Does that explain why she is such a crazy turbo whore now?
Does that explain why she is such a crazy turbo whore now?
>Nassar is currently in prison in Michigan after pleading guilty to possession of child pornography in July. He is still awaiting trial on separate criminal sexual conduct charges in addition to being sued by over 125 women in civil court who claim he sexually assaulted them
Imagine burying your face in that thicc ass
Nassar is an Arabic last name. Time to take your bets
>As she farts with the force of thousand sun and sharts your whole face and mouth
why fucking live...
Kys faggot this is serious
Sweet jesus muh mufuggin dick
Why do you have to do this to me OP?
Serious in what way?
The US is lost, youre gonna implode in 10 years time, just like europe is gonna become a giant civil war etc pp.
Who cares about attention whores ?
And btw, I would fuck her until my body is limp and unwilling to go on.
>Women whore themselves out for profit
>Filthy Kike is blamed for it
>All is good in the world
>Hollywood and MSM manage to turn it around on men in power in general
>Whores suck dick for years for career gain and nobody calls them out on it
I just don't even know at this point.
Whiteboi detected
She was molested by some gross serial rapist pedo when she was a kid you stupid faggot STFU
hmm, not sure if that would explain it
need more webms and pics to decide
More pls
Isn't that ass fake?
This is some summer tier baiting little one.
Or you are a chick. either way, fuck you im out.
Tfw when u have a 5'1 gymnast girlfriend
Yes, but most virgins in here wouldn't be able to detect it.
its athletic ass. That's how the hip bones and the leg bones protude a lot. Kinda like trannies and traps, but I assure you, she's a she.
Gymnasts have crazy asses.
Can someone here actually throw the first stone on the doc?
how can an ass be fake?
Is she doing porn already? Or is she still in her "instagram-model" phase?
How do you go from this...
Yes. I am a doc. Patients are off limits. It is the ultimate betrayal of your own integrity.
women put implants in their assess
seriously never heard of this before?
if you have a basic understanding of anatomy its quite obvious
68% face
Fun fact, most instagram "models" dont get into porn, they get into highclass escort shit for saudi princes and the like.
Little do they know these fucks are into the most degrading shit ever, literaly, they get off from shitting and pissing on pretty white women and pay them like 5k a day trip and all included.
t. I had one of these chicks in my school, she lives in a big ass penthouse now but her "pride" and everything that made her human is long gone. this
The doctor used to do some kind of therapy that included fingering to fix hip problems
Being molested for 7 years by your doctor.
Guys I'm sorry but since her gymnast days she's racked on pounds. That ass is injected, as are her lips.
to this?
Gymnasts are basically strippers in training.
women become disgusting past 18
I would molest her too desu senpai. And I'm not even muslim.
She's hot, but Jesus Christ; how degenerate.
Posing like this for Instagram videos or whatever the fuck she is doing.
This is absolutely dipping your toes in the water of porn.
Girls like these should be fucking shamed until they're afraid to leave their house.
oh snap
You know, something? Over the past couple of weeks, we have witnessed an undeniable correlation between pants-on-head retarded feminism and a history of sexual abuse. I'm sure some egghead will come along and cry false equivalency, but I'm convinced that the reason these "child stars" start screeching empowerment and making themselves ugly when they no longer look like little boys and feel free from a cycle of recurring abuse.
these two posts in a context that is presented are the biggest redpills including roasties, that and them retaining dna from all previous partners.
I thought women get to be proud for having a vagina.
Serious as in there is a huge, international pedophile cabal that is working on spreading immorality, nihilism and depression throughout the society while also fiddling and raping little kids and sacrificing them to Satan while drinking virgin blood.
>tfw I lost my V-Card but I'll probably never lose my M-Card
Until they realise who actually runs the world and that their nothing but a series of holes (thanks patrice) to 99% of the world.
Watched a Stefan Molyneux video about the same topic yesterday.
He said it doesn't surprise him that these bitches believe every man is a rapist/predator/shitlord. Seeing as hollywood and the elite is filled with this filth.
Babbys first contact with the real world - the post
I know, this has been happening for a loooong looooooooong time. I ask you again, how is it serious? Thats the way the world runs these days, nothing you can do about it, people either dont care or are to comfy in their little bubble to even consider shit like that. Show them stuff like this in the news and they forget 3 days later.
The war is lost, humanity is in for some real dark times.
Mckayla is fucking perfect.
Time for a check-up
She's a butterface.
This, without a strong man protector, women are abused by absolutely everyone and cannot cope with reality without a grounding force
Most massive whores are such due to some traumatic sexual experience at a young age. That can be molestation and rape or them 'choosing' to have sex very young as well such as with a 14 year old boyfriend. Though in the latter case i would imagine there was an underlying mental issue preceding that.
I think it's some sort of attempt at reclaiming control over the event - making it out to be less of a big deal. If they are the sexual king, more sexual than anyone and everyone then they can't be abused. It also helps downplay the significance of sex in their mind and thus of the early event. Really sad. There are also plenty of genuine whores for no reason other than hedonism though.
It looks like she's had a lot of plastic surgery done. Notice the difference in her lips, for example.
Have you never seen an olympic athlete, or are you retarded?
very sad, if true that man is a monster, she is a victim, try not to focus on her thiccness
>humanity is in for some real dark times.
Not really. The dark times are here and approaching zenith.
The pendulum is due for that swing.
Just hold on. A new renaissance is on the way, and the sick fucks trying to desperately keep humanity within their clutches know it.
They're terrified, because their time is nearly over.
>Reddit spacing
r/glennbeck detected
Would you rather rest your head on that baby seal or McKyla's ass?
>how can an ass be fake?
You seem well qualified to join islam! Maybe you should, faggot!
only pedophiles enjoy gymnastics so what’s the surprise?
More like until they hit their 30's and lose much of their beauty, which is, in most cases, their only quality.
Welcome to Sup Forums
Now get out.
>People should know that this is not just happening in Hollywood. Seriously Hollywood is completely normal. No need to look further. Just stop. There's nothing wrong with Hollywood. Nothing. Leave Hollywood alone you filthy antisemites.
really makes me thing
I was molested by army doctors when they checked if I was fit to be drafted.
They were into some weird shit because they touched my balls and told me to cough, those sick fucks.
You lucky bastard...
I want my balls molested by Mitch Mcconnels flapping jowls.
125 women upset they sucked the same dick suing a broke faggot, meanwhile no one gives a fuck about wellsfargo fleecing billions.
What a time to be a banker.
Hearty chuckle mate
>Does that explain why she is such a crazy turbo whore now?
Actually, it does - victims of molestation are more likely to be promiscuous.
Well, the seal won't falsely accuse me of sexual assault then start a worldwide hashtag campaign against me, so...
I bet she's still extremely flexible.
Exactly what it made me think. I actually feel kind of bad for them. The irony that the same people that rape them are the ones who have them push the anti rape agenda is fucked up, and Surprise surprise that the only people getting actually named are either Fuked financially, dead or already convicted.
The big happening we want around this won’t happen, the media will go full force on the unlucky few that have been chosen to take the blame and the cycle continues.
Pics or didn't happen.
That's not what I was asking about. Which is more appealing to rest your head on?
dang. now i feel a lot more sad about those primary-colors-for-messy-hair failures of life. with a high lieklihood some perv literally fucked them up.
the evil shit is that they themselves and their supporters will perpetuate this shit -- all their toxic masculinity and safe space shit means normal women will fear out and miss normal relationships while men grow up to be creeps and wussies who cannot protect anyone from creeps. also they want to import serial rapist from kongo and pakistan for some reasons.
maybe they want other people to suffer too?
What is a coalburner Alex?
this is likely. it seems to be similar to kids that were beaten by stronger kids or adults.
if you are beaten, you are being put in the dominated social position. Beating others is a way to get back on top.
Same with raped girls, but in the case of sex this does not work. A victim of rape can hardly get back into a non-dominated position by becoming a regular whore. It just gets another kind of worse.
Society is holding its self back so much by not discussing this shit, even that notion which I’m sure could be proven would be seen as sick by our media.
Nobody wants to admit how fucked up we all truly are when denial can be maintained so easily with short term blame and bullshit ideological thinking.
>A victim of rape can hardly get back into a non-dominated position by becoming a regular whore. It just gets another kind of worse
I'm fucking sad now
but she is a gymnasticist and thet requires hjard work will you shut up alreasdy jealous fasggot
That bitch ass is fake and she ugly.
See that tummy? Oh yeah, she's getting fat now, guys. It's only a matter of time until she's used up and with Jamal for validation.
That's a "pre-super fatty" in the making. She's gorging on pizza and soda; shit she's been forbidden from eating for her entire life.
Das rite. Look at that tummy again. She's transforming, and the results will NOT BE PRETTY.
At any rate, this is actually a sad reality. It looks like the subversion is indeed in all institutions. Disgusting.
Let's say something traumatizing happened to a person. What would be the utopian/best result? The best result would be, if that event had zero traumatizing consequences, zero emotional impact, zero memory of the event. The best thing for a person in trauma would be if, the memory of the event never came back or at least very rarely (like, once in 10 years). The worst is if the memory comes back every day. That's why some victims of rape commit suicide.
An emotional event (that can not be forgotten) requires an emotional response. There are two ways:
1. anger. Revenge on the society that allowed a person to be victimized
2. compassion. Making sure that in never happens to another person.
From a Petersonian POV, there lives a wolf monster near your hut. It has bitten you once and you can not forget it. Now you think constantly about the danger that lurks, a problem that must be solved through action, but what action? What action, what action, what action, what action...
People do mad stuff in response to trauma, because their brain tells them to do something, anything, urgently. The action often does not solve the problem, but the brain does not care. So, let's give the molested sluts some margin here. Their brains demand them to act, but until we can't advise them what to do, they will do unhelpful things.
I have one of those near my pool so people don't have to go into the house to get a cold beverage.
She was way hotter as jailbait, now she looks like a coal burner.
>Does that explain why she is such a crazy turbo whore now?
No, because all women these days become turbo whores, not all women have been sexually abused. Keep in mind that she was getting all kinds of delicious attention when she was a gymnast, now that all that olympics attention is gone, she's doing the next best thing to get it back.
"""leaked""" sex tape when?