Muslim Brit here. You Amerifag neckbeards live in a paranoid country overrun with guns, violence and alt right fascism but us Londoners work and play together in harmony. Keep spreading the hate and violence and we will keep calm and carry on. #Notallmuslims :) :) :) الله أكبر
Muslim Brit here. You Amerifag neckbeards live in a paranoid country overrun with guns...
Sure thing Mr.Goldstein, would you like your matzo brought up to your office this afternoon?
Sorry I couldn't hear you over all the screaming from victims of muslim conquest rape.
Go fuck a camel
Shit bait. Have the self-respect not to double-down and try again another time.
Anyone reply beyond this point is retarded.
more hate. keep it coming. See if that solves anything.
Get your fucking sand scribbles off my board.
Play down the criticism rather than address it... Seems about right for a non Muslim baiter
london seems like a really cool place and I'd love to visit one day.
I don't care what you have to say mate. Your people have ruined my capital city. Whether you are a good person or not is irrelevant, your religion is incompatible with our culture and traditions, and our government continuously shills for you, protecting and promoting Islamic interests over the native people of the isles. You are not our friend.
Why did an increase in Muslim population in Sweden increase the rapes in Sweden?
Maybe in 1890 or 1930. but now now steve.
Why is the brown one terrorizing the black one with books?
sand nigger gonna nig. Why do muslims like to fuck children?
>2 posts
>Update] [Auto] 9 new posts
It is. Don't believe the bullshit you see on this board. we all actually get along great
They dislike Islam because of muh feminism and muh LGBT rights lol
They're all closet SJWs
tick tock tick tock tick tock
Pakistani you will be soon deported digits have confirmed
Now I see why the British Police might cancel the Military Parade.
Ruined it how? we build businesses and put money into the economy while native whites bitch and moan about how their lazy asses are getting their jobs taken. yeah maybe one out of every 500 muslims is an arsehole for whatever reason but the same can be said for all the chavs and troublemakers from the white side
london isn't sweden. stop scaremongering
Being appalled of Muslims beating women isn't feminism. It's just a different culture, a superior culture that believed that men were to defend their women.
I don't give a shit about the LGBT shit, but you niggers sure don't have a high horse to stand on since you're fucking the horse, and donkey, and goat and little boys.
You are visually disgusting to be around. Your language is disgusting, your women are disgusting, your male youth act like niggers. Your breed like rats. You're not English, and this is England. What dont you understand lol.
Kek, if I were ever to imagine a sandnigger bitching about America not being as easy as Britain to snackbar up, this is what it would sound like.
how many muslims do you know having sex with kids? most of the pedos arrested are white males. grow up
tick tock tick tock tick tock
Why do you sand niggers like to fuck little boys?
As if 1.4 billion muslims don't have anything else to do but truck westerners and raps blondes.
Looking forward to murrica getting EMPed soon.
Pick one
It is not you the problem.
The problem is when an muslim extremist political party will get elected by votes like yours.
I will never go to London as long as I shall live
All Cities are hellholes
haha i know what you're thinking Ahmed, but times have changed.
>we hate you now
listen here britfuckers, looks like either you or russia will be the last nuclear armed white country to turn non-white, if the day comes please nuke the whole fucking planet
we're visually disgusting? that's your argument? overweight, beer guzzling fat white men and women aren't? gimme a break
>1,400 British non-Muslim children were gang-raped and brutalized by Muslims in the British city of Rotherham,
Such peace, much wow
pick one
middle easterners are tanned caucasians
yea I know but listen here - the nuclear armed white countries used to be USA, Russia, France and UK, the last one of the bunch to turn non-white should just glass this earth and spare us the misery.
White men in England rape more than muslims. Even when you factor it in percentages, rape from muslims is disproportionately lower
yes we are. Somebody here seems to be talking sense
The argument is that you're cancerous parasites whose actions, opinions and odours are at odds to everything good in the world. The fact you're visually disgusting is just a factual aside
user, you have absolutely no issue with importing millions of religious zealots into a relatively small island? You're talking about a group of people with incredibly low IQs and believe in a magic man in the sky.
Oi lad get em pakis out sick of seein em at me local pub their taken me jobs even though am on benifits E E EDL
You bongs have surprisingly many mudfuck cops walking arond in burkas. It's no wonder your police force sucks so fucking much when you fill it to the brim with extremely ugly, lazy and out-of-shape minority women that will turn a blind eye everytime abdul rapes a woman.
*get em polish fuckers out
Sure, and most terrorism is done by white men too.
And crime.
Were the Quran verse talking about enslaving women from white men too?
ummm...most Muslims keep to themselves and avoid trouble, focus on our families and trying to survive like everybody else. Go out in London right now and 90 percent of people get, white, indian, pakistani, asian sound like an older guy who's stubborn to change. the younger generation is sick of your anger and bitterness
There are plenty of people with very high IQs who are religious. What the hell are you talking about? lol.
No sharonia Iraq law ere lad EDL TILL I DIE
Keep staying positive it wont stop you from getting an acid attack or raped.
lmfao exactly
>someone immigrates to britain and feeling a sense of patriotism feels it's their duty to serve and protect the streets
>gets called a mudfuck by a fatass neet
fock you m8 ill knock ya teht uot, ddem muslims keep un blowing up da children, and de goverment not doing nothing abut it
you're so're more likely to get struck by lightning than be involved in an acid attack or raped..bloody hell
Yeah and they're christians or jews. There are very few islamic intellectuals as they are far too married to their religion. Why, wherever they go, do these muslims all live in ghettos with multiple children. Because they are incredibly stupid and lazy, much like our niggers here.
Yep. It's not easy being a police officer..let alone a Muslim police officer in this climate. She's just doing her best to integrate. It's sad
>Revealed: 1,200 women were sexually assaulted by 2,000 men in German cities on New Year's Eve
Read the article and notice how its all Muslim men, on white women.
I know you don't give a shit though, Germcuck, this is just for people that still have some worth.
Jejerino my wife beating friend. Muslims have horrific home lives, characterised by castes, by beatings, by rape, by violence as their first response. Most Muslims are animals compared to regular people, and I know this by working with the victims of Islamic violence. So I know EXACTLY what you're like, and what lies you tell. I know about how you'll get your mother to beat up your new wife if she annoys you, I know about how you "hire" Eastern Europeans for cheap labour and pay them in tobacco. I know how you gamble, smoke, drink and eat all the meats, all while lying to everybody about who you are.
I know you, and you're a cancerous parasite, and the sooner your people are driven from the land of my people, the better. Thankfully the day is coming.
what's that got to do with Muslims?
So much truth in this post.
>your male youth act like niggers
is especialy true as they're all scrawny fucks who hang in packs and have fun harassing people. Muslims are the worst parents there is.
>US Londonors work and play together
Is that what we're calling it now? "Play" is supposed to be consensual Ahmed.
>inb4 OP explodes next week.
nigga what do you want me to do about it?
most of them occured in suburbs with mainely bangladeshy people, and bangladesh has the most acid attacks worldwide, and is a muslim country.
>build businesses
>open up your own stores and takeaways that exclusively serve halal meat importing your own shitty culture to replace the native one
lol this is England. Not Pakistan or Saudi Arabia or wherever else you have in mind. Most families live just like you or I. It's forbidden in Islam to do the horrible things you talk about
>muslim brit
>us Londoners
You are truly subhumans shitskins
>saying 'nigga'
OP lives on borrowed time, as do all shitskins currently living in Europe.
Because that's what they are: Disgusting lazy mudfucks that never stopped a crime during their entire careers.
Those women were only hired to fill a gender quota and minority quota. Those women are most definitely unfit to even pass the police training. And who do you think protects the pedo abdul rapists? THEIR FELLOW MUDSHIT POLICE OFFICERS.
And patriotism? Pffhahaha don't make me laugh, kekistani cuck. If they were patriots then they would abandon their old countries rules and take of that foul burka. Who is going to take a cop seriously that literally wears a symbol of oppression on her head while she's on the job? Nobody is. She'll just get tossed and raped by abdul if she tries to do anything to stop him.
It's a bloody joke.
>build businesses
You mean halal kebab shops? Not worth getting hit by a truck for that. Nobody in the world wants more Muslims, the liberals have been deluded into think they do but deep down even they know they want nothing to do with Islam or its followers.
Using facts on a retard c'mon now
>nigga what do you want me to do about it?
Not be a faggot and acknowledge the Islamic problem.
Otherwise you might be the next victim of a "sexual emergency"
inshallah, have you married your cousin yet?
not like 13% of our population will go after me for that one
Seen it with my own eyes, Habib. Don't worry though. Those three havn't done it since.
yeah, the germans posting on Sup Forums surely are ignorant to the dangers of muliculturalism, 3rd world immigration, and the spread of islam.
I cant go into every retirement home and tell all old people to stop voting shit.
>not like 13% of our population will go after me for that one
i don't get it
>tfw too dumb to understand complex krautcuck advanced use of negro american ebonics
that's more like it
We have the same issue here in the US with fat, nigger sows getting jobs as police officers to meet minority quotas. When you hear them speak, you can't believe they would've passed a police test and in all likelihood, they never did.
lol it's forbidden for you to trawl the streets for 13 year old white girls but you still do it anyway. It's forbidden for you to have house parties where you ply said 13 year old girls with cocaine and gangfuck them but you still do it anyway.
Honestly, you're human trash. Worse than an animal. At least dogs can show loyalty and compassion. Ironic, that one of things you despise and deem unclean is actually much more well liked than you. Think about it - if every actual English or British person took a vote, who should we kick out, dogs or Muslims, what do you think the result would be? You're genetic scum and you're wasting all our oxygen. Please end your own life, if at all possible without blowing up a bunch of actual people in the process.
There is no danger to multiculturalism. The only danger is resistance...caused by people like you who are just being stubborn and don't want us all to together and solve problems. You probably have never contributed anything nice to your society which is why you waste your time on here being racist and getting your frustrations out.
Britain also let's Muslims off with crime so as not to seem "racist". What you don't seem to understand is, you keep trying to say "but what about the whites!", but don't realize it's their country Ahmed, not yours. You are the outsider and have no business being there. You only need to defend yourself rather than always attacking the natives.
Muslims are pro-gun (for themselves not the Dhimmis living under them), you exposed yourself as a larper in your 2nd sentence. You're so garbage that you can't even troll on Sup Forums.
i can say nigger on the street, because germany is not 13% black.
Also the rape jokes, while true, just dont have the same punch if the come from 63% land. Norway or Iceland can insult our rape rates, but not the USA
true, i will now stop being racist, thanks
I wish I could kill Muslim men/women and chilluns by releasing smallpox into Mecca.
The most disgusting thing with muslims is how they pose as pious, religious persons, but most are either perverts or obsessed with money.
Zero morals.
This has to be the worst bait in the history of Sup Forums.
The result would overwhelmingly that they want Muslims to stay. Because it's the muslim doctors, nurses, police officers, store owners etc..everyday working people around them who help make London what it is today. Again, you're just being emotionally charged and picking out a few instances where muslims have been involved in rape but ignoring the actual statistics. White Brits rape more. White brits commit way more crime than Muslims. And you're telling people to kill themselves? Shame on you. Do you hate yourself that much that you have to try and make others feel the same?..
>i can say nigger on the street
oh so you wouldn't say it here because you're a pussy, is what you're trying to tell me
i naturally assumed as much when i saw your flag senpai :D [spoiler]i didn't make any rape jokes either but now that you mention it, yeah i can insult your rape rates[/spoiler] and you'll cry about it like a bitch because it's in your nature as a german looooooooool
Thats all religious zealots. The most disgusting people on the face of this earth routinely hide behind religion. Muslims are at the tip of the degeneracy spear. Shitskin pedophiles, drunk on a bent agenda that absolutely spits in the face of western values.