>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
PREV APPEARANCES/LINKS (fuck poo in the loos too)
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump/CommSec Wilbur speech on minority devel week 10/24/17
>Pres Trump arrives @Capital Hill &ignores protester 10/24/17
>Pres Trump motorcade to the Senate Lunch 10/24/17
>VP Pence @American Ent Inst 10/24/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis meets w/Duterte 10/24/17
>SoS T-Rex in pakistan 10/24/17
>CJCS Gen Dunford presser on Camp against isis 10/24/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 10/24/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 10/24/17
>Pres Trump presents Medal of Honor to Cap Gary Rose 10/23/17
>Pres Trump Joint Stmt w/PM Lee Loong (Sing) 10/23/17
>Pres Trump/Boeing Pres/PM Lee Loong sign deal 10/23/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence have lunch with PM Lee Loong 10/23/17
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>The Renewal of the American Spirit
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Have they found a motive yet
>thought crime is the russian's fault
this is exactly what the establishment wants, brainwashed minions that accept censorship because it harms 'the enemy'
Did the dingos get Aussie OP? I'm scared
He fell asleep at the wheel
what show is this
It’s not impossible that he was indeed backstabbed. Trump is very laissez faire with internal factions in his organizations, that’s one of his strong points: prevent the type of conformism and groupthink that plagued Hillary Campaign and Obama admin.
It also create unending drama, a continuous “The Apprentice” show in real life that invariably ends up with some group (temporarily) getting the upper hand and others getting ousted.
I’ll assume he ended up going after (let’s day) Miller, went over his head and got ousted. All normal at Trump run organizations, only those who work in silence (see: Devos, Miller) are spared of these intraoffice politics
Trump may be far better than the alternatives but he's still shit
If you disagree you're a brainlet
Have a happy Halloween
If you wanted baking back then you can have it, sorry. I can also keep going or get later if you want.
>It’s not impossible that he was indeed backstabbed
The buck stops at the President, I think the insinuation is rather shitty and I don't see at all the attack on Bannon as anything reasonable. I also don't see how he provided anything desirable or positive to the place really.
These faggots need to declare open allegiance to Dubya and Flake to fully show how lockstep they are with the uniparty.
Keep on sinking refugee boats and all denbtz are forgiven Greece.
Should have used Politico or Washington Compost as the source just to rub it in.
It's a big story in Greece now that some international organizations said that refugee camps here are comparable to nazi concentration camps
Most people don't give a shit though
It's real
When will you elect Golden Dawn and liquidate them?
>Giving them the (You)s
Even Trump knows the golden rule
>I also don't see how he provided anything desirable or positive to the place really.
He fired Reince, that old chief of comms and, by proxy, Spicer, all old GOP operatives that latched on te admin on the promise of bridging the gap between Trump and the party. They failed (as the “one vote” event proved), they got ousted and Trump needed someone to take care of it without compromising his existing structure.
Did he ever got that position at the state investment bank?
Good that you're getting rid of terrorist spawn, they are almost as worst as turkroaches.
oh yea
Great job Greeks, keep up the good work
did we ever get a sex tape?
Playboy published CP in the 70s. Girls as young as 4 involved. Brooke Shields was nude in 1975 issue called Sugar 'n' Spice at the age of 10. Spread this info on social media, tell your friends, inform independent media.
>kids books about magic
>science fiction
he's got it back
> said that refugee camps here are comparable to nazi concentration camps
They can cross back into Turkey anyone they want
>Trump is just Bush and Fox News like the good ol' days in 08, that corrupt corporate owned koch brothers blah blah blah
>b-b-but forget the fact that fox news has a 50% support for Trump ratio, corperations are rallying around the democrats, the koch brothers did everything in their power to stop Trump in 15/16
they are literally neocon bush cocksucker tier now, they are everything they supposedly hate, establishment stooges .
Mika and Joe called the President unhinged for saying this.
Every shitlib response to this is "this is old news, a gop candidate paid for this first." Why is that a good rebuttal?
No need to apologize. It would have been my last one anyway.
Golden Dawn will never get elected
Greek people are traditional though and this will never change.
do both husbands share the pussy or does one claim the asshole?
What will they call him when the liberal media and DNC is hanging from the gallows due to treason and high treason
this. I am speaking for the german nation when I say your denbts will be forgiving if you sink more nigboats!
How is being forcibly deported to work in a slave camp even comparable to choosing to go to a refugee camp of your own free will? The left is so retarded it hurts.
>proof trump is living rent free in liberals' heads
Duterte can't dress for shit or is he blatantly disrespecting Mattis by wearing casual clothing
We have top autists working on it...
> Greek people are traditional though and this will never change.
Same thing in Portugal. No nationalist party will win for the time being but any party stepping outside the line with regards to immigration gets its shit pushed next election.
>Trump needed someone to take care of it without compromising his existing structure.
I guess he is an hatchet man in some capacity then is your thought? I hadn't heard much of him since Colbert. I've not heard him voice one opinion really that I agreed with but I guess if his entire purpose was that purging then I guess it worked. I don't understand the purpose of the subsequent swipes at Trump and Bannon if he was there to help purge GOPe or his alignment with GOPe thought.
He was the abslsolute best choice AND is doing a great job, if you say otherwise you're a brainlet.
When you scream "heaven help us" and throw your shovel in the river, you out yourself as either a liar or a hypocrite, none of which is a good look for Senator.
He should have just to scare the libs. They won't give it any credence since he linked FN
What about
>The point of fiction is to be a parallax view of existence
A glib facsimile
He means that the establishment is draining itself without Trump doing anything.
> I don't understand the purpose of the subsequent swipes at Trump and Bannon
A NY Italian with a big mouth yelling it like he sees. There was no purpose, he did what he had to do, talked with his hands a couple of times on TV to air some grievances and bowed out of the public view.
Again: contrast to Comey, Yates and to a certain extent, even Spicer.
>love fest
what did he mean by this?
>Sessions or Rosenstein actually going after the DNC
we're not banking on this, right?
Maybe he doesn't want to steal taxpayer money to pay for a suit and he's a humble guy.
He looks fine.
I don't understand this move. He could've cited CBC and Washington Post.
>Duterte can't dress for shit or is he blatantly disrespecting Mattis by wearing casual clothing
he's a man of the people, leave him be.
two punishers of sin, nice
gay orgy? doesn't sound like much family values
>inb4 the leftist media twists this tweet into some homoerotic bullshit, further driving the wedge between themselves and normal americans that don't support homosexuality
These people are all such total scumbags, every single govt dept used as a political weapon
Read something about the elites selling out the clintons. Selling enriched uranium is no joke.
Why even mention the walking dead
>Unironically being a NEET
>t. weed smoking toothepaste NEET
I dismissed the Spicer stuff due to the revelation of his debt and how mild anything I'd seen him saying or doing was, I'd known the score with him from the beginning. I think you're idea of things is plausible but I suppose there isn't much way to know for sure, I simply disagree with most of his views.
They'll probably cal him hitler again
Rosenstein, certainly no. Sessions is on record tho saying Uranium One is an ongoing investigation he’s not commenting
I'll move in with you.
The death eaters were too hazily and lazily sketched out to be really a critique of anything, other than villains who don't guard their weaknesses well; the sole trace of a comparable motive (that they don't like people with muggle parents) sort of evaporates when you keep in mind death eaters don't mind blurting out their muggle ancestry to random strangers.
Even RWBY had more pertinent leftist social commentary (ie. the part where they cheer for diversity specifically).
Not quite nothing. He's going scorched earth on cucks 1 at a time and your voters respond in kind because they notice these invertebrates not living up to their promises of not being faggots. Who gives a shit if some retiring spineless fuck gets their 15 minute handjob from lefties, the main point is he'll be out on his ass for someone who hopefully doesnt sell out America.
Don't do it.
> I dismissed the Spicer stuff due to the revelation of his debt
Yeah, Spicer did nothing wrong and I wish he was back at the admin. Crappy pay tho, almost everyone on Trump admin is taking a pay cut to be there given the anemic salary matrix of the White House (in comparison to the private sector).
Good morning. It's currently 42 degrees out and Greek revival style needs to make a comeback. This is your daily MS weather update and make architecture great again.
Why the fuck is Trump removing focus from the Hillary/Dossier story. He can't be this stupid. He should be hammering it like crazy.
Doesnt bordering Russia bring down the shipping cost of Russian Brides?
um hey media.. since Hillery paid for the piss gate files shouldn't they be named after her? why is it called the Trump dossier when he had nothing to do with it.
Tfw eating dinner and missed this
He’s not. Trump is parrying MSM attempt to create a viable hero. If 21st rebellions proved one thing is that you quash defectors first and foremost before they can organize any meaningful resistance movement.
In comparison to my neighbor's old state capitol building's gothic revival.
isn't that the (((media)))'s job? he already tweeted once about it
I don't know. Maybe I should look into it.
>He should make this a personal political crusade
At one point in your life you have to decide if you want appearances or results
Lol Fox played the clip of that liberal screeching.
I have to say, I'm quite impressed how the constituents of these RINO senators realize how shitty their elected officials are. The average American voter (in my experience at least here in New England) isn't very astute in that sense and just votes straight across party lines for the person with either the (R) or (D) next to their name, regardless of how shitty they are or how blatantly they lied over their campaign promises. Do you guys think this is in part due to Trump putting these faggots on blast almost every other day? I certainly think it has a big part in it.
>2 and half years later
>still questioning Trump's moves
Some people never learn
>Crappy pay tho, almost everyone on Trump admin is taking a pay cut to be there given the anemic salary matrix of the White House (in comparison to the private sector).
I'm very disappointed in government compensation, it guarantees that the much of the seats are filled by absolute morons. Singapore in comparison pays 1 million plus benefits per MP to get a great pick of the crop. Americans are allergic to paying market rates for public sector guys but at the very least heads should be payed market rates. The guys in Trump's admin are the absolute cream of the crop and I don't know what he did to convince them to be there, he must have made a hell of a pitch.
Darn I missed it.
good screencap