What are Sup Forums's thoughts on a potential Balkan Federation?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on a potential Balkan Federation?
>more globalism
The B*lkans deserve to be united under the Ottoman flag.
will never happen
fuck everyone except for serbia and bulgaria
cunty cunts everywhere, with the occasional albo mudshit
come try it mehmet
i miss playing with sticks in your ass
no fuck off you hidden fag
Yea Balkan legion would fuckin wreck any Turk invaders, day of reclaiming Constantinople when?
To be fair, small states like these kind of need to be united to be relevant on the world stage.
Istanbul has been Turkish for over 500 years. It belongs to Muslims.
Didnt work out too well last time around.
>American "education"
Who told you that?
as if the former yugoslav republic of memedonia won't ride turkish dick to get some of dat bulgarian clay
let's not even mention albania and what goes on there
It was tried before. I believe the result turned kinds bloody around 1993-97.
nobody cares about relevancy anymore, we're not living in the middle ages anymore, it's better to stay under the radar and off the muslim breeding map.
needless to say, romania is a far better choice than germany to live in any day
your mom was a cumrag for the past 30 years, but she's still a woman.
there a reason you hide your flag
>what was yugoslavia
You can blame yourselves for the downfall of the Byzantine Empire.
Our Turkish brothers should be part of it too
It's a good idea but balkanites are too dumb to unite, so better not.
If it came down to a vote, Istanbul would gladly join anything remotely related to europe than stay in the political and cultural sphere of the sultanate of turkey.
it's just a matter of time, mudshit - don't worry
you'll get your time on the spike, too.
We have the same desire to unite with eachother, that the English and French do.
Regardless of them objectively being a larger power together, cultural differences and the albanian niggers are two of the greatest pitfalls in any balkan association
also fyrom.
fuck fryom
russian proxy users are so easy to spot it´s hilarious
>fuck fyrom
>not fuck albania
>no thrace
>no cyprus
at least albania shuts the fuck up.
fyrom tried to fuck us and serbia a couple of years back by diverting refugees this way
thankfully they all went through to germany via serbia and few crossed into romania
but that was all fyrom.
Fuck you gypsy. Kill yourself.
That's not true go ask canada
I'm actually an Aussie proxy larping as Turk larping as Croat
Say it with me: Serbian subcontinent.
reveal your squip or memedonian flag
Serbia will just kill you all
Serbs are warrior caste of slavs, they must fight, it is in their blood
too s*rbian
we need a bulgarian ruled großjugoslavsche lösung
that's deep
>Serbia will just kill you all
Serbia will conspire to kill you all then be bombed to the stone age...again.
Honest question from a Burger: why are you proud of Vlad when he ultimately lost and was a victim of sexual abuse by the Ottoman sultan? Corollary: why so Serbs fetishize a crushing defeat.
I guess I’ll never understand the Balkans.
Jerusalem belongs to the Christians and Jews.
Why are you proud of JFK since he cheated on his wife and got shot by his own secret service to name just a couple.
what kind of stupid question is that.
Still a few hundred years left to go. Crusaders lasted 150 years and Israel’s only got 70 so far.
you cannot kill all serbs, they will survive and start from scratch
best way is to send them all into space so they can spend their bloodlust on ayy lmaos
this is part of austro-hungarian empire sorry
Croatia is central europe and its forbiden in our constitution to form alliances with balkan nations.
>they will survive and start from scratch
like cockroaches?
personally I don't like Vlad he basically needed outside help to stay in power more awesome is his cousin which sure lost to the ottomans(who didn't back then) but mostly won most wars carried
>Comparing a medieval autist to JFK
His infedilities are not really relevant. Boomers are proud of him for being eloquent, morally courageous against communism, and being good at civil rights. I’m not prouf of JFK desu. I’m confused about why you picked him, are you implying that 8 year old Vlad consented to Mehmet? I doubt that. Or is Vlad only beloved by older Romanians and not younger ones like JFK is?
you are in nato and the EU with other balkan states
stop lying or misinterpreting
i have nothing against serbs
and to actually answer your question, you should read up on the life of Vlad Draculesti, and let me know afterwards if any of your military accomplishes compare remotely to the genius and cruelty of that one man.
He wasn't sexually abused, that was his brother. And he's mostly admired for impaling criminals, killing turks is secondary.
remove kebab
no we arent we are in central europe. only bulgaria and romania are in balkans.
It would be just another proof that multiculturalism doesnt work.
Serbia should have established a puppet government in Kosovo with pro-Serb Albanians like how Russia did with Chechnya, it's actually amazing how Putin did 4d chess and managed to end the Chechen wars there, and not only ended those wars but straight up domesticated Chechens so that they serve Russian interests. Same jihadis who were cutting off heads of Russians are now in Syria fighting for the Russian government. Serbia should have done some 4d chess shit like that with the Albanians. If it can be done with those mongol Chechens it can surely be done with Albanians too.
But it seems too late now.
Balkans are what sjw's would be if they were countries. The opression olympics and identites
neither do I, but let's be real here
they will never stop fighting, even after they conquer entire earth and solar system they will keep fighting anything they can
>tfw even serbia can into space
aj, we were there
this already was a thing and lead to Jugoslawia conflict
I think that’s the truth. It’s like a special little country for each little minority SJW group, one for disabled trans womyn, one for black homosexuals, so forth.
Pajeet hates steak or something like that
albanians have their country, chechens dont , its not the same and serbs arent that smart either.
Most of us hate each other due to historical autism and revanchism. Greece is too rich to want to be associated with the others, not to mention they're not Slavs. Us, Romania and Serbia are trying to get kind of a V4 thing going but idk if it's gonna work.
Chechens are the best. They make all their gays go to Canada.
Putin literally pays tribute to kadyrov so chechens dont start shit and act pro-putin wtf
you are both in NATO and in the EU, and that makes your statement false.
you are both in a political and military alliance with other balkan countries such as ourselves, and bulgaria
good, so they should
that's determination
forgot your people fought from the sewers and persevered? that's great.
it ain't gonna work our politicians are to busy sucking EU dick
google first and second balkan wars
Never again nigger.We do hate eachother a lot but we still hate Turks more than we hate eachother.
>Greece is too rich for us
You know you’re Balkan-poor when you can type this with a straight face.
What about Turkey. They gota a good economy, I hear. Like factories and stuff, not oil (i think?).
nobody likes turkey
and greece didn't suffer gommunism is why they're not dirtpoor
Milosevic could have done the same with Rugova, installed him as leader, granted more autonomy to Kosovo while still making it part of Serbia, hiring Albanian police to stop the separatists and nationalists. But instead he went full retard.
Turkey has about the same gdp per capita as we do, they'r not rich, just have a massive population.
Greece gets a bad rap due to their """crisis""", they're basically top 10% worldwide in terms of living standards.
Turkey - outside of the Istanbul megacity where the billionaires live, the average population is dirt poor, even more so than in the Balkans. Their economy is nominally huge because they have 80+ million people
thats actually how the border looked like between the ottomans and us, for the most time.
yes but you arent the leaders of that alliance.
Don't cast us in with the Slavs. Also purge albozergs
This is suprising desu. Weren’t the Balkans part of a great powr (maybe even super power in the 16/17th centuries)? Another burger question: Why do Balkans hate the Turks if they were part of a strong country with the Turks?
there is a point where we gotta stop blaming gommunism
The collaboration has already started, soon Serbia will enter EU so the trade between our countries will increase drastically. Yugoslavia was a major trade partner of Romania and the attack against them from Nato was an indirect attack against us.
The next step is to connect our infrastructure and our energetic network.
The balkanic union must focus on banning the muslim influence in europe, so bosnia, albania and turkey will obviously be excluded from any regional project.
Montenegro and probably macedonia will be free to join.
so your constitution specifically states that you are not allowed to be in a union with a balkan nation that is the head of that union?
i find that really unbelievable, i'm sorry. i need a citation
it's stupid and way too specific.
because Balkans like to be independent
That would not be possible. EU will rull
are you implying that's not the real reason everything went to shit?
nigger, we ditched neo-communism not too long ago and that's still a far fetched statement looking at PSD policies
you were a strong nation under the UK too, and you even spoke the same language
you ask autistic questions
it says that we cant enter alliances that could bring back yugoslavia or any kind of balkan state.
Balkan peninsula =/ meme arbitrary cultural borders
At least half ogf Croatia is in Balkans, be it in cultural or physical sense
I guess it’s like North Dakotans being proud to be a member of the US but not wanting to pay taxes? Or Texans and their independence attitude.
well, that's different and it makes sense.
We like the UK- its the mother country.
>not to mention they're not Slavs
im from Greece and i may have SLAVIC ancestors
great power which slaughtered and raped the non-muslim population and treated them like slaves yes
>we ditched neo-gommunism
yeah that's so far out there that's wrong
Communism isn't at fault that we're morons who believe anything that the politicians feed us
you're missing my point
the US wanted independence and you were culturally the same people.
we were never the same people to begin with, and the turks were even more foreign than the other balkan people, so you can imagine how much we cared for eachother.
let alone the fact that they wanted to islamise the region which didn't go well with our mainly religious population
im with the central part. the south is mediterranian.
Yeah, and smart.
So, isn’t Turkey kinda like your Balkan Mother country? Or are your individual cuisines ans cultures too different from each other (and from Turkey)? I know you’re all Orthodox and Turks are Muslim but do your people act and behave similarly?
yes it is, because the communist system was the one which educated the majority of people that vote today;
statistically speaking.
of course they'll vote red, if they think red.
they were raised to think that way;
not that much...
In Ottoman rule,if you werent muslim,authority took the 80% of your crop
Wtf, is this bait?
i would rip your legs off and beat you to death with them for what you just uttered.
how ignorant are you? or are you just baiting?
> We have decided to cooperate closely in several directions, such as energy, economy, transport, (...) as well as crises management, namely the security area.
It seem it always takes a muslim invasion to wake our shit (((leaders))).