Yes, he's a piece of shit stirred up by Hillary and the rest of the Democrats pushing the resist movement.
3 American soldiers are dead because of his actions. That fact he caused it makes him a traitor.
they are getting closer to the truth..
It makes sense since his body was found like miles away
Is there anything HRC & Dems won’t do to undermine democracy? Fucking niggers
spill your guts user, trips of truth compel you
Did you read the article?
of fucking course
yuge if true. gotta be pretty shitty to put your whole squad at risk...but the other three dudes are white so I don't know. didn't realize he hijacked a vehicle and was shot by the nigerian squad.
Well if you think about it they had to shoot the traitor because if they leave him alive and he’s got that info even though it would get him in trouble it would get them in more trouble, does that make sense he can’t keep them alive he’s a liability! Loose lips sink ships!!!
Trump’s comments make sense now...
Fox misspelled nigger
makes me wonder if they were telling him to stop and he wouldn't or if they shot him after he stopped.
Never takes eyes of the Niger
they sure do, don't you wish the truth would leak to all the world though
He would have been worth a lot alive to the terrorists so did the us army get him? And "forget" about it?
That’s a great question
I think it will. Trump seems to keep his hand loaded until he REALLY needs it. Ex: Russia
this dude knows
Yes. He was probably attached as a translator.
Idk but I hate him. He caused 3 unnecessary deaths and lots of injuries
The more I read about this case, the more Johnson seems like a blue falcon.
Pisses me off the lengths Dems will go to fuck over our POTUS. Fucking niggers
oh yeah man, that whole fucking call was a setup. wife actually lives in nc, was in a fucking limousine with rep wilson and others when POTUS called...fuck them man.
Inb4 the nigger is praised as a hero by the left for trying to save muslim niggers in africa from the oppressive white soldiers
Forwarded article to three friends. Hope it goes viral.
Why is he the only one with a professional photograph,all the others have shitty phone pics
All of them do. Headshots are standard.
What exactly happened? All I read on some article that reddit posted was that they were ordered to do an extra mission which let them get scoped out for longer, then they got ambushed and the black guy fought valiantly. What are you guys talking about?
Shhhhn the article pushes a narrative that makes them feel good. So what if there are no facts to back it up.
Good luck friendo. I meme'd it to a few neighbors as well. Let's get the ball rolling
Never said he gets shot by Nigerian soldier. Says a member of his own convoy. Could have been Americans
Another gay "alternative news" sphincter disgorges aspersions on a dead SF soldier who died slaughtering scum. fuck off and kys OP
>That Land Cruiser was driven by Johnson and was the only Land Cruiser that contained Nigerian soldiers and no other French or American soldiers.
>Johnson, who had intended to flee all along would have succeeded if not for the fact that he was shot and killed by a member of his own convoy.
this his how I drew my conclusion, but you're right could've been an American.
Glad he was shot. Fucking nigger
I wish Trump would let this be known if this is really the case.
There needs to be a major cultural and social offensive against lefties. They are literally a threat to our nation.
>There needs to be a major cultural and social offensive against lefties
just look around man it's goin down right now
In every area of life, blacks are more degenerate than whites. It wouldn't surprise me if he was trying to run away, and I bet there is a systemic problem with blacks in the military that no one is supposed to talk about.
>just look around man it's goin down right now
It's not enough. We need to kill the ideology.
I literally can’t believe how amoral and corrupt Dems are. Furthermore, I’m suspicious of ANY liberal cop, soldier etc.
If this is the new norm for us we’re fucked
Trump knows, but it would be in his best interest to keep it quiet.
one eye on the niger
the tide is turning at an exponential rate
Didn't this dude have a kid going to college? Why does he look like a high schooler with teenager acne?
He keeps it quiet because he lets Dems destroy themselves. They keep trying to bury Trump or find shit on him but they only bury themselves.
liberalism has become our nation's greatest threat. the truth is being uncovered.
A 7, 2 & baby due in Feb
Like I said Trump is one hell of a poker player
fake news
Lmfao user
Really? You say that but other news has pretty much been saying the same thing. KYS
Yeah, I think it's very strange they found the nigger a mile away from the firefight. I'll bet the coward nigger ran away and left his WHITE commorades to fight ISIS by themselves. Fighting niggers! Thank god we didn't let them anywhere near the front lines during WWII and gave them only meaningless support roles far from combat. Isn't is a strange coincidence that the United States hasn't won a war since we desegregated the military?
Demand segregation from niggers AGAIN!
>other fake news sources say the same thing
So there's no actual evidence that Sgt. Scott La Rock actually did anything wrong, it's just some alternative news site making shit up, basically. "SOURCES CLOSE TO ME....", "THIS IS WHAT I THINK REALLY HAPPENED."
Let's see some actual proof before we give this shit any credit.
yeah that's gonna happen, the military is known for its transparency. just read all you can about the incident and draw your own conclusion. we'll do the same.
Exactly. He should tell everyone exactly what happened.
Can someone link me to some better news sites that say he ran off and left the fire fight and such?
Sorry for my autism
Hey OP, take your infowars bait link and shove it up your ass. You lowlife scum.
He is a smarter, greater man than I. That's for sure.
He wasnt a SF soldier. He was attached to a SF unit. How hard is this to understand
>Hey OP, take your infowars bait link and shove it up your ass. You lowlife scum.
Dan Rather was fired from CBS in 2004 for falsely reporting that "that President George W. Bush avoided serving in Vietnam during his time at the Texas National Guard and was given preferential treatment because his father, George H.W. Bush, was a congressman." The report was based on documents that were obviously forged, and Rather's lame defense was that the story was "fake, but accurate." To this day, Rather still maintains this defense, despite the fact that there has been no evidence to substantiate it.
The Liberals news motto: Never let facts get in the way of a good story.
fuckin rawstreetjournal has to be credible
maybe it's identical to OP's link but so what
nah leaf I think you're probably right assuming ladavidian deserted
wasted trips of truth faggot
So how did Wacky Wilson get into the phonecall between the widow and PotUS?
Of course he side with the people that look like him.
Yeah this is fucking bullshit. Anyone who has ever been in the military can tell you multiple things that don't make sense about this narrative. First of all, an e-5 is never, ever going to be personally setting up meetings with villagers all by himself. When did he have an opportunity to plan this ambush with the locals?
Military contractors were supposed to rescue the Americans from the African attackers. Probably thought he was one of the attackers and didn't pick his ass up.
He wasn't SOF but otherwise you're right. This is grade a bullshit.
>First of all, an e-5 is never, ever going to be personally setting up meetings with villagers all by himself.
Why is this necessary?
Did Bowe Bergdahl meet with the enemy before going off script? No.
It doesn't matter if the story is true or not, it's still a good story. If it embarrasses Empty Barrel Frederica Wilson, it will have served its purpose.
The article claimed that he was leaking shit to the villagers and meeting with them.
>Why was Myeshia Johnson even in Florida? She lives in North Carolina. It couldn't be because she has known Rep. Wilson since she was 8? Worked on her campaign? Or was a democrat activist? Could it be? I wonder if ANY of her friends are Trump supporters? I'll leave that up to you guys to find out.
I'm not relying on the article, so I wont defend it. The verified circumstances are odd enough.
This article is Fucking disgusting. I an know disgusting. See attached
I know for a fact D.C. metro police hired a ton of black officers in the 90s (muh diversity) and a ton were corrupt as shit. They had to fire or arrest a bunch. It's always niggers