Do you guys know how easy it is to make an h-bomb?
How long till some crazy state less terroists get one?
Do you guys know how easy it is to make an h-bomb?
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An h-bombs trigger is an atom bomb.
This is a pic of an atom bomb, basically the top part of OP pic.
Theyre not easy to make
they are, its just the materials that are hard to get.
so H-bombs are more destructive ?
Yeah they are, you just shoot some radioactive material through a special gun barrel into some other radioactive material.
The only hard part is getting the radioactive material. Any trade school machinist could do the rest.
Tons of mines around to get the stuff, just have to find one
> hay, implosion physics are easy guise
Think how nasty a a-bomb is
Now realize an a-bomb is just the /trigger/ for an h-bomb....
Yes, literally like the sun and current weapons are inefficient meaning they could be much stronger with the sam material (theoretically)
And then enrich it. Not easy.
Also, good luck refining that much Uranium.
Remember the Iran centrifuge boogaloo? You think some rogue group of physicists are going to pack some 100+ multi-million-dollar specialized centrifuges from prying eyes?
They are, all you need is some 50s era science text books.
enriching it requires specially made centrifuges
Dude, what is North Korea. It took them 25yrs, but now they got one. Not so easy, so it is onky crazy statss, not terrorists.
>Do you guys know how easy it is to make an h-bomb?
yeah, not at all. nice cartoon diagram you got there, by the way.
enrichment's easy, just get a swede to do it
>uranium gun-type A bomb
>still in use
it was obsolete alreay in 1945 when they tested the plutonium implosion bomb which has a bigger yield
Yes. An atom bomb is purely a fission device. A H (Hydrogen) bomb uses a fission explosion to create a fusion reaction of two isotopes of hydrogen molecules.
Fusion reactions releases much more energy compare to fission per pound of material.
you're a tard
That explains why there have been so many terrorist groups detonating nuclear bombs since 1945... oh wait...
It's enriching the uranium that's the problem. That, and some armed opposition magically appearing in your country and making a color revolution. Or having democracy brought to you outright by the world police. That's the hard part.
materials are hard to acquire, the science is simple (now)
Enriching Uranium, while significant, is only one of many difficult steps involved in the process of building a working nuclear weapon.
>Yeah they are, you just shoot some radioactive material through a special gun barrel into some other radioactive material.
The uranium gun-type A bomb is easy to make yes, that's why they didn't have to test this design before dropping it on the japs
but obtaining 80+% enriched uranium is not easy and you can't just steal it from a reactor as they use 5% enriched uranium oxide usually
Not hard either, just takes time.
>How long till some crazy state less terroists get one?
>amurica has the biggest nuclear arsenal on the world
obama got some and we are still living
soo i guess we can think about this when YOU disarm your warheads
This stuff is all super cool.
How much of the uranium fissiles? Is it just where the surfaces contact each other?
Or is it a few weak interactions into the now whole uranium "welded?" together?
So then it gets hot enough and its hot enough for hydrogen's isotopes to fuse?
Do they use that lithium 6 for the isotopes in the bomb to make the hydrogen? Or do they single it out? Neat stuff.
The basics of structural mechanics is so simple an 18 yr old kid can do it. Doesn't mean he can then go and build a 57 story skyscraper, does it?
But that is essentially ALL you need to know to build a skyscraper.
Why does these simple thing create such a huge energy?
What’s their secret?
>The only hard part is getting the radioactive material.
Maybe 20 years ago. Now you can simply order it online.
This diagram is more complex becuase it has triggers and clocks and air fins and such, suicide bomber wouldn't need all that.
It might not be super cool or the biggest explosion possible by superstate standards but it would still wreak a city center
Actually no the science is not that simple, you still need knowledge in nuclear physics
obtaining the material is even harder
but a terrorist group with enough funding and means could easily get a nuke (check about the black market in eastern yurop in the 90's, especially in Ukraine where soviet nuclear warheads were found on the black market)
>you can order enough ore online to build a bomb
>you can order even a fraction of that without multiple government agencies tracking you
Savage leafpost
niggerium bamboonium and unicorn tears
include me in screen cap
Its not easy you dumb pleb.
>you just need to buy a 50 grams rock with traces of uranium in it to make a nuke
Please hungary...
MFW Edward Teller was hungarian
lmao, read the questions and reviews.
>g*rm education
Thats a primitive fission device which is not a spark for an h bomb you morons.An h bomb requires perfect shaped hollow spheres,perfectly timed fuzes,perfectly crafted neutron deflectors.None of that is easy to make.It requires not only knowledge but also practical experience and testing.Fucking plebs.
And it took them years of research to have a bomb thats literally shooting one piece of uranium into another piece, and thats it. How have there never been accidental nukes
Not just anyone could do it, but someone that went through machinist trade school could. And those are all over.
People sometimes think terroists are poor, but they are often run by very rich people. Osama and everyone around him was very well off.
>how much fissile
Only 2 pounds of little boy did. So most of little boys material didn’t go nuclear
uranium is rarer than platinum
because uranium will kill you
His ancestors invented the tech behind the A bomb though
Or maybe it's ahmed that wants us to explain how a nuke works
thx m8, no b8, just made 88
From my redneck mind its basically just showing off how fucking strong the weak nuclear force actually is.
Something about uranium 235 reaching critical mass so quick so fast causes fission from neutrons popping out from the weak reaction l think.
Imagine if we got them to meet EVEN FASTER.
Would 10% the speed of light make an even more effecient explosion? Even against the energy made to launch it that fast?
Brainlet here.
depends on what the bomb type is.If its a 3 layer design the most energy stems from fission of the uranium "mantle"
Yea you tell em Hitler
H-bombs are much trickier it is true. A-bombs are pretty simple though. And they still make a mushroom cloud big enough to put any other device to shame
If the bomb mantle would be made of bamboonium, it would be useless since it would contain the whole nuclear explosion within the bomb itself. Bamboonium is the strongest metal in the whole galaxy. Even stronger than diamond.
atomic bombs are so simple it only took 130,000 of the world's top scientists and $27 billion dollars to figure them out
>how to make hydrogen bomb
>1. Find Uranium-235
Sure, np m8
its not easy at all, its extremely difficult to acomplish fission and fusion. A dirty bomb though, that just explodes regularly and spreads radioactive material, is fairly easy.
First off good luck with them getting weapons grade Uranium without the massive centrifuges needed to separate the different isotopes. Second the shaped charges needed to initiate a nuclear reaction are not the same as crude IEDs used by sandniggers
I can buy and reliably find uranium 238.
So can Iran. They just have state funded nuclear centrifuges.
you want the neutrons to pop even faster ?
I don't know if that would increase the yield, the faster they travel, the less likely they will hit a nucleus, that's why they slow them down in nuclear reactors with water or graphite.
Also, only 700 grams out of the 64 kg of U-235 in little boy actually underwent the fission process (the rest couldn't undergo fission as it was scattered by the explosion)
1% of the total mass, 700 grams released as much energy as 15 000 tons of TNT
meh, and it's only a spark compared to H bombs
Fissile Uranium is extremely rare. The shit that you dig out of the ground is highly oxidize and virtually inert.
>uranium 238.
The worst thing you can do with it is put it in someone's meal.
insha'allah brothers!
Is it something i can make in my garage and chick at passing cars?
There are tons of mines on Indian land in New Mexico with it. And no doubt tons of undiscovered mines.
A bunch of underground caverns in Colorado have it too .
Inventing something is harder than making something already invented.
Theoretically. There is a long hard trail between knowing how and doing it.
With a little help from China. Shhhh
Well my point was that there is some 235 in common 238 rocks. Not a lot. But if I had a lot of land in the desert. I could imagine collecting uranium for fun. Maybe even enough 238 on my territory to warrant a deal with the russians. Just kidding though.
This stuff is super cool. Such a beautiful orchestration of matter in mere milliseconds.
Even if you have U235 isotope (which is rare since it decays much faster than U238), you would still need to separate it from other isotopes. It's not something you can do in your kitchen. It requires machinery as big as a house
Playboy operated a CP ring in the 70s. Girls as young as 4 involved. Brooke Shields appeared on Playboy in 1975 when she was only 10. Spread this on social media, tell your friends, inform independent media.
No, you need a $6000 doller Cnc manchine or something like it. It is not impossible if you have some funding. Your car likely costs more.
Need some centrifuges too.
>There are tons of mines on Indian land in New Mexico with it.
Mines wtih U-235? Lol. Substantiate your claims pls.
Stop downplaying it.
If it's so easy then make one in your basement and report back with the results.
Oh, fuck, I thought that "mine" in this post is an explosion device. Fuck this language.
Holy shit cnc machines are only 6k?
My wife is gonna kill me. She still wont forgive me for making her brick firepit a forge haha!
Stfu potato nigger, spamming this shit everywhere won't help your cause
could probably do it swinging a bucket attached to a rope over your head in circles for many hours
Remember that report that Pakistan moves their nukes in everyday delivery vans?
even modern u235 refining methods with high end machines it still takes a warehouse full of these things running 24/7 just to get a tiny amount of usable material. Not to mention you're bound by the quality of the starting material which only has so much potential.
Hello Kremlin. I'm not telling you where the U-235 mines are.
No one ever said you need to rediscover A bombs to make one, just by looking at little boy technical schemes you can understand the basic principle and imagine the rest
Hello KGB
I thought that he was telling about anti-personnel mines that are filled with u-235
>machinery as big as a house
There are tons of abandoned factorys in Detroit bigger than4 football fields. The centrifugal are big, not that big though, and pretty cheap to make, as far as macharacy goes.
Any well funded terroists network could do it easily enough.
It would cost more to open a restaurant
So when are we going to build a nuke and drop it on mexico or africa?
Well, it IS 100 year old technology OP
That said, you need to enrich plutonium or uranium to get an atomic bomb to work. Enriching uranium is the difficult part btw and would be very noticeable to any outside nations.
What is this I'm reading about neutron bombs? Nuclear bombs wrapped in very weak materials? Fucking tin?
>The centrifugal are big, not that big though, and pretty cheap to make
You would still need a lot of them to get enough U235 to make a useful quantity of material. And intelligence agencies keep track both of centrifuge purchases and purchases of massive quantities of Uranium, It's something that is very hard to hide
Yeah, they are. It's just hard to get/transport nuclear material without being detected.
Man, you really don’t even try to keep up, do you. The Kremlin KNOWS where they are, they just bought 20% of them from Hillary!
Good luck building anything in Detroit these days. The niggers will steal your shit faster than you can bring it in.
I thought RDX was developed for this.
You don't enrich solid uranium in centrifuges you mongrel
you first need to transform the uranium in a gas, which is done by binding the uranium with fluoride
the resulting gas : UF6 (uranium hexafluoride) is then injected in centrifuges
then you can separate the molecules with U-238 from the ones with U-235
but it's a very inefficient process, that's why you need hundreds of centrifuges to enrich it.
For exemple in each centrifuge you will enrich it by 0.005% (exemple, I don't know the exact value)
you'd have to do this process for a long time to obtain at least reactor-grade uranium (5%).
I'm not even talking about military grade uranium (80+%)
it would be better to make reactor-grade uranium and then use it in a reactor to make plutonium (what the iranians would have done if they really wanted an A bomb)
>price of steel goes down even more
>all because nigs stole centrifuges from terrorists up in michigan
Back during the Carter era they invented a bomb that produced a lot of radiation without so much blast wave. Think of an extra hot EMP.
I wish I could speak Russian. My language iq sucks though, super high in other things though.
>nearly 30 million tons of uranium ore were extracted from Navajo lands under leases with the Navajo Nation.
It is all over the Southwest, Utah too
Make sure you have the power supply for it.