Sup Forums supports this "man"

Sup Forums supports this "man"

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But I support Bernie because he can still win.

No, we, just like seeing leftists sperging out like a bunch of retards. And Trump is a great catalyst for that.

OP, youve opened my eyes. I didnt vote last election season but now, thanks to this wonderful picture youve provided from the astounding people of occupy democrats, you have fully changed my mind

Im voting trump 2020, thanks OP!

>the president said something racist, is that something a president would do
you don't even know who andrew jackson was do you?

That's what, your second thread on him today ? Fuck off already,

Oh, and he's right btw, niggers ARE lazy, that's why they rely on gibs

>Let's hold everyone accountable for anything they (might) have said or thought at any point in their lives.

US Democrats are really an interesting race...

he literally makes a solid point here though

of course you wouldn't know since you've only met about two black people in your life

((((((((((CITATION NEEDED))))))))))))))))))))))))

Where's the lie?

Wtf I love Scrumpf now

Dude Trump is on fire with the hard-hitting truths

If that's true, he's my kind of guy.

That's as honest an observation I'll see for a while.

It's the truth

I dont believe you

He ain't wrong. Just kidding it's only 94% of blacks.

Didnt he say something about them being super predators as well? Totally racist imo.

Read this nigga.

>1 post by this ID


Doesn't sound like a President. He is the President.

fucking baassseeeedddddd!

Lol at {{{Soros}}} shills flushing his money down the drain. Jewtards btfo.

He’s right about niggers. Ever seen a hard working one? I work with 4 and they’re all lazy as fuck.

true tho

underrated, pretty similar to my pic related

What the hell is a hunter? I've never heard of this group in high school.


I'm fairly certain this is a misattributed quote.

well, actually that makes perfect sense to me. 100% of niggers are lazy while some whites are too, obviously caused by racemixing

I too shall contribute.

Even though there’s no proof, at least you tried.

I love Trump!!!

Yes? I assumed most democrats would agree considering how much effort they put into providing gibs for them.

Quiet you hypocritical nigger.

wtf I love drumpf now


O fuck

How do i request my vote be cancelled

i thought liberals would be happy over a che guevara quote

wtf i love niggers now

Some of the greatest presidents sometimes say things they regret later.

He was only quoting Che Guevarra.

I'm tired of seeing all this racism on /pol.
niggers aren't lazy, their behavior is just a product of their environment.

Who really said that though?

Why are you spamming these bullshit quotes with no source at all? Hope those Soros pennies are worth it, faggot. You're not going to break us no matter how hard you try. lefty raid and slide threads are obvious since the Clinton's outted as being in bed with the Russians is the biggest news of the day. Get fucked.

Does that mean Hillary has a chance to still be a President? I mean it's only like 1 year, like she could be a president, right? I'm literally shaking.. like shaking

pls respond

Niggers are lazy, stupid, and violent. Its a fact.

Yawn. Daily MIC reverse psychology thread. You people are fucking pathetic.

So niggers are lazy

Sorry guys the original quote is: "Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!"

>niggers too lazy to look this up and see its fake

In 1861 democrats fought to keep the slaves

does this sound like a reasonable party to you?


>I'm tired of seeing all this racism on /pol.

>be a leftist shill
>realize drumpf might win
>call him raciss
>still wins
>cry russia
>uh oh drumpf figure out we worked with russia

To the oven, kike.

>their behavior is just a product of their environment.
Being around niggers will make you lazy and violent, I see your point.

WTFFF?!?? How do I change my vote to Killary Clintoris?

I love black people now.

Well, democrats doesn't care about facts. Makes sense now.

I wasn’t aware that Lincoln had strong opinions regarding Germany or its government.

Thanks John ShitStain Cancer Brain McCain for visiting pol/ Focus on the dossier traitor.

He is right though.

I support him even more!

We need an Andrew Jackson anime
Id picture it as being similar to Jin Roh but with indians