Times you revealed your powerlevel

>be shitlord
>grew up in very Jewish urban area, highschool I went to was about 60% jewish
>in English class junior year of highschool
>I forget what the context was but we're discussing selfishness
>Mexican kid says Hitler was selfish
>tell him no Hitler did everything for his people and despised capitalistic greed, whether or not you think he is evil or not he was not at all selfish
>everyone in class glares at me
>nigger teacher pulls me aside and gives me lecture on respect
>got a detention and principal spoke to my parents about my disturbing views
>have to take a diversity class for a semester
>everyone makes fun of me for being a nazi for the rest of highschool
>harassment also partially brought on by me deciding to get a crewcut around the same time this happened, honestly unrelated to politics I just thought it looked good

I mean they were right but what a retarded fucking reason to get outed on. I should've just come out and said all of their grandparents and themselves deserved to be gassed.

"Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day."

You did nothing wrong, they resorted to brute force because they didn't have a proper counterarguement.

Never, because I’m not a fucking retard you turbosperg

having people murdered cause you don't like them is pretty selfish

U fucked up OP.

U could've Zylkoned them. All

>times i reveal my power level
Constantly. Anyone else is a faggot.
I wave my penis at traffic too, just because it's sooooo fucking BIG.
Sometimes I leave it hanging out of the car window just to intimidate other drivers and the police,

If you kill your enemies, they win.

The guy killed millions of people because HE wanted the world to be a specific way.

That's probably the most selfish thing you can you fucking cuck.

They deserve to be murdered but for a lot more then just because I don't like them.

I gave a reasonable argument about the motivations of Hitler. You don't have to be a Nazi to recognize he didnt write Mein Kampf for the money.

>wanting to create a sustainable homeland for your people is selfish

I guess anyone in history wanting their homeland to be in a good position is a fucking greedy cunt. George Wahington? What a fucking pig for wanting the 13 colonies to be a certain way.

Go fuck yourself zionist shill

Exactly. Judging historical figures as "evil" from the foreigner perspective is just fucking dumb. If we follow that kind of logic, those who sell their country and send their people to slavery could be saints.

>Muh six gorrilion


If you kill innocent people because you want something a certain way, you are a selfish human.

Next lesson: The Alphabet

I feel like a genius in this place. It's great.

Ok then. Reminder to no harm if you get attacked, it would be selfish if you fought back and injured or killed your assailant

>diversity class

bullshit, kids at my highschool used to walk around with confederate flags, and the school was highly mixed, but was strict as hell if you got into a fight they called the police, and you got kicked out.

lets just say fights were rare.

>sperging out about hitler
you did this to yourself. and you deserve everything you got.

Trumps killed sandniggers in the middle east because he wants to maintain American hegemony there.

He wants it a certain way

What a selfish bastard.

a) it wasn't his homeland
b) he destroyed germany
c) at the end he hated the german nation because he considered them weak
hitler was a supreme sperg and the only people who were more retarded than him were the idiot germans who believed his shit and voted him into power

hi leftypol larping as libertarian

>we have ACTUAL HOLOCAUST ACCEPTERS on this board


Every time politics comes up in discussion.

I've noticed allot of those lately.

They're migrating.