How the fuck can people be so believable in their beliefs of fairytales??? I JUST CAN'T UNDERSTAND THIS!!

How the fuck can people be so believable in their beliefs of fairytales??? I JUST CAN'T UNDERSTAND THIS!!



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because they were raised that way, are simpletons, or had some kind of "religious" experience

I can "feel" God with me. Im not mentally ill i dont do drugs. I Know He is with me all the time.

>having faith
>unironically touting 'muh skydaddy'
pick one

god hasn't been to poland in like 65 years

This. A lot of people say Santa isn't real but I feel him with me at all times. I'm not mentally ill and I don't do drugs. Santa is real, it's about having faith.

Spirituality =/= Religion

Clearing that up for you shartblew

You cannot "win" an argument with people of Faith. You will use logic, they will use belief as an argument. I would give up in your shoes. Cheers.

Pray to Him with all your heart and He will answer.


This post belongs on facebook, dumb jew.

If you really want to understand why its not something that can be summarized in a comment on Sup Forums. You say "believing in fairytales" but God is not a fairytale. It is a story about ourselves that suffered many adjustments and iterations ever since humans invented language basically.

Your best bet to understanding the TRUE significance of the bible is by watching JBP's bible series on youtube- I'm not done with it yet but I don't regret starting to watch it AT ALL. Its funny someone brought up a religious experience because after watching his lecture series on the bible, I finally started thinking again about God and he ended up coming to me physically (and my sister witnessed it) I can tell you the story if you would like.

Here is the link to his series.
I love this man by the way.

Nothing belongs anywhere, pretentious fedora-wearing neck-bearded fatass!

I'm an Atheist, and I'm going to explain some things.

What many on Sup Forums believe is atheists only disbelieve in Jesus, that's why so many pull up graphs of atheist political leanings and they're overwhelmingly liberal. Most of those "atheists" are liberals who identify as atheist because they want to destroy The White Male Christian society.

Real Atheists are socially conservative, and racist. Why? Because we came to these conclusions due to evidence that LGBT, SJW, and Fundamental Islam is suicidal. Atheists were on the front lines against these groups, (Except the Amazing Atheist, but he's a fucking joke) Thunderf00t, Sargon, and others are against these groups.

Atheists don't believe in ANY "Gods".
Not Odin, Horus, Zeus, Yahweh, Muhammad, or Jesus. Religious people are far closer to Atheist than they believe, as they MUST disbelieve in other Gods outside their faith to truly believe. Now all atheists have done is take one more step.

This! Exactly!

religion is like math. you can teach someone math and they will think they understand, but they dont really understand until they spend years doing math problems.

you cant understand that jesus is the way until you traverse the way. you have to take the leap and then actually follow jesus and live your life by it.

>religion is like math

From our non-damaged brain. Sorry, you're defective.

Also google "God spot".

Sorry to say, but you are the problem. You're not completely human and something went wrong. Well, the brain is malleable, so maybe you can make yourself have faith, but I dunno.

Atheism is illogical. A conscious creator or "God" is the only logical explanation for the universe.

Oh my God, lmao.

No atheist is like that. All atheists are PURELY anti.-Christian. They only argue against other religions a little bit when people start asking question. None of them are racist and lol, NONE of them are conservative.

People lie a lot about things, tho. Especially atheists.

Low-tier bait. Unless you're agnostic, you're using faith of a sort to answer an unanswerable question. Whatever your belief is, if you're just using for faggoty contempt, you're probably as bad as whatever strawman you think the other side is.

>Start with "there's a god"
>work backwards
>call it "logical"
10/10 would dismiss again

most people just believe whatever they want to believe

whether or not it's true doesn't really matter to them

Sounds like "the Secret"
"Thoughts change reality" type of shit. Anecdotal evidence says intentional thinking works too. Doctors said praying bad no affect on results, statistically. But do your thing bro. Whatever works for you, personally I wanna keep my money and Sundays

Dumb shit, you're generalizing. I'd say the majority of those who vocally claim atheism are how you imagine, but there are many, silent non-believers who don't engage in discussions, or are just happy to let people do there own thing, who internally hate niggers and Jews.

Well basically it seems like you have about three options to believe on the origin of the universe

A.) It spontaneously happened.
B.) It always existed.
C.) It was created.

Considering that intricate things don't just happen on Earth without design, why would they on a cosmic scale? The conditions for life on Earth are so perfectly suited for us, it wasn't an accident. Throw in the fact that humans have this innate obsession with death and what happens afterwards and it should make you wonder. I'm a Christian and believe the Bible because it makes absolute sense of the state of man, offers a redemptive plan through Christ, and if you study its prophecies, its right every time. That and although this likely won't make for a convincing argument for most atheists, I have personally had prayers answered and have a relationship with God.