Is the libertarian movement dead now?
Is the libertarian movement dead now?
>implying it ever had any steam
More people voted for harambe than garry johnson i believe
What is an Aleppo?
They became alt right after realizing the jewishness of libertarianism
No, but the posers have been outed as Trumptards thankfully.
>Of the 620 bills that Paul had sponsored through December 2011, over a period of more than 22 years in Congress, only one had been signed into law – a lifetime success rate of less than 0.3%.[60] The sole measure authored by Paul that was ultimately enacted allowed for a federal customhouse to be sold to a local historic preservation society (H.R. 2121 in 2009).[60]
It was always dead with old man Paul at the helm. Libertarianism is racism for those two scared to admit why they want to protect their own shit.
For now. Libertarians are still our allies, just know that it is not a solution to the problems we face. It is an outcome we can pursue once (((they))) have been dealt with.
rich men who want to leave you alone dont need a movement you obnoxious poorfag
>Libertarianism is racism for those two scared to admit why they want to protect their own shit.
Well conservatives got sick of being out voted by niggers who wanted gibs
When "civil rights" movement became a thing people created "objectivism" as a way of justifying racism through economics and "private property". Are you fucking dense? Why do you think it took off for a time when it did?
Probably not, the numbers looked good in 16 but we need better than Gary Johnson if we want to obtain real progress so the government worshipping dems and reps can sit their asses down for a while.
>Is the libertarian movement dead now?
Its become so much more accepted that Libertarians aren't put into a separate group from the rest of the right.
Not completely, New Hampshire for example has a steadily growing Libertarian Population as a last resort to try and gain a majority vote in at least one state.
>When "civil rights" movement became a thing people created "objectivism" as a way of justifying racism through economics and "private property".
[citation needed]
Also Rand denounced the Libertarians and considered her movement separate.
As if it doesn't happen with every gullible lolbertard.
1)First they convert to "racial realism" to justify that blacks are intellectually inferior and will always be dependent on goverment gibs - 2)then they realize that Jews are intellectually superior and will always beat them at their own meritocratic game.
>Citation needed
You wonder why people dont take you guys seriously. Libertarians are the guys trying to explain to the robber why he doesnt have a right to steal from him. Fucking faggots.
The libertarian party is dead. Libertarian ideals are very much alive
libertarianism predates (((civil rights))) and is quite different at it's core to objectivism
It's called substantiating your claim, as in: prove it.
All you said was Libertarian values (which you totally conflated with objectivism) were racist. How is that so? Defend yourself.
Don't care about these pedophile weed smokers.
>Not a Nazi at all
>Desperately try to convince everyone you're not a Nazi
>Still get called a Nazi or fascist by braindead lefties
This is where libertarians diverge:
Option 1
>Capitulate and spend your entire existence trying to appease people who hate you anyway
>Become "libertarian left" which is basically the American libertarian party as is
>Base your worldview about absolving people from responsibility
Option 2
>Become hateful of the entire left wing and become authoritarian right
One of these things happens eventually in the current political climate, always.
Your first time here bro? How have you not seen this progression? Also substantiating your claim is bullshit outside of a court room or classroom . You want to argue with leftist about why you have a right to self determination or do you want to band with your own people and say fuck explanations and justifications and just pursue your collective interest.
Minarchist can not co-exist in this late stage society. Places like Lichtenstein are a fluke and cant exist on their own relying on those around them for protection and other needs. If hypothetically USSR cropped back up they could steamroll a place like Lichtenstein.
Nice proof pal, why don't you give me something substantial instead expecting me to buy your opinion?
-no they are just in the state here they sort out the weak, libertarianism will rise from now on and everyone will submit or die in the process.
Pretty much, now we're stuck with the Alt-right and almost all the spearheads are Jews or opportunist who support the neocon/zionist agenda.
>races are different therefore some races deserve more rights than others
Have you ever considered that you might have brain damage?
Ron Paul is a Christian first, Libertarian second. Let that sink in.
>Stands on soap box. Look at me. Look at my high minded ideas.
>Gets steamrolled by monosyllabic mud troglodytes.
>Disagrees with the left about "social constructs"
>Talks about "rights"
Not an argument, you gonna prove to me Libertarianism is racist or not?
The LP party is dead. The movement itself is dormant and dispersed. Typical "individualists unite" stuff. But after the death of the democrats comes in the next several years, I expect them to rise as a new Rand Paul-ish opposition movement. Will be a good day to see.
Was it ever alive?
It's gonna be a whole new ball game when we purge the Jew and deport all non whites.
>The LP party is dead
>The Libertarian Party Party is dead
Thank God, yes. Fascism or Communism are the only options. Libertarianism is inherently self destructive.
>Waiting for you to show me non-white/non-jewish libertarian thinker.
Great they will be the new libs in other words. We already did this and it didn't turn out well at all.
It's not like it's my responsibilty to prove your point.
I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority of the population either hates freedom or doesn't understand what it is.
The only solution at this point is secession, but even then I fear that it will devolve into another Waco.
You just did.
I would've if you had a point but you can't even cite a claim. Sad that few know how to argue these days.
>Hes a libertarian
>Loves to argue on the internet
>He does it for free
And yet still no argument. Pathetic.
It's not dead it just got rid of people with to high time preference. If you went from ancap to national (((socialism))) you are pretty much retarded anyway. The only way to preserve the west and white people is thru the abolishment of the welfare state(even for whites).
Winning hearts and minds pal.Keep it up. You have said nothing in this thread but "nuh uh". Real erudite of you. Tell us about the solar roads.
Oh look, another non-argument.
The problem with libertarianism is that libertarians are ideologically immobile. They have a good base philosophy, but anything which begins to deviate even slightly is immediately rejected by the libertarian base and "leadership."
Ths means their foreign policy positions will always be a joke, and they'll never be able to meaningfully expand their base. The peak of their significance is being a wing of the republican party.
No we have to kill off the asocial parasites like you and the leftist.
>nuh uh
Still not an argument. Unless you give me one, my response will stay the same.
(((benoist))) is a cryptosocialist you new right faggot
>doesn't know what national socialism is
>thinks national socialism is a Jewish creation
Ancap flag
Mild retardation
Everything checks out here
Libretarian ideals run deal on the right.
The party is a fuckin joke.
They will move into the rep party
This should enhance the right
They pretty much are. I just want to see an opposition party that whines about budget pork and the fourth ammendment instead of just shilling for gay cakes and gibs for niggers. Hopefully the token libertarian blondes on fox are a sign of a genuine Goldwater/Paul type movement reawakening, and not just a rebrand of the same old leftist shit.
>The Libertarian LP Party
gary johnson was a joke
ron paul was the only correct choice
This picture makes me sad
The party was totally hijacked by Democrat sympathizers so you can't expect any political success to come from it
>Meme flag
>logical fallacies
Checks out.
>le "above it all" centrist meme
These people are the fucking worst.
Party is dead yea
But movement well alive in actual individual small gov guys like Rand in the GOP
>They have a good base philosophy, but anything which begins to deviate even slightly is immediately rejected by the libertarian base
If anything, the opposite happened. So many right-libertarians tried to sway anti-war democrats to vote for Ron Paul instead of Obama in '12 that the party's been inadvertently infected by left-libertarians and outright non-libertarians who just use the word to mean what they want it to mean.
That may be why you're seeing a handful of us taking on a more radical, uncompromising position, because compromising too much got us into the mess we're in.
Also whoa rare flag
benoist is hated by mostly all fascists and monarchists
only the new right patriots who distance themselves from the so called olt right are shilling for him
>None of that invalidates his statement.
Whats this poisoning the well? You know better.
You are the once who attacked the libertarian, which I think of qt little sisters (as long as they are hoppeans) when in fact the welfare state led to the degeneracy and the deconstruction of the family and unbounded individualism.
Just look back in History how Europe was doing without democratic states, welfare systems and central banks.
lol, Americans dont care about freedom anymore. all we care about is winning.
all the news we watch is politically slanted and we choose to watch what news gives us the story that agrees the most with our opinions.
its not about 'freedom' anymore, its about choosing one side or the other and surrendering to them; its about making whatever side you choose be infallible in your own mind at any cost.
nobody gives a shit about politicians taking away our freedoms for the sake of security or taxing us while giving banks and financial organizations billions of dollars of bailout money, paid for by us, for a problem they caused.
all we care about is WHO is giving the billions to banks and WHO is taking away our freedoms.
because if its the side we picked, then its acceptable, but if its the side we didnt pick its evil.
there is no sensible middle ground here in America we killed it with Ross Perot and were crashing this country with no survivors
niggers don't starve and die when you take the welfare away, and they don't become upstanding citizens either
they just get more ornery
ancaps/libertarians have no methods aside from physical force to prevent people from democratically eroding their little utopia just like America was in the first place
at the end of the day your society will either cease to exist or start looking a lot more like national socialism in order to survive
it's the nature of tribalism, the only relevant ideology to man
>niggers don't starve and die when you take the welfare away, and they don't become upstanding citizens either
they will start looting and attacking people, this will be the time when they got all killed, with no moral objections.
Anyone who understands normal distribution and population sizes isn't concerned about Jewish intelligence. They are concerned about Jewish tribalism and subversion. Jewish intelligence is entirely insufficient to explain the situation. We can literally do the math on this.
the centrist choice was trump though
t. centrist
lolbertarians are far more dangerous right wing crazies than trump, trump just wants nationalism, and maybe a little socialism. Heil trump :^)
Europeans were fine with welfare because they didnt face abuse of the system until shitskins show up but because you are hell bent on this minarchist principal you wont allow yourself to see that.
But since they introduced the welfare states it all went down, the same with democracies.
Before people with nothing to offer had to rely on the mercy of people who have something and so antisocial behaviour was no option.
Libertarianism doesn’t work in a country of minorities and marxists that lack virtue
We must first reinstate traditional values then we can be libertarian
Without a traditional culture libertarianism will fall to despotism
Most leftists seem to lump you guys into the right wing though, so that doesn't seem entirely true. Rand Paul is also in the Senate as a republican, and his dad primaried as a republican in 2012 before the general election.
Also yeah, I'm an American here for work, but I hate meme flags.
>We must first reinstate traditional values then we can be libertarian
Libertarianism will lead to traditional values, it is just the natural thing, which kept aryans alive during the harsh times and finally let them prosper.
They do that to each other, because they're confined in ghettos. It'd barely look any different than it does today, especially if you aren't silencing the subversive elements in the press trying to assist them. You underestimate how easy it is to survive in modern society. They'll get charity, perform poorly at dead end jobs are rock bottom wages, and continue to contribute to heavily lopsided crime rates. You won't get any support for mass extermination or deportation unless it's by a white nationalist government, because nobody will spend the money and time unless they're ideologically invested in the idea.
No it won’t, that’s what has happened in Western Europe those that seek to destroy you take advantage of your libertarian attitudes
If you want to be left alone and want everyone to be left alone but the other half of the country is INTENT on not leaving you alone
Good fucking luck
>No jobs + starving people always leads to more freedom.
Being this fucking dumb. How do you think communism takes root in peasant societies?
>Most leftists seem to lump you guys into the right wing though
They would be correct. I was referring to the leftists within the LP who appropriate "libertarian" to mean "libertine".
>nothing to offer
And who decides this?
>muh market
Literally you are investing moral authority into an economic system. This is flat out mammon worship. Money is evil anonymous, measuring things worth with money as a metric is inherently evil from the start.
>implying there are no jobs under limited/no government
>implying there is no food under limited/no government
>Is the libertarian movement dead now?
lets hope so, all jewish ideologies must be destroyed if we wish to protect the white race
>implying this all takes place in your head
Look around asshole. The jobs are returning but its not like it was before yet.
Human interactions aren't an economic system.
Why are you so fixated on money?
there are things out there money can't buy.
you can only be a libertarian for so long until you become a Freeman, subject to no-one but God/Divine-Source,
far from it.
Federalism is starting to pick up steam and even the idea of secession if aggrieved.
Some states are also starting to use gold and silver as currency.
Far from it.
Only on Sup Forums do right-wing extreme views seem 'mainstream'
You lolbergs also cant deal with automation while completely justifying its implementation. What are you going to do when that happens? Ive seen zero ideas from the lolbergs with dealing with this. They dont have any concept of how robber barons formed or anything and want to live in this fairy tale.
No frees now, only alt-right
If your an ancap at all your retarded
>And who decides this?
The civilisation you live in, If you are a bagger who can't give something to others you have nothing to offer.
Submit your life to god would also be a possibility but the church had done charity long time before welfare states had been established.
Its funny to me that Chris Cantwell is in segregation. I guess he cant stand on his own merits. Needs the state to protect him.
dead and gone.
social justice and open borders killed it.
Libertarian Party =/= libertarian movement
The LP is completely cucked and irrelevant, they are tools of the globalists, and puppets of the leftists
democracy is incompatible with liberty
sure niggers won't starve but I don't care what they do as long as I don't have to support them.
Socialism won't work even if you are very patriotic about it. If you subsidies parasites you will get more of them. Fundamental economic laws still hold true even if you don't believe in them.