What ought to be done about the DSA?

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Let them grow.

Democrat party is currently divided three ways, the big tent is splitting.

3 ways? I thought it was only split between DSA/Sanders supporters and Blue Dog/Neolib/Clinton supporters

Join them

Yeah nah. Do they even have a proper anarchist caucus?

DSA, Neolibs/Buzzfeed Liberals/Idpol, and Labor Unions. If the union faction didn't have an issue with Clinton, it'd be MADAME PRESIDENT my dude.

AFL-CIO endorsed Clinton though, and the IWW doesn't nearly have the pull it used to have. Or are there other unions I'm not aware of?

She still lost in states where union labor is king. Except for Nevada, but that's because he has some beef with the unions there personally.

They just detract from the commies by distracting people with hippie bollocks. They do nothing but aid us, very easy to usurp by giving it a nationalist slant to keep the evil commies at bay.
Looking forward to 4th for this reason.

Yeah definitely. The dems abandoned labour and paid for it.
>This November 4th meme again
It's not organized by the DSA but by some pathetic maoist LARPers numbering barely in the hundreds, stop overhyping it


Pathetic Maoist LARPers doesn't really describe it.

Bob Avakian is effectively the Chris-Chan of US communists movements. Revcom has been described to me by actual commies, and even Maoists (who are usually loons) as 'Scientology with the Hammer and Sickle'. It's all about Bob Avakian there.


The establishment rose of crony socialism.

>They unironically wordfilter America to AmeriKKKa
So this is what left infowars looks like
Socdems/Demsocs like to use roses a lot, yes

Reminder the rose stands for killing Rosa



fucking commies

U wot. RevCom seems to be involved but the whole thing is being pushed by Refuse Fascism, which is an Open Society Foundations group.
>STOP Trump/Pence BEFORE They Start — A New Movement Launches
>By Sunsara Taylor, Contributor, writer for and co-iniator of
>#NoFascistUSA Emergency Meeting, Carl Dix
>Carl Dix, a founding member of the Revolutionary Communist Party who spent two years in military prison for refusing to fight in the Vietnam War (...)
>Why We Have Taken Up the Fight to Build Refuse Fascism and to Drive Out the Trump/Pence Fascist Regime
>A Statement from the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA

This whole operation is manned by RecComs, who knows where their (((funding))) comes from though.

Huh. I frequently find RevCom wheatpastes near Refuse Fascism posters so I guess that makes sense. They clearly have managed to conscript a fuckload of other lefties though because that refuse fascism shit is everywhere.

>Bob Avakian cult leading the Ami far-left
what even is this timeline

>managed to conscript a fuckload of other lefties
What orgs will be there, do we have any names?

The usual suspects, Probably IWW GDC, International Socialist Organization, maybe Socialist Alternative, and loads of minor ancom collectives.


Damn that's pretty substantial. Still kind of sceptic that it'll pull out many people though.

Ya think?

I'm just going off the quantity of propaganda and patterns of where it's at in relation to where those groups usually/currently poster. Even if they manage to get every pinko out on the street that's still only maybe a few thousand in my city though, and we're one of the most socialist places in North America. It all depends on whether they can get the libtard normie masses to join them.