Imagine a National socialist Russia.
This would be a cure for the 100 years of pure degeneracy in Russia.
Imagine a National socialist Russia
bring back the tsars
Do you imply National Socialism prevents degeneracy? That's delusional.
That would probably start another world war.
Is Princess Anastasia Romanov still alive?
No, bolsheviks killed her after all. They have found her body near the rest of the family.
NatSoc Russia would need to kill almost 30% of it's citizens to become a fully Russian ethno-state...
Meh, most slavs are mongrels itbwouldnt work. Shits going great now. They arnt a american puppet states, they retain most of the global resources and yhey have yhe most military hardware and nukes. Slavs are doing great why woild we want to copy the germans at anytime? I mean they-
Look at Brazilian Integralism or pre 1938 Italian Fascism.
That's the thing.
They weren't National Socilaists...
They were just Fascist.
Good. We are getting weak and overpopulated.
National Socialism wouldn't work in Russia.
They hated the last Tsar they had. I doubt they'd want another.
Alright then, tell me how degeneracy such as drug abuse, adultery, prostitution and pornography are prevented in National Socialist country.
Stalinist Bolshevism is national socialism, NatSoc Russia would be the same thing it was during last hundred years, a pile of shit
Things like these only show how little an average Sup Forums user knows about politics or history, most of you get your dicks hard on NatSoc despite not even knowing what it is
If someone were to create a Communist country and call it Nazi 99% of you fags would still get a hard on because none of you knows the difference
Don't even bother. They would beg to get their democracy back after a week in a National-Socialist country.
>implying National Socialism works
>tell me how degeneracy such as drug abuse, adultery, prostitution and pornography
They're not. Hitler and Goring were known drug addicts. Soldiers and Pilots also took drugs before going into battle, I think. Obviously Nazicucks try to make it seem different.
It's funny how the first people to fall under the fascist/communist regime in any western country would be the same Sup Forums fags who advocate for it
They just don't know the difference or the core of the ideas and are usually a representation of what they are fighting against
so close
Most supporters in Authoritarian Socialistic Nationalist governments don't support them because of their knowledge in how such governments work, but because their lack of it.
Considering how many white trash in my city, National Socialist will never work.
In fact that is the very reason why Sweden start importing refugees by the planeloads.
Their youth are trash and worthless thanks to socialism and aren't capable of supporting the expenses socialism entailed.
>100 years of pure degeneracy
What are you talking about?
He's not aware of how similar National Socialism and Communism are when it comes to methods of law enforcement.
USSR was a bastion of purity compared to what was before and after it.
Both the late Russian Empire and the 90s Russia were unbelievably "degenerate"
Yes, I know. My grandfather (a Russian Jew) escaped to Israel from the Soviet Union. When I was a teenager he told me how it was and why he left.
it's not the thing of law enforcement, during Stalin rule Russia was the same shit as NatSoc just under a different name, it had traits of socialism and communism, but was just a fascist authoritarian state. The problem is that he doesn't know what was in Russia and how it didn't have much to do with socialism as in other countries like Yugoslavia, Cuba, Libya, Syria ... What Russia had was just plain totalitarianism with traces of some other things
His statement would be the same as saying >"North Korea would be a lot better if they were under a hard NatSoc rule"
it wouldn't , it would be the same authoritarian shithole as before
The only real difference between the Soviet Union and the 3rd Reich was economical.
You know, with extensive social programs, incentives for multi-child families, overt and direct state influence over strategic industries but otherwise rather free capitalism, renewal of orthodoxy and general trend (limping, but still), toward healthy lifestyle and away from smoking, alcoholism and drugs, it could be argued that contemporary Russia is as close to some form of "National Socialism" than anyone has really been at least since the deaths of Salazar and Pinochet.
Nigger, shut your mouth and take that flag off, you are no communist
wtf i thought u were austria or a moment. wtf how do you tell the two flags apart irl.
Austria's flag has a brighter red, and 3 even stripes. It is one of the oldest used flags in the world. Latvia's flag has a darker red, and the middle white stripe is smaller than the other 2
According to legend, the flag was invented by Duke Leopold V of Austria as a consequence of his fighting during the Siege of Acre. After a fierce battle, his white surcoat was completely drenched in blood. When he removed his belt, the cloth beneath remained unstained, revealing the combination of red-white-red. So taken was he by this singular sight that he adopted the colors and scheme as his banner. The incident was documented as early as 1260, though it is highly unlikely.