Wtf CNN picked this up

Wtf CNN picked this up

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But then how will they make money?

Theiy're distancing themselves. They don't believe Dems will survive the fall.

Could it be. The time they awaken?

Are they finally calling an apple an apple?

Something is definitely up here. The script doesnt flip so easily unless these cunts know something we dont. Are they going to throw Hillary under the bus to save obummer?

Makes sense.


They are going to propose counter argument and make it Trump's fault because mental gymnastics

(((Rats))) abandoning a sinking ship.

What is a dossier? Isn't that just some word assholes use to make shit sound more important than it actually is? Just say memo or letter.

muh emails

They're doing that to slowly condition their viewers that they were always on the right path. They'll introduce subtle buzzword differences over the course of the coming weeks. Before their viewers know it, they'll believe CNN never believed it to begin with. Jews are cunning, that's for sure.

All they said is that it was opposition research anyone would've done. They seemed much more upset about the inevitable "I told you so" Trump and his voters are gonna be dishing out. MSM is reaching levels of cognitive dissonance that shouldn't be possible.

this is the pissing dossier, right?

Here another one from today some minutes ago


Something strange is afoot.

They have been saying it is a distraction. Last night I saw a lady say that it is opposition research and everyone does it.

My question to the bitch who be “why did you guy constantly talk about Don Jr meeting?”

What did kek mean by this?

I wouldn't call it that way, they are just rats abandoning the ship

Yes it is a fancy word that assholes use, but its not really a letter or memo. Its a collection of documents about a person.

This. It's "throw them under the bus and run" time.

It has always been a distraction. 95% of the things the media report about Trump are. The question is, why are they all turning to focus on this now when we have know the dossier was bullshit for nearly a year.


>trump supporters hunt down Pizza-philes
>Hollywood/Shia Lefag shows them
>that the abused grow up to become degenerates
>America becomes great again

Hopefully next we find out Dossier was used for FISA warrant with gets obama and admin

Of course the narrative is changing.

End of the day, they still want to exist this time next year, and not be thrown in prison.

Expect to see less and less bias coming out from these left pieces of shit

What's happening? Gimme a rundown.

That's exactly right. Obamma is already being trotted out for local or state elections, not the Clintons because the latter has proven toxic in their (((polls))).

media knew about all this shit during the campaign but ignored it to help clinton. now they're reporting it because clinton is of no use to them.

I'm not really into BDSM, but I want to make all the CNN talking heads crawl down the street on leashes with ball-gags and whip their asses with a bullwhip

Obama is their shining beacon of all thats good about the left - there is no way they will want to taint that legacy - so to preserve it they will have to throw killary under the bus - lets enjoy the car crash

Even Washington Post, CBC, and NBC are reporting about Uranium One and that.

then I want Hillary and Bill to fucking go all out, I want them to burn the fucking neighborhood on fighting their own. The longer the better. It will crater the left, in time for midterm elections. And hopefully distract them long enough for 2020 to surprise them.

is that the golden shower dossier or what?

Not just that but was the dossier used by FBI to get FISA warrant to spy on Trump camp?...


We saw how assblasted they got when Obama didnt call his general when his son died.

But Obama sure called Trayvon's mama up quick because remember Trayvon "coulda been my son"

This looks like it's connected to their trans-fruit ad they released.

They are flipping, trying to move away from fake news.

expect massive JFK redactions or no release of the JFK files

this was the deal Trump took, end the Russia story and the truth about JFK never sees the light of day


Sorry, but despite Trump's claims it isn't fake and numerous parts of it have been verified.

This story is also old af. We knew a Republican started the research and it was picked up by the dems back in January.

I think CNN's motivations have more to do with creating the illusion of being a credible news source than actually being purely biased politically.

Holy shit

They probably got the a-ok that Clinton will never run again in her life so they ran a useless story.

They never would have done something like this while she was running for president.

They look like trannies. Horrible.

you know that your identity is on the record in DNC, and one day it will be leaked, and you will be stabbed on street, don't you? Is it really worth it for $0.50 a post?

They need to break some real news every now and then to maintain credibility. After that they'll go back to fake news again.

Yes numerous parts have been (((verified))) and it was all started by a (((Republican))).

Your old tactics of crying "debunked" don't work in the age of modern media. It's not the 90s anymore. Your monopoly has crumbled.

Poor Wolves, wish they had beaten City.

The DNC is about to start doing some cleaning when the public becomes fully aware of this. What do you think it's going to happen to you and the rest of the people being paid to post this stuff? At least have the decency to abandon your family before they come after you so there are no collateral targets



What's MSNBC saying?

They took the bogpill

Clinton ran out of money to pay them to shill for her.


This is a lesson, remember after the jew is done with you, the jew will dispose of you.

Playboy published CP in the 70s. Girls as young as 4 involved. Brooke Shields was nude in 1975 issue called Sugar 'n' Spice at the age of 10. Spread this info on social media, tell your friends, inform independent media.

That pic, what in the fuck? Total creepshow. O_o

Are they truly fucked? Do they just have plausible deniability now?

I have been saying for a long time, when the ratings go away, how long will soros continue to inject cash? sadly for them the damage is done, we all know who they are now.

Long story short there is more evidence coming out about Hillary faking documents and trying to incriminate Trump with Russia stuff.

Still fake news outlet.
Till they don't fire all editors, anchorman, pundits, writers, cameraman... from the last 40 years and doxx them. No love

What on earth is this?

>Are they going to throw Hillary under the bus to save obummer?
seems like it, depends on Obamas cooperation, I think the Bushes are screwed

We all know about that, its just surprising to see that the fake news has no choice but to cover it.

dude stop. its annoying now.

sweeitie pie, it's all about her uranium now.

A cartoon. Who cares?


Im watching Morning Jew and they're talking about it too Im worried guys WHAT ARE THEY UP TOO

save the FBI trouble and shoot yourself in the head right fucking now.

this is exacly the reson why he is posting this
so people will get annoyed to a point in whitch they will forget/ignore about topic

CNN need the viewers - they have given up the jig on Trump Russia, now they will just stick to trying to deflect to save the corpse of the DNC & hope it can be re-animated

It sure looks like it.

Does everyone here know that election is over?


Trump's talk about revoking licensing might have something to do with their change of heart.

What ever happened to it being treason to cooperate with a foreign body to get info to effect a election?

digits confirm, they will do anything to save king nig. even if it means burning their entire party down.

What a horrible shame.

ayyy lmao

This. Hillary is getting Weinstein'd

Use WAIT you stupid polish fuck.

>mfw these were the first words i thought when i saw the pic

we are all one in the bog

Give PolandAnon the sauce faggot

Clinton is a sinking ship, even CNN knows this.


sauce on cartoon

The fuck would I have it for? I didn't post that shit.

shut the fuck up and post it faggot

Can I get a quick rundown on these two sisters?

CNN is beyond redemption. Don't give them any shekels by watching/reading them. Let them crash and burn to serve as a warning to the other propaganda companies.
They aren't switching sides, they are just getting control of the narrative to then mold it to their wants.

CNN is fake news remember? You Drumpfkins are fucking retards.

Your fake news not fake enough for you anymore?

Also, DNC has decided to get rid of the Clintons, as they're bad for business.

CNN + Reporting relevant and truthful ?? Second coming of Christ confirmed!

Hillary on her latest book tour