Say whatever you want about this man, but he's definitely the most relatable president of all time despite his upbringing
Say whatever you want about this man...
I love daddy bush...
Yeah, Iraq was a brilliant idea.
so Americans are easily manipulated idiots who start wars without thinking
yup checks out
>tfw your dad forces you to join the globalist satanic cabal and destroy the lives of millions as a puppet of zog when all you wanted to do was become a painter
he should've went like that other painter turned politician
First post worst post
Relatable? Sure. Good at his job? Not even a little.
thats adorable lol
I can relate to him, some times I lie about weapons of mass destruction and then mass murder hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians as well.
how can you hate on Bush the guy had filthy cia niggers do 911 under his command and he had Katrina
he was relatable to me because he was as unqualified to president as I am.
what political-affiliation do u think Sup Forums has?
This. He appealed to the Lowest Common Denominator. That doesn't mean he's a good leader, just a likable guy. Just because a lot of people really like Ron White doesn't mean the dude would be a good president.
out of curiosity... what gen. American r u? ...1st, 2nd? ....... maybe 3rd?
George Bush is an ESTP personality type. I don't consider an estimated IQ near 130 based on his SAT relatable except in that little echo chamber you have going in your mind. They estimate the world's average IQ to be 86, the average black person in the United States.
i dont think that means anything 2 anybody honestly, mr.i-am-high-mighty
Americans> blacks
Mom was born in N. Ireland, and raised here (her dad was American, and her mom is Irish, so she's a dual citizen). Both grandparents on my Dad's side were born here, and I know that one of my dad's great grandmothers was Native American.
No idea what gen I am, going by that logic.
I know another leader that made better paintings
nu/pol/ STILL hasn't come to terms that Trump is Bush 3.0 yet, kek. Syria didn't wake them up, dancing with Saudis didn't wake them up, The Israeli photo ops didn't wake them up, the false flags didn't wake them up, the redeployment in Afghanistan didn't wake them up, the blatant support of the military industrial complex didn't wake them up.
What will wake them up old Sup Forums? When will they be ready for the final redpill?
I have yet to see him pronounce a single word correctly in anything that isn't engliash.
>Inb4 delusional anglos pretending that english it's the only language that matters.
i wont read; i'll say it again, what gen. r u really?
-- i'm a 9th gen. American asshole-saint
I guess infinite generation, going by what I typed above.
a generation is usually superscribed by a 30yr period
Fifteen years later we're still fighting the wars that lying piece of shit started. The entire family should be hung right next to the Clintons
Ok, well since I don't know where to start it, and I have a native ancestor, I guess I've been here since the natives crossed over from Asia.
eechk.... its mutual
What's mutual?
Oh, so those fancy speaking literature university professors that all are for communism and accepting refugees and supporting all kinds of degenerancy have a huge IQ?
I don't think your verbal abilities are related to IQ latino Texas.
oh, so basically, like me, since because 'I AM Human' no1 knows since we all r one?
I have no idea what you're going on about.
what u r
If I had a dollar for every pixel in that image, I would have 38 cents.
>all these assmad kiddies forgetting literally everyone on both sides was putting pressure on him to respond
now u know what mutuality means, brother
You tell me. I've got some Irish, some German, and some Native American in my blood.
No, I don't.
i miss him
The original meme president, how can trump even comepete?
i have Irish, German, & Italian in my genes, but that doesn't mean anything
what was ur point again? ... point it out 2 me please
Being a buffoon =/= being "relatable"
That Bush was a bad president, and that him being likable doesn't make him any better at the job.
He ran on a policy of compassionate conservation and it was a very good conservative platform that was completely forgotten on 9-11.
It's really a shame, he didn't want to be a war time president
Maybe if you're a 50 year old hick
*Compassionate conservatism
Those are some shit portraits of his brother's wife.
he makes no difference between a dem & a repub... both r trash
Literally cuckservatism
That has nothing to do with what I stated, and still doesn't justify you asking what Generation of American I am.
Facts: you don't know him, you saw him on tv, you relate to tv
Shut your slave mouth.
Michelle you are married!
Out of curiosity, why doesn't Trump have a dog?
what gen. of American has evrything 2 do what u r; state what u r again; 4 argument's-sake; an American has no affiliation -- besides what they agree with: 'u r free 2 do whatever u agree with, so long as u agree with that we r all free 2 do what 'we' want', unless it stops u/us from doing the same
He's never owned one. Being a germaphobe, maybe he thinks they're dirty? I have to wash my hands after every time I touch a dog.
That or he just doesn't care and has more important things to worry about.
He's never had a dog. At least he didn't get one as a prop like Obama's dog and Bush's cowboy hat that disappeared with the ranch he sold the day he left office and didn't need to pretend to be a cowboy from Texas any longer.
Did Obama get rid of his dogs? If so, what a dick.
Obamas dogs are pretty cool though. Don't drag their names through the mud user.
Playboy published CP in the 70s. Girls as young as 4 involved. Brooke Shields was nude in 1975 issue called Sugar 'n' Spice at the age of 10. Spread this info on social media, tell your friends, inform independent media.
dude, he's playing a character
they all are
it's a fucking narrative
someone wrote the plot that the old president took up painting
or maybe this is the real bush, painter of dogs, finally allowed to do whatever he wants instead of being a puppet for his families ambition. but i don't know. at all.