Pol how many people do you think where truly killed in the tower in Grenfell? The official number is near a hundred but are they hiding the real numbers?
How many truly died in Grenfell?
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not enough
Why didn't it collapse into its footprint at freefall speeds
A lot more would have died if those dumb fucks had chained the doors shut like I told them to.
Too few.
Who cares? It was mostly kebab anyway
This is the official answer.
It was another sacrafice for.the elites to.remain in power
4.3 million
I used to have a ton of stuff on the Grenfell fire. Something def shady was going on in there. The whole story with the neighbor talking about the guy's kitchen being on fire, even though it would have been impossible to see from her door. Then he vanishes forever.
At-least they where not white but still sad
all of them
Why do people care? lt was an accident. This is the new Hillsborough.
Over 6 gorillion
>how many people do you think where truly killed in the tower in Grenfell?
not enough,they was mostly niggers and pakis
Fucking shill. It doesn't matter. It was a racist fire and if white people would just kill themselves, then the fire never would have happened. Also, why are guns still legal in America? Imagine my shock. Every mass shooting in America is committed by a white man. Just die already wypipo.
i live close by to it,it was filled with browns
i put on tornado of souls and watched it
also listened to this
There was no jet fuel involved so the steel beams couldn't melt?
Careful, that could collapse into its footprint any day now..
the tower was packed full with illegal immigrants and the residence knew about it
>police slowly release numbers over the weeks
>fire fighters needed counseling from all the bodies
>residence chimping out because they knew the police was lying about the numbers
>all this pandering to the residance
Not very many.
I wonder how many kids got the free UK taxi ride
Thanks to all the illegal immigrants living in illegal sublets, they don’t even KNOW who died
I have also heard it was a deliberate attack, something about the gas line going up the stairwell being ignited with an ied. I can’t confirm that but the unknown death toll is verifiably true
Yeah everyone forgot about this horrific nightmare about 9 minutes after it happened. I kept waiting for an official body count but looks like no one gives a single flipping fuck.
Police on the scene say about 200. They're waiting for one corner to collapse so they can sift it.
They're just sifting now, looking for bits of bone. Wife in Met, AMA
No, they don't think it was deliberately, it's just what happens when you put too many retarded subhumans in one place
Haha! Trick question. The answer is zero because shitskins are not people.
So they're waiting for it to collapse and potentially kill more people?
No, it's not stable, that's why it's covered up. Whatever falls will fall straight down. There's a corner they can't check because it isn't stable, basically. When that goes they can sift the debris.
They had police guarding piles of cash just after it happened. To get £500 you had to be a nigger or an Arab and say the names of the other tower blocks. That's the only check they made on the cash. It's fucking g mental. Grenfell redpilled a lot of people. A fucking Ethiopian taxi driver burned the place down. There was one white guy in it. The whole country was shocked at the shitskin infiltration
I don't know whether it's a fucking kike or just a best amerigoy. Considering the meme flag, I'm leaning to you being a kike.
Yeah they do. Or at least anyone who would happen to be a fire safety officer......... ahem
Even if it’s cladded with fucking matchsticks, a kitchen fire is not going to light up the whole building in a matter of minutes. Fires happen in shithole unsafe tower blocks literally every day and nobody dies horribly.
The advice to stay inside your apartment is totally sound for a ‘normal’ fire because the fire doors will keep you safe until it’s dealt with. They don’t work so well against a flash 1000c inferno though
TATP... the most halal of molecules
We've got young professional men with families buying houses in fucking Northampton because it's all they can afford, and these Arab cunts are all given flats...they rejected new flats in tall buildings. Fucking ship them out then, I'll have a flat in a tower block
Nope. You're wrong. And TATP wouldn't cause a fire, perhaps cooking peroxide to MAKE TATP might cause a fire. In a confined space like a kitchen it'd blow the windows or maybe a wall section out.
Plus they've recreated the conditions and the wall cladding did go up like matchsticks.
Providing you could get it to detonate of course
it was just a racist white fridge all along. Phew!
Thanks for clearing that up
fpbp and my thought exactly
M8 we never hear the end of it.
The virtue signalling was off the charts for months. Now the hand wringing is about how the 6Million shekels raised hasn't been passed on to 'random nearby niggersTM'
Considering each unit in the block was worth £2k a week in rent, all paid for by the council of course, maybe the poor, under-appreciated slum landlord deserves a bite.
Where I live, a council flat is about £75 a week. But I'm a white male, so when I called Ed Milliband's constituency's housing office & told them I'm being evicted by my brand new (muslim) buy-to-let landlord they said they won't help until I take him to court. Then I can expect to wait 3 years.
So, no references for a private rental, wrong colour/gender for social housing.
I'm hardly unique. The hidden homeless problem is a huge part of why Brexit happened