They fear the return of the real right.
Their biggest problem is that with the cuckservatives, it was the lefties that spoke the truth. The cuckservatives talks about trickle-down economics and most everybody knows they are full of shit. When cuckservatives talk about environment, everyone knows they are full of shit.
The lefties were "winning" because they had truth on their side.
Now they see us as winning, because we are the ones that proclaim truth. Truth about race, about how different races living together will always cause conflict. Truth about how different races are, well, different.. IQ etc.
We speak the hard truths, and deep down they know we are right.
So they retaliate by going back to their core virtuesignaling, they talk about how we are evil for things like denying a woman the right to choose, or they talk about global warming.
But then they face a new problem, the alt-right are not cuckservatives. The Alt-right and the new right wing movements are often heavily in favour of the environment. The new right is heavily anti-consumerism.
The new right is all about living in green, eco-friendly traditional homes. Living within means, not exploiting nature, but securing a future of prosperity for our children trough re-use.
And there they face the real problem, they no longer have a monopoly on those virtues. In fact, we are stealing their monopoly on it, because we are the ones actually starting to live green lives. Lefties only virtue signal, they mostly dont personally follow through on the things that they say others should do.
We are the ones aspiring to beautiful architechture, green fields and a better tomorrow for our children. We are the ones actually willing to make the sacrifices to achieve those goals, not just talk about it.