as Whiteness. Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics, and who is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as White," Gutierrez argued.
Gutierrez also worries that algebra and geometry perpetuate privilege, fretting that "curricula emphasizing terms like Pythagorean theorem andpiperpetuate a perception that mathematics was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans."

What can we do to dismantle math??

Other urls found in this thread:

don't people credit the arabs and chinese as well? most of the well known advancements by white people were..... made by white people, so of course they get credit

Wait, since when did Asians lose their math-cred?

Why didn't we just make Africa a huge battle royale coliseum and returned all nignogs there so we can just separate ourselves from them?

Yeah because algebra is such a Western sounding word.

yeah wtf, they cant just take that from us. Its all we have left ;(


Asians are better at math than anyone. Can white claim math is racist?

Havn't you heard? Asians now count as white. White is not the colour of your skin it is the top level of privilege.

Maybe thats whats going on in niger. If we r lucky

>"On many levels, mathematics itself operates as Whiteness. Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics, and who is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as White
It's always incredible to see what kind of mental gymnastics leftists are capable of doing just to not admit that niggers are dumb as shit.

i love how the left keeps digging their own grave

>the new is literally arabic
> whites gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics, and who is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as White

They're so dumb they get offended if u use vocab higher than 3rd grade level

shiiit, this mean we can't pull the minority card anymore when people say we are racist?

why couldn't this have come up before i flunked calculus

It'd be amazing if these people are required by law to buy and use anything that doesn't involve racist math.
just rocks you pick off the ground and maybe whatever you're able to make and use.
But the moment these people do math, they should have a lead projectile enter their brains at 3,000 ft/s

The left in America seem to always ignore that Asians exist because they tend to outperform White people in the statistics which they use to "prove" white supremacy over blacks.

If I have 1 bike and Tyrone has 0 bikes, then how many bikes do we have toget...

hey where'd my bike go?

Can niggers just be put in zoos already.. ffs

You shouldn't have used white privilege to trick Tyrone with voodoo math, then he wouldn't have took your bike.

Damn, I should of refused to take math tests on account of disowning my white privilege. Im actually fairly sure that would of helped with that cunt of a teacher I had in college.

The warhammer universe, where technology is an ancient magic, and ever person living is a near illiterate slave, is very realistic

You're honorary whites so obviously you have honorary white privilege :^)

Even if you don't consider the influence of India and Arabs that's the most stupid thing I've ever read. Math is the least racist thing. Growing up in an environment where culture is important (less likely for immigrants' kids) doesn't benefit you in math unlike in literary subjects. The Africans that were good in my university were doing it thanks to math.

What we have here is basically someone who grow up hating math coupled with the "everything I hate is racist" mentality.

If it's made by whites, it's racist. No exceptions.

>One post by this ID
>No Archive, no link.

This is a slide thread, move on.


Here is the link you commie fag.

I love that SJW's are now admitting that niggers are stupid

Intelligence is a social construct invented by the patriarchy.

don't forget Indians too (poos not reds)

You absolutely would not believe how many niggers in America are competely illiterate. Can't read a damn thing. I work on the phone and I talk to at least one illiterate nigger a day

Lmfao, lots of mathematical and scientific terms are loan words from Arabs. Algebra and Algorithm for example. The real contention here is:
Not our problem.

Can confirm. Niggers are genuinely as shitty as we say they are.

Are you for real?

Indians as well. I guess their white as well.

I'm pretty sure algebra is Arabic

>“If one is not viewed as mathematical, there will always be a sense of inferiority that can be summoned” because the average person won't necessarily question the role of mathematics in society, she writes.

>According to the website, Gutierrez adds that there are so many people who “have experienced microaggressions from participating in math classrooms… [where people are] judged by whether they can reason abstractly.”
That’s it. She literally just leaves it at that. Math is racist because if you’re bad at it you’ll feel inferior. The reader is meant to just take for granted that nonwhites can’t do math. That’s literally the assumption that she bases her entire argument off of. Her premise is borderline hate speech and her conclusion is that YOU’RE the bad guy.
Fuck this. I quit.

so another example of leftist's bigotry of low expectations?

that is where the word comes from, IIRC


both terms borrowed from Arabic

or did we culturally appropriate mathematics? oh noes!

my bread is bicking

> Pythagorean theorem and perpetuate a perception that mathematics was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans

That's because they were? It's amazing if you go look at what people like Pythagoreas and Euclid did with understanding mathematics. Even some of the early calculus work is amazing as well (and almost entirely European).

The real reason they're doing this is because Jews are a jealous, evil tribe who want to destroy all records of any European achievements because they feel inferior, so like the children they are, they seek to destroy it.

Only way math could be racist is if other races didn't have 10 fingers.

Holy fuck

Beaners are just dumb. That is all.

Just a whineing liberal communist, pay no attention, but watch him closely, could be dangerous.

> should of
I smell one of them ctr posts. Yup meme flag, checks out. Fuck off commie.

What STEM people do not realize is that it's not just the beaners and niggers that feel inferior. It's all of the leftists as well. This might be a major motivating factor as well.

The words come from Arabic but the mathematicians who invented them were white Iranians so there you have it

The math they teach in schools is banal and dry, but there's some cool patterns like certain numbers appearing consistently

>3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2
>3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3 = 6^3

Sets of 3, 4, and 5 were some of the key elements of Plato's philosophy as well and to this day you still see formulations of these numbers all over.

The idea that math is somehow "racist" is so absurd, it's almost sad.

asians disprove white supremacy by outperforming us. its proof that diversity just means less whites.



Spoken like someone who has never taken a math class.

Mine were full of Indians and Asians.

Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

Redundant. Poos are still in Asian continent.

Rochelle Gutierrez

Yes, historically. Whites are a minority in Iran now, but literally less than a century ago, it was one of the whitest places on Earth.

They are known as a "model minority" and are intentionally ignored when it comes to creating policy for the reasons you say. That is, the oppression story doesn't really stick.

Yeah, I run into this problem every time I take a work call about in-home day cares in Illinois. They are all 1) niggresses, and 2) don't understand the word 'word'...

Asians have the advantage of not giving a single shit, so minority card is not necessary.

>The reader is meant to just take for granted that nonwhites can’t do math.
This is true. Africans do not have the ability to think abstractly. It’s innate so they will never be able to learn how to do it. Africans are the grasshoppers; everyone else are ants.

Electrician construction worker here: I constantly have to dumb down my speech in order for "some"co-workers and other tradesmen to understand.I am looked down upon for using large words and made fun of.
I use a lot of math in my trade, trying to explain my calculations to "others" is futile.

Being unable to explain your work or method to someone else in lay terms demonstrates your own lack of mastery.

t. Regional Superintendent, Journeyman Carpenter.

Fucking this! Half the maths we use today was developed in the middle east. Just listen to the fucking words!

As I said if you read the statement I have to dumb down my speech so they CAN understand. BTW they are not supposed to be 'laymen'.

is math, dare i say, /ourscience/


we need to install a gas chamber at every university and throw in the professors like this.

the fire rises

they consider you white because you're not dumb as dirt

>we need more women and POC in STEM!
>but science is racist!
What the fuck do they want?

Inb4 the concept of crime is racist, let me steal your shit

It's getting worse isn't it? What's next?

So fucking stupid.

we need hitler math memes

you are not caucasian but you are respected,japs are litterally honourary whites now.

being alive is racist, we need an air tax for POC.

i unironically believe that progressives and sjws are actually more rayciss. i was at the pub a few weeks ago talking with a group of people, most of them were girls and these couple of faggoty guys. i got into a minor skirmish with one of the females about something or other, doesnt matter what it was, anyway this pozlord says to me "you shouldnt talk to a woman like that" thinking he would win these credibility points somehow. i said to the cunt "you think shes too stupid and weak to speak for herself dont you?". long story short i ended up going home with the girl and he went home alone. sleazy little worms they are.

i hate blacks because i see them as a competitor, not a weakling who needs protecting. in short, only the strong are worthy of hatred and competition. it is the highest form of respect in my opinion. wanting to speak for others means that you see them as weaker/dumber/less capable and ive found that 9 times out of 10 actually hate when faggots try to defend them. saying that black people need help all the time is incredibly racist and just cloaks the fact that you think theyre retarded and cant stand up for themselves

Wouldn't math be racist against non-asians and ins't it mostly an arab's inheritance to the world?

Well, you know what to do..

we laugh because they overplayed their hand, businesses can be PC with no threat to their bottom line but they'll never get rid of accounting, real money is on the line

Haha! I was just on there two minutes ago looking for a cool professor to take a certain class.

If the MG42 can fire 1500 rounds per minute how many can it fire in 1 hour if you need to give it 20 seconds to swap between barrels every 1500 round burst?

67500 rounds

Nobles gasses are racist because they discriminate every other element.

Gold star!


Well shit, for having no paper and next to zero thought I'll call my performance decent.

the gunner has only 45 minutes of firing time

45* 1500

Whites could claim that any use of math or math culture is cultural appropriation?

>white people invented a lot of stuff
>it's racist to acknowledge this

See what minorities don't realize is, when you're white, you don't get to cry "racist" to solve your problems. You have to man up and deal with it like a human being.

Black people love crying "racist" and they don't even seem to realize, it's a crutch. It's an admission of defeat. When a black says "racist", what they're really saying is "I can't deal with my own problems; help me, white people!"

This is why black men were historically called "boys"; no sense of personal responsibility.


Is math related to science?

i met an american darkie that was such a parody of himself that i thought he was joking

>doesnt show up for work for 3 days - gets fired - says his boss must have been a racist
>throws a brick through a girls' window because she cucked him - she calls the police - calls her a racist
>wants me to somehow write up "citizenship papers" for him (which isnt even a thing) - i tell him that its not even a real thing - says that im racist
>gets caught shoplifting 3 times, gets arrested for bashing an old lady almost to death and mugging a chinaman in the park - police deport his useless ass rather than dealing with him - says that the police are racist
>saw him arguing with a whitey who said "relax m8 everyone's all the same" - he starts rapping this cringey "freestyle" in this guys face and then calls the guy racist
>was staying at this dudes house for free, after a few months the guy gets a bit fed up and wanted him to pay for the food he'd been eating from the fridge - calls the guy racist

I refuse to sign a diversity statement for a college teaching job. It might have made "sense" 30 years ago. Now, it feels more like a suicide note.
Wrong. Poos in the Loo have the first recorded "Pythagorean" theorem.
Whites have appropriated a lot of Math.


>Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics

The people who do and develop mathematics?

This is what constant leftist brainwashing in colleges has done, it's created a generation of religious zealots who think they've stumbled across some great secret of the universe and they must weave it into every aspect of their lives, their thoughts, their feelings.

>The people develop mathematics gets the credits for it

"Seki anticipated many of the discoveries of Western mathematics.
Seki was the first person to study determinants in 1683. Ten years later Leibniz, independently, used determinants to solve simultaneous equations although Seki's version was the more general.

Seki also discovered Bernoulli numbers before Jacob Bernoulli. He studied equations treating both positive and negative roots but had no concept of complex numbers. He wrote on magic squares, again in his work of 1683, having studied a Chinese work by Yank Hui on the topic in 1661. This was the first treatment of the topic in Japan.

In 1685, he solved the cubic equation 30 + 14x - 5x2 - x3 = 0 using the same method as Horner a hundred years later.

He discovered the Newton or Newton-Raphson method for solving equations and also had a version of the Newton interpolation formula.

Among other problems studied by Seki were Diophantine equations. For example, in 1683, he considered integer solutions of ax - by = 1 where a, b are integers. "