Hey /Pol do you guys really hate us that much? I mean let's be honest as far as racism goes I think we're on the same line against ignorant nigger gang banging niggers filthy muslims mexican immigrants, most jews never stole nor backstabbed nobody I pay for my buds drinks don't give a fuck about money I mean seriously why all the hate towards us? I always seen myself as a white male and it's honestly confusing me do you guys really dislike us that much, if it all broke loose again would you guys try to destroy us all again?
Hey /Pol do you guys really hate us that much...
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Kikes are shitskins. If it's brown, put it down.
But I have blue eyes and light brown hair, never stole in my life or did any type of crime, why?
Your people are brainwashing ours and control everything so we're a tad bit pissed off
The most our people control in the states is the media, and let's be honest man nobody's brainwashing shit, we're all free to think and believe what we want, if you allow something like the media to brainwash you that's your problem, we don't even own all the media wtf.
>he hides his flag
nice try you CIA nigger I ain't gonna take the bait
Nah seriously though what's up with this shit on /Pol I'm new around here how come I never had any idea that our people are in control of the States, I suppose that's what you mean, I'm not trying to pull the victim shit again and I know some of the ones that did the bullshit in order for that to happen to us probably deserved it but let's be honest man most jews are nice kind people and if you think the rothschilds or whatever theory you go by control anything besides the bank shit they going on you're crazy man lol
I'm a bit drunk so I forgot to mention the part I meant, look at it we've always been attacked and lots of our people killed with no defense how the fuck does that happen to a group so small of people that control the world? does that make any sense to you man? if that shit was to happen again nobody would do shit to stop it and that's honestly a pretty big fear in my heart.
Yes and more than anything. Kys
But why though dude I grew up around white folks love you guys to death and get along with your people the best, I'm not a very highly religious type of jew neither if you were to be my guest i'd put everything I have on the table for you why the fuck would you hate me man? I'm not responsable for what happened to germany's economy back in the day nor for the media shit I have no power at all why would you hate me personally dude?
Don't waste time sucking their dicks man, their mind can't be changed. Now Yakov, are you coming to the daily gathering? We're planning something new for the bad goyim
is it a goyim shoa?
oh boy I hope it's goyim shoa
Lol the memes are funny and all that bro but I'm sure you're just like me and admit it we honestly love white folks the most as far as the races go we really don't discriminate neither but I'm legit confused with all the jewish hate that's happening today it's not even sucking their dicks bro it's trying to be honest with them but it's like they feel like we always have a plan or that we're all connected to one brain they're honestly brainwashing each other on /Pol with all this jewish hate shit what hurts me the most is when some of the folks that I build friendships and relationships with find out that I'm jewish since I don't look like the happy merchant start to act different towards me and all paranoid like I'm up to somehing I'm just a hard working middle classed kike that wants nothing but to leave in peace and take care of my family, oh well I guess this is the wrong board to confess on lol.
Doesn't matter how honest you are, most of them are already a jew liar or whatever.
And grow a thicker skin, you sound weak to me.
most of them are already convinced*
5,000+ years of revenge coming to your people.
For fucks sake man what does she really admit? if you're a peaceful person I you'd understand her, look at that woman I doubt she's thinking ''white genocide'' by saying that, be honest there will never be such a thing as white genocide and that's just your paranoia, you guys run the whole fucking world I do agree with keeping Europe white or whatever since most races have at least one country for themselves, but you can't blame that on that poor woman and the joos white folks invented colonialism bro if you look into poltiics you'll find out that we really have nothing to do with it and the countries agree on those things, and if you really disagree with this why don't you guys protest if you really feel that way things won't change if you just waste your time on /pol hating on jews and honestly causing some sort of harm to other jewish folks that are nothing but simple people trying to live their life because all this hateful shit you people post honestly gets to people man, I'm not being a snowflake neither but on and on when I check boards I always find something about jew bashing and shit man.
>most jews never stole nor backstabbed nobody
stop hiding your flag you lying cunt
How am I lying though dude? what does that woman agreeing with coexisting has to do with muslim immigrants? ffs also let me guess it's our fault your country is field with thieving gypsies right?
I never really understood the hate towards jews. I for one don´t really mind them. What i hate the most are the lamestream media brainwashing and those fucking muslim invaders, as far as jews go they seem to be quite the enemies whit the muslim fags, so to me their like allies. To me muslims are the lowest form of humans on earth. That is if one could even call them human.
show the flag you larper then we can talk about gyppos
Also one more thing since this is probably a cause of the paranoia and hate white folks have for jews, we don't hold grudges over the holocaust we don't care man we live in the present what happened happened this life is too short for this type of shit anyways.
No matter what country you reside in your allegiance will always be to Israel. No matter what the situation you will always side with your fellow Jews.
If you were doing this in Israel this wouldn't be a problem. As it stands you're a cancer on the human species. Through your machinations you pit brother against brother just to line your own pockets. I used to think that it was simple zionism, but it goes much further than that; when you hit the bottom of the barrel to further your own ends you just keep digging.
You need to be removed.
That's really what we is man, if it really comes to us hating something is muslims and they hate on Donald Trump for agreeing with us and trying to help Israel out, most of those foreign muslims only understand one language and that's violence dude our people are probably the most passive race on this planet I really have no idea where all this hate is coming from.
don't be so brutal with the truth rabbi it hurts
what's funny about that though is that it's honestly self reflecting their inner racism and it's mostly the white supremacists that feel like that, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing being a nationalist and having pride in your face but there's no need to hate on other's in order to.
i dont want to destroy you mate,but many of your high ups want us dead
till people like soros and barbera spectre types stop that shit anti semitism will grow
it honestly does hurt because it's not like that at all i'm just another human being and your characteristcs aren't based on your ethnicity you'll never have any conflict with a jew in America walking the street we never rob mug people none fo that bullshit plus you're romanian man I doubt you ever met a jewish person in order to know how they are i'm just a regular person trying to live my life like you bro you guys are fast to jump to conclusions and hate on other people based on internet videos then you blame the jewish media or whatever for brainwashing i'm not saying they're not to a certain degree what i'm saying is that it's pretty moronic to do so.
Kill yourself Moshe. You will be the first to be gassed, you mutilated vermin scum.
Lol man Soros is a piece of shit that backstabbed his own folks with his father back in the day Soros doesn't want to destroy your people he wants to destroy every people that guy is a sick psychopath with no morals he's a parasite to everybody man.
>he still Larps with that trash flag
>I always seen myself as a white male
Of course you do, JIDF.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>I always seen myself as a white male
(((fellow whites)))
Always the same.
for fucks sake man have a good day.
Yeah sure, that's why some antisemites adesives attached in the Olympic stadium made every Italian journalist go reee and even the fucking pm is callin ultras out
dude believe me my close mats call me a dirty jews rat sometimes as a joke and shit like that but I know that they love me it's true most jewish people are very sensitive that's the reason for it i wish more of them were open about hearing other's opinions on the holocaust history and what not I see it myself the other jew folks I hag with are open about it and they don't believe the 6 milliion bullshit neither it's that they're brainwashed by the media and some by their grandparents what's funny is that my father opened up about Hitler being nothing more than a person standing up for his country that lifted the economy back up in no time but he did point out that he had some flaws which were becoming power hungry in the process and killing way more of his own people than anything else.