>Marital 'rape'

WTF is this? How can you possibly rape your own wife?


By forcing her to have sex with you maybe?

Being available for sex is part of the marriage contract.

>implying if you weren't ready for kids and wouldn't stop using a condom so your wife fucked you in your sleep to get pregnant anyway you wouldn't run all the way to r/mensrights crying about it

>still getting married to white girls in 2017
Found your problem

Fuck off Shlomo stop sliding the thread

Is that an Auschwitz reenactor on the right? Give that slore a cheeseburger.

Fuck off tradcon. Nobody wants to get drunk and bitch about ex wives with you.

Marital rape exists, but there was also a case in France where a man successfully sued his wife for refusing to have sex with him.

However in most Western nations sex cannot be a valid term for a contract as it makes them illegal

Have you saw an asian wife screaming rape and blackmailing dudes for their penny banks?
Found your other problem

That's different from simply demanding your wife to perform her marriage duties


Not being an asshole is also part of the "contract".

>marital rape

You mean
>child support

Remember kids, it goes in all fields


Nice sjw buzzword. When there is a marriage there is an implicit (and in some legal systems even explicit) agreement that both partners have marital duties that need to be performed.

You could rape your wife if you were being extremely violent and then fucked her while abusing her. But usually, with loving couples there's an understanding.

My wife is generally okay with me "harassing" her even if she's not in the mood. Because she enjoys it, and she'll help me out even if she's not in the mood either. Same goes for her, sometimes your wife just feels horny and needs some help. It doesn't have to be full-on sex. Sometimes you just need some help, and within the confines of marriage that's acceptable.

Another thing is, I guess you have to know where your boundaries are.

Like, with the article in the OP. Would it count as "rape" if your wife or husband started touching you while you're asleep? My wife has admitted to doing things to me while I'm asleep, and sometimes I did the same.

Is it rape if I grab my wifes breasts in the middle of the night?


Clearly not retard

If your wife doesn't want to have sex with you ever you divorce.
If your wife doesn't want to have sex tonight you wait for tomorrow (or get better at it so she doesn't come up with retarded excuses to not have sex with you).

According to feminists it is. In marriage 'consent' is implied.

Surely violent assault is rape but that''s not what modern (((legal systems))) have in mind when they use the term 'marital rape'

>Another thing is, I guess you have to know where your boundaries are.
>Like, with the article in the OP. Would it count as "rape" if your wife or husband started touching you while you're asleep? My wife has admitted to doing things to me while I'm asleep, and sometimes I did the same.
>Is it rape if I grab my wifes breasts in the middle of the night?
I've woken up with my wife fucking me and it was great. If such things are unacceptable then get a god damn divorce and why the fuck were you married to begin with imo

Well in that case my wife has raped me several times.

Martial theft


Roastie radar is beeping

so if i have woken up a few times and my wife is wanking me off....is that rape?

Your wife is usually ok with me harassing her too as long as I shoot my seed in her before she goes home and sits on your face.

She stays a human with her own will after a marriage, Turk.
martial rape is evil, but sadly also easy to exploit by women.

>or get better at it so she doesn't come up with retarded excuses to not have sex with you

That doesn't sound like a very loving relationship

Why am I the first one to ask for the uncensored pic?
>also post uncensored pic pls

Left girl is only one worth looking at tbhfam

none is worth looking at, but what wouldn't we do for science!

There is no such thing as marital rape.
When a man and women are married, the woman becomes the property of the man and they enter into an agreement that the woman will be there to have and to hold in sickness and in health until death.

If she refuses sex, it is a breach of contract and they should no longer be together.

Could be said providing kids falls under marriage duties

>Wife crying as she squeezes your hand
>Rows of her crying family members have shown up for the funeral
>I can't believe he's gone, she says, he was the best father I could have asked for
>She hugs you tightly and you feel her tears soak through your suit jacket
>It's time to pay your respects, she approaches the coffin, you follow
>His cold body lays motionless and you remember playing golf with him
>That was some sexy golf
>Your boner starts to put pressure on your dress pants, you'll need to relieve it
>In front of dozens of mourners your hoist your sobbing wife onto the coffin
>She screams as you lift her long black dress and pull down her plain white undergarments
>Your cock enters her and the room falls silent
>Church pews creaking break the silence and 4 men charge you, the women screaming
>They struggle to pull you away, you're still thrusting
>You cum


I came


That's one hot coffee pot

Reminder that strapons exist.


What contract did you sign with the church that said you can expose you and your wife on their private land? Seems like laws where broken in this case of public exposure


It's natural human behavior. Who are you to question what a man does with his wife in a house of the lord?

Rape is a social construct.
Also, my wife claims that marital rape isn't real.
>Feels good


Signing a contract saying I can rape my wife whenever I want is not the same and charging my way into the Vatican and wanking off on my wifes face infront of the pope

it's another attack of feminists on the fact that marital sex is transactional sex.

the goal is to force husbands to give women money while women won't give them sex.

It WAS part of the marriage contract. We no longer have traditional marriage, it was replaced by something masquerading as marriage.

Imagine if a man were to tell his wife "I don't feel like fulfilling my husband duties, and going to work to provide for the family. I just don't feel like it today, my head hurts. Maybe if you do these chores..." he will be called a selfish, awful husband and shamed. But it's okay if a woman does it, because we live in a gynocracy.


but you're calling it rape
it's not rape to have sex with your wife. in nature, there is no consent, a male rooster, dog or cat just mates when they want. The civility of humanity is that we get married, so we don't just mate randomly like the rest of animals.

1. if the marriage has not yet been consummated and the sex is forced

2. Forcing sex on your wife would not be rape but assault and should be treated as such.

That's true. Giving the pope a pearl necklace is arguably more honorable than engaging in a heterosexual marriage. Catholics are fucking abhorrent.

You fucking sick cunt! Did the cum splatter out of her puss and onto the floor too..?

>Asshole is a sjw buzzword

I only call it rape because it's amusing to think of it as such

Public indesency is still illegal wether the wife did or didn't want to get rammed on her dead dad

Agree with the concept not the scenario

What an arsehole

When my boyfriend isn't feeling sexy, I usually just put my feet in his face. That gets him going

>in nature, there is no consent, a male rooster, dog or cat just mates when they want

Obviously never came across the female scaring the piss out of the male that tried to fuck her without being welcome to do so.

Australian quality shitpost right there

I have a question for the younger folks here who are big into these new concepts.
Can someone be legaly acused of rape by a third party ?
Maybe neighbor accusing you of rape against your wife ?

>Being available for sex is part of the marriage contract.

Used to be part of the marriage contract. Not anymore. Now you know how much "marriage" has degenerated in the West.

The animals haven't signed contracts to say they can though

>thinks about the absolute state of Britbongistan

The marriage contract is with God.

Fucking kek

Unless you would like to get into "verbal" contracts and implications then no, they do not sign on the dotted line with inked pens for the aforementioned agreement.

But not by force. Rape in marriage never was legal. It was still covered under assault laws.

All memeimg aside as a 20 I do believe that a third party can bring attention to the fact that you are sexually abusing your wife... I'm in the mindset that the contract is void if she does refuse and if you still have sex with her then it's rape but it is your fault for not getting to know the person enough to see they wouldn't hold up on their end

Yea, but the link you posted is different
>hey honey feel like having sex?
>no I don't feel like it today
>*unzips dick*
Don't forget that that goes both ways

I just don't even know anymore.

Frenchy is totally right here.


are you retarded son?

fuck off muhamad

You would have to prove self awareness within the non human and ability to understand the situation for a verbal contract to be formed

Yes contract with God as witness

idk. kinda scary. very thin. spooky skeleton sex???

She might consent goy, but its rape if you forget to ask a certain third party.

I don't live in London, Birmingham or Manchester so I have a cushy life in an almost entirely white society

>God is apparently a witness
I'll remember that the next time I need to beat a murder rap.

you really should delet this


>he will be called a selfish, awful husband and shamed

Sticks and stones faggot. Those are just words, its up to you if you take offense from them snowflake. Having sex against someones will is magnitudes worse.

I didn't say I believe in God or marriages I simply stated what it is and why it carries weight

>found your problem

underrated as fuck kek

thank mr skeltal

Ask a muslim it's part and parcel of their culture.

Marriage is a civil contract and all the details are covered by family law.


This. Dunno why so many cucks defend a woman being all lovey-dovey and after the marriage suddenly "not feeling like it". It's her fucking job to have sex (and get pregnant), and this sort of refusal to do so has brought our society to the brink of extinction.
It's time to make women aware how thoroughly they are failing in the most basic duties instead of encouraging this self-destructive behavior.

>t. Tyrone Bin Mohammed

> happy father's day picture
Way to make daddy proud.

How the fuck can someone possibly prove marital rape in court?
>all physical evidence is nulled because the couple has had sex hundreds of times
>they have a contract binding the two of the together so consent is pretty much established
It seems like the only two ways to get convicted would be either third part testimony or if he beat the shit out of her