what did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Isn't she a kike?
>international alliance
Fucking subversive Jewish kike
Trump intends to organize other countries within the UN to fight against george soros and the deep state soon.
>part pajeet, part schlomo
>white nationalist
Just naming the factions for ww3
Isn't she alt-light?
She don't look like one of us
Woman probably has no idea, just jumped on the AJ bandwagon
crypto-kike, all that matters is her mother
>falling for any (((alt-right))) e-celeb
Enough already.
>cooperative nationalism vs. NWO globalism
It's kinda like holding hands and passing the butter politely instead of force fucking each other in an orgy pit while a jewish porn producer directs.
She mean 666 is the carbon number of man not Luciferian satanical symbol
>International alliance of nationalist
She blocked me on twitter when I sent her a foul,e of news stories. She’s hypersensitive and downright weird. Avoid.
it sounds like she was trying to claim a bunch of nationalist countries working togeather to preserve their unique identities is somehow contrary to the idea of nationalism.
This is indicative of leftist worlview. They assume that everything is driven by hate because they themselves only know hate. If there is something not them, they hate it. Their solution is to just make everything them, so they can love it, because in the end they only really care about themselves. So the idea of separate entities who get along for mutual benefit, its just alien to them.
>Fighting globalism with more globalism
Dumb thot.
It's pathetic that a culture even needs to reaffirm the concept of sovereignty. Omninationalism is implicitly white separatism because only white countries need to annunciate what ever other race on the planet already takes for granted. The Chinese don't need to join this "alliance. The Japanese, Koreans, Kazakhs, Mongols, and Vietnamese don't need omninationalism. They take the existences of nation states for granted.
No, she's a huge Richard Spencer fan. Google her interview with him, it's recent and she slobbers all over his cock.
>International Nationalists
>this is not Globalism
Ey, it don't work like that bitch. Now ethnocentric alliances on the other hand
Nationalists have they same interests, thus can work together. I don't know what's so hard about that.
>Lets all be proud of out countries and be indepedant
(((She))) probably also mean we gona be deceived like we are since 1666 by Sabbatha Zevi follower and die for Greater Israel in a other white genocide
Good kek
>I'm not globalist bro I'm internationalist
why do amerifats always flock around kike whores? the same with that psycho bitch Ayn Rand
t. Useful idiots for ZOG
Definitely not.
There's nothing oxymoronic about it.
Why are you anti-white?
>Why are you anti-white?
where did I say that
I mean, nationalism would be better off if nationalist parties and people would cooperate beyond borders. It sounds weird on the surface, but the left does it perfectly, and if we can actually coordinate our efforts world-wide, we could do serious damage.
You're attacking one of the most vocal pro-white people on youtube for no reason. Thus, you are anti-white.
An unholy globalist alliance of nationalists so we can all live our countries peacefully
The next step is an even more unholy alliance between muslims and christians to defeat liberals and marxists and divide the lands between the arabian caliphates and the european kingdoms
1400 years of Islamic invasion and aggression against the western world casts doubt on your idealised future.
Yes, if you think at least a little about it, it makes sense. Every nationalist wants France to be French, Germany to be German and US be pre 1965 US
Never trust a woman.
They don't have strength of conviction, honor, loyalty, or principles.
When are you going to learn?
So many retards ITT who have seemingly never heard of alliances between sovereign states or can't distinguish the concept from open borders.
but yea, fuck women, grill the roastie
yes she is
kikes will manage to make money fighting globalism
Pretty much this. I'm a nationalist because I actually like diversity. Centralized culture is fragilizing the entire human experience.
Fucking moron
Let me guess, you think anti-racists are actually against racism?
Are you fucking dense? Nationalist nations can still work together against globalism. They can work together to make sure that they DON'T mix together and remain separate and unique from each other. They can come to an agreement that the mixing of peoples is bad and that national sovereignty must be respected.
I just watched 20 minutes of 24 hour news media for the first time this year (without a specific massacre having just happened). They are such ridiculous hysterical terroristic totalitarians it's almost funny (but not). In the future when our alliance of not shitheads liberate our countries from the hand wringing (((globalist))) tomorrow's generations will study clips of our current media and gasp at the abject criminality of it.
yes she's a kike trying to control our movement
"hello fellow whites...together we will defeat globalism! reee"
She literally just retweeted an anti-jewish post.
You're talking to ZOG shills. Hiding their flag and attacking white nationalists = ZOG shill almost every time
>women in politics at any level
Tara McCarthy is somewhat suspicious, she's either seriously autistic or doing "hey fellow nationalists"
But the tweet is perfectly sensible.
Nationalists from many countries around the world are teaming up to beat globalism. Together we will make a world where nationalism is the normal paradigm once again.
The end result is people going back to doing nationalism in their own countries, not people merging their countries together
Gotta be a troll.
Sup Forums is an international alliance of nationalists.
>international alliance of nationalists
>beating globalism
There's nothing wrong with her statement.
I think she's just a bit awkward, but she genuinely believes what she says
Nations of the world unite to beat globalism.
You're competing for most retarded response in this thread
>nationalism and sovereignty means you can't share goals with others
She's trying to be ironic with inference of a juxtaposition. In other words, she's being a subversive (((agent))). Too bad Sup Forums is practically immune at this point. I'll translate what she's actually saying:
Every nation of the world is experiencing a resurgence of nationalism. This is happening globally. I'm going to attempt to point out the fact that people are collaborating on international Tibetan Sheep Weaving Picture Boards makes them international nationalist hypocrites, but instead of swaying your viewpoint, I'm just exposing myself as (((one of them))).
she's a jew
She fucking isn't, grow up idiot!
no, she is Hard Alt-Right. if you listened to any of her video's, you'd know this
No even remotely true
>only 98%
fucking lol
she's a woman
decentralized globalism
separate sovereign nations all freely negotiating with one another to maximize their particular interests
national globalism
so what. I like Trump. Am I alt lite? Shut up faggot
>Want globalized white nationalism
Here lies the inherent contradictory nature of alt-right retardation. Also the other retarded part of alt-right nationalism is they put all white people in the same basket as if the Germans and the Nordics are the same even though they are both uniques sets of people with their own culture and history.
She probably meant that she’s proud to be creating an international alliance of nationalists, and that together, they can defeat globalism.
There is nothing contradictory about what she is saying. You're a moron.
She said global nationalism not global white nationalism
both Germans, Nordics, Italians, Hungarians and even Japanese have a shared interest in beating the globalist kikes who are currently in charge and moving towards a world that recognizes the sovereignty and distinctiveness of different nations
It's literally impossible to find anything meaningful to complain about here
You people are blowing this way out of proportion. It's nice to know people in other countries have your back. That's all.
Nope - she's too smart and pretty and she never kvetches. Owned.
Checked and balanced
My penor feels funny...
Why are the jewesses so fertile for goyim seed?
she´s following me on twitter