Why are white millennial women pursuing their careers instead of settling down to have children?
Why are white millennial women pursuing their careers instead of settling down to have children?
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Because they're deceived into believing that their self-worth is defined by the ability to compete with men, and not told that 90% of their fertility will be gone by the age of 30.
Why would you want to have kids when you could be rich and do whatever you wanted whenever you wanted?
basically this
career meme is destroying women. there are lots of women who would give up career for a child, but none would give up child for a career. we all know that, but somebody gotta tell us this.
Because ''having jkids is a burden and also it forces women to settle down reeeeee''
In reality, by the time they have kids, they're well into their 30s, and only want one or two at best ''because muh career''
Because how many people make enough money in their 30's to support a wife and children on their own? Women HAVE to work because the currency has been undercut by the elite, jobs given to robots and third world slaves, etc
Do you make enough money to support a wife and 5 kids? No? Well I guess your gf needs to think about her job, too
These are notorious shill threads.
Put it in all fields boys
And they get higher chance of still birth after 30, 40 gradually increasing...
Those children will be emotionally neglected so the woman can work, and are more likely to be born with birth defects. The independent women meme creates a society of literal retards. This is how Idiocracy will happen, not because of dysgenics, but because of women.
24/7 jew media brainwashing.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
you mean those lucrative barista careers?
millennials are for the most part broke af
i fucking WISH i didnt have to go to work
for a lot of people even the 2 incomes living together isn't enough to raise a child much less multiple kids
instead of giving the women the choice to work or raise a family its pretty much mandatory to work.
strong woman who don't need no man?
kek, welcome back
yea cuz they miss so much: partying, booze, cock carousel etc. capitalism is teaching people that pinnacle years of your life should be twenties.
Must suck ass living in the big nigger city
Beat me to it.
To be fair, you could say the same thing for white millennial men too. IT takes two to make a baby, after all. If we can get more nu-males to be alpha and more roasties to be wholesome, the problem would solve itself, but, sadly, neither parties seem to wanna change, because they are too comfortable with how they have it already.
Women should have children after they finish high school and dump those brats on their grandparents who will be alive at the time if everyone had kids at that age.
After that they can go to college or do whatever useless shit they want.
Because they're brainwashed, gullible & short-sighted idiots, and extremely hedonistic & self-centered.
Man,you are all kinds of stupid and immature
Hells yeah brody, life is one big party. If you’re white, then dont worry about having babies and all that shit. Just focus on your career, make that money! Maybe experiment with homosexuality too dog! Fuck it, ranch it up bro-ham! Babies are a total drag and self sacrifice is for losers, good times create chilled bros am i right?
At-least I'm not a yank
My wife had our kids and is pursing her career as well. We both are office managers and both get off at 4 and get home at 5 she cooks dinner for us while I help the boys with their homework or go out side and play with them until dinner is done. Then we all sit around the table and discuss our day. I am living the dream right now. Come on user you should do the same.
This thread is fucking depressing
My fiance and I both have our careers and our first child, we've been together almost eight years and are getting married in the Spring. It's not hard if it's what is right for y'all and you both put the effort into it. The Hollywood and liberal media propoganda machine has a lot to do with it; and of course the "FUXK IT YOLO, FESTIES, FUCK HAVING A KID IN AMERIKKKA,, etc etc" mentality. When in reality, western society wouldn't be in such decline if people still cherished family values and weren't lazy degenerates.
1. that's a man
2. he's got some roach in him
all in all, quite degenerate desu
Maybe instead of spazzing out all over your keyboard with your meme flag you could actually inform me as to why any individual would intentionally give up their time, freedom, and money to have kids.
Becasue being a mother is boring. Wouldn't you prefer money and adventures? Women used to have lots of kids and settle young only because they had no other choice.
forgot your picture of steve o
>Not that user
Because not all of us are selfish and stupid like you? I still travel, go out to chill with the boys, go to amusement parks, take our son all over the place, go camping, etc; and he's only three, your life must be miserable lmao. Mine on the other hand has only gotten better with the unconditional love of a child and family.
>1. that's a man
Because men will be able to have babies soon.
>knocking up a twink
I'm never gonna have kids. Wouldn't be able to do the CFA or work 70 hour work weeks with them.
I love money, I love women, I hate children.
Get over yourself beta-man
Kids are a drag. No one wants them.
Childfree is the way to be.
Because married women with children don't get likes.
Cause they can't count on you losers anymore.
>le not having kids is selfish and stupid according to me, the god user
Nice meme answer dipshit, glad it’s working out for you. Try responding to my actual statement instead of making a bunch of assumptions about my life and filling your reply with ad homenim.
There is literally nothing more beta than failing to pass on your genes.
>t. Charter holder
They're not "starting careers". The vast majority are in dead end retail, hospitality or service industries.
Unless you call camwhoring a career. Then yeah, they're career focused.
We even had one of major newspapers publish a story about how good it is and how strong independent womyn are earning 250k/year.
She even said she felt safer doing it than coming home from work in hospitality.
We are fucked.
I watched a documentary about a dude with an IQ of 69, he has had 3 wives and had ~5 childen
Very alpha of him, yes?
Was the title "Idiocracy"?
That's the trick : they aren't pursuing careers either.
If they made less children while discovering cold fusion or a cure for cancer why not.
But instead, they are baristas, public workers with made-up posts or e-mail senders in dead-end jobs.
It's not "I hesitate between a family or fulfilling muh dreamz" you fucking cunt, you won't fulfill your dreams in any way because you are not special.
That retard will likely leave a deeper mark on history than you will. More alpha than you for sure
No, but that hold some truth as well
Stupid people have more kids than smart people, people with low education have more kids.
Just look at countries like turkey and most of africa, lots of breeding but very little intelligence
because the kikes have tried to use divide and conquer tactics in telling them that they need to compete with men in men's areas/areas where men are proficient or else they're willing victims of the "patriarchy." It's really a mindfuck for women and it's sad that they fall for it. There's nothing deficient about being feminine as a woman, cooking, raising children, or keeping the house. It doesn't mean they're being held back in any way. In fact, most of the women who fall for the "muh patriarchy/feminism" meme usually don't aspire to the top of the top even when they aim only for a career, they still end up in dead-end jobs like a majority of the population, so it's a lose-lose for them, keeps them forever questioning themselves, keeps them poor, and thus highly unlikely to find a mate and create a strong, white family which is the jews plan all along. I don't mind a competitive woman or an assertive woman or any of that, but these girls who think every single man is out to get them and expects them to compete with them are absolutely batshit crazy.
Because they are the best goys. They are so stupid and gullible they have been deceived into thinking that giving up family and a personal life for work is "empowering", all while enriching Mr Shekelstein.