How the fuck can anyone justify drugs or any psychoactive substance being made illegal or controlled by the state to any degree?
What gives the state the right to control what I do with my body?
How the fuck can anyone justify drugs or any psychoactive substance being made illegal or controlled by the state to any degree?
What gives the state the right to control what I do with my body?
Smok wed er dayy
If it's the states responsibility to take care of the mentally ill it's probably in their business to try to prevent mental illness
It really depends on the drug's perceived harm to society. I'm fine with dangerous and highly addictive drugs like meth being illegal just as i'm fine with the requirement to wear a seatbelt while driving, even though it's violating my freedom to live as I please.
Pot is relatively harmless tho, especially compared to other legal drugs, hence it should be legalized.
A fucked up working class is an expensive working class. Easier to come up with moral justification than 'the rich have no use for drugged up laborers'
Because mind control would be legal and game over, new guy. Can't have 12 year olds running around smoking CIA weed. The fuck.
Drugs are a harm to society as a whole, it's not just themselves that drug addicts are harming. Alcohol can't be made illegal at this point, but drugs have never been legal, and as such should never be made illegal.
>What gives the state the right to control what I do with my body?
the state has an interest in your well-being
Pot is a huge cash cow for the government machine. Relatively non violent criminals treated the same as drug cartel niggers and spics, thrown into the "justice" system never to leave (hard to find work after, etc),private prison industry gets lots of "customers" and police can pad their arrest numbers by locking up hard dude smoking a joint in his own home.
Also, if the police need some more money/equipment they can always pillage a man's property by claiming it was part of his drug business. Potheads are relatively non violent and go quietly.
Drugs don't just effect you, they also effect the people around you. Driving while under the influence shouldn't be allowed and until they can determine roadside if you are currently under the influence or not, it should not be legalized. Alcohol has specific limits when it comes to intoxicated driving and they need to find that with MJ too. As for meth, cocaine, heroin, etc, i think they need to continue being illegal.
who told u druggies are non violent?
They don't
The last thing you should want is for your drugs to become legalized, whether it's as harmless as pot or as detrimental as heroin. Do you know what legalization means? Taxation. Do you know what taxation means? Government control. When the government controls your drugs, they water them down so that you require more of it to get the effect that you desire.
Legal drugs are taxed which are then watered down to get more out of the taxation. Not rocket science and yet nobody seems to have foresight on this
I agree, people who push legalisation should be those who want drug usage to drop.
I see no reason to fine me for not wearing a seat belt....just a money grab.
I see no reason to incarcerate a meth user....if society actually cared about addicts, they would go to addiction treatment programs....making addicts another number in the prison system helps no one...except the for-profit prison system in which addicts are most likely to re-offend....
Because I'm tired of listening to brain-dead retards talk. I don't care if it's right or wrong to ban drugs, I just want the degenerates who use them gone.
>What gives the state the right to control what I do with my body?
lel, you sound like such a far-lefty tool.
they want you to stay an able-minded and able-bodied tax contributor. even though paying tax sucks and is for faggots, that's not even amoral because you get healthcare and many other goods.
>What gives the state the right to control what I do with my body?
If I'm paying for your healthcare - then you damn well better make an effort to be healthy. (Personally I would rather not pay for anyone else's healthcare and let them smoke whatever they want. But that's not the world we live in is it.)
>What gives the state the right to control what I do with my body?
that social security contract that sort of gave them physical ownership of your body
>If it's the states responsibility to take care of the mentally ill
it's not
I don't want what they're selling, having liberty is about making your own decisions and taking responsibility for those decisions, thats impossible to do with a nanny state looking after their property which is your body, fuck slavery, fuck taxation, fuck monopoly and fuck governments
>What gives the state the right to control what I do with my body?
when you are born and bred into the (((System))) it's only natural to arrive at these conclusions
To further clarify my point:
If someone is going to use the state to make me pay for their healthcare, then I have the right to use the state to make sure they don't use products that harm their health.
What the fuck are you on about? Weed isn't addictive at al!! You stupid bitch its a fucking PLANT!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
*kills self when dealer doesnt answer text*
cause they bad for you silly piggu
>then I have the right to use the state to make sure they don't use products that harm their health.
that is impossible to accomplish, instead let people have their liberty and don't pay for any of it, instead of men rushing around to build vast fortunes based on debt they should be saving as they go building respectables estates
I agree. But again, that's not the world we live in.
Individual freedom must be balanced with individual responsibility. If you want the freedom to be fat and do drugs, then you need to accept the responsibility of covering the cost of that, not me.
What we currently have is collective responsibility, collectively we are all responsible if you decide to be fat and do drugs. So because you don't want that responsibility - you don't deserve that freedom.
Because you are a retard and you need somebody to kick you up the arse so you go to work.
>plebs thinking they have ideas worth a shit
>any psychoactive substance
If that substance causes you to become an external threat it should be banned. For example, disassociatives (bath salts) create short term schizophrenia for the users. Why would you want that to be legal?
I think it is very hard to justify simply from the fact that there are far more dangerous substances completely legal that you can consume as much as you want.
Sugar blows every drug out of the water when it comes to health-related problems, yet I have not seen any country try to ban chocolate bars and soda drinks.
We live in America you retard, I have my own insurance. If you're so concerned about substances that harm your health start lobbying for the banning of tobacco and alcohol like most of the welfare dregs are addicted to and fully legal. Or maybe go after the pharmaceutical industry first, you know that whole opiate crisis we're facing?. Not something as benign as weed.
It doesn't make you sleepy or psychotic
>it's not
Pretty much everywhere in the first world that's not America it is.
>the state has an interest in your well being
Alcohol is a drug, you raging normal fag retard
Because pcp makes you eat people's faces off
>What gives the state the right to control what I do with my body?
Because you're too stupid to take care of your body.
Relax Kimosabe.
All I am saying is that I believe in FREEDOM.
You should only be free to be destructive to your body if you take responsibility for it.
>liberals today
>legalize all drugs and harmful substances
>it's healthy to be 400 pounds
>btw also increase taxes to pay for my drug addiction and diabetes
If a liberal is okay with using the guvmint to force me to pay for their healthcare through taxes, then I am 100% okay with using the same guvmint to force them to stay sober and exercise 3 times a week.
Ideally everyone should be free to do what they want and bear the consequences.
> wahh I just wanna have it my way ;_;
>it's violating my freedom to live as I please.
You're free to drive without a seatbelt on your own private property. If you're using public roads then other drivers have the right not to be hit by a fatal flying headbutt from your corpse when you become a projectile after a high speed collision.
If a drug is against the law, it isn't "controlled by the state," idiot. That would mean that the state farms or produces the drug and determines how it's distributed, i.e., what happens in places where drugs are legal.
>needing a dealer to buy weed
>not just walking to the nearest ghetto and buying it from street dealers
You're weak
Is bathsalts legitimately dissociative?
Prove it please
>I am 100% okay with using the same guvmint to force them to stay sober and exercise 3 times a week.
After all, since I am paying for it, all I am doing is protecting my investment right?
Because now, at least in America, we'd have 40 million retards trying to stay out of jail with government funded rehab programs because they killed someone driving down the highway tripping their balls off.
>What gives the state the right to control what I do with my body?
More importantly, what prohibits them from controlling and subjugating you?
Here in freedom land we have a constitution, most of which is specifically to limit the scope of government and also guarantees us various freedoms, the most important of which is permitting us the tools with which to defend ourselves from tyranny.
You make it sound like a good way to go. Who doesn't want to go out as a lethal projectile?
Only when they feel like it fits their narrative.
>If I'm paying for your healthcare - then you damn well better make an effort to be healthy.
there are an endless number of unhealthy habits which you engage in, have no opposition to, and do not want regulated. so obviously that's not your motivation on this issue. you're simply upset that degenerates are getting high and you're not, for whatever reason. probably because you fell behind your peers socially and never got access to good drugs. then you became a conservative, had to listen to some stoner's politics, and it really sealed the deal for you. that generalization applies to maybe 90% of Sup Forums in terms of their attitude to dudeweed
"muh principles" is actually "muh feelings" here. i wish more of you would own up to it. a degenerate is experiencing ecstasy, despite the fact that they have done everything wrong in life. and it's simply because they took a drug their friend gave them. you've been good and christian and yet you're absolutely miserable. and it's simply because you didn't swallow some pill. that is a genuinely enraging concept and i totally understand where you're coming from. but don't pretend that any of this is about logical policy and mitigating risks
>a degenerate is experiencing ecstasy, despite the fact that they have done everything wrong in life
That'll work out well in the long run I'm sure.
I grow reefer here but I wouldn't smoke the shit. I just keep it around for friends and for barter.
>you're simply upset that degenerates are getting high and you're not
I live in Colorado buddy try again.
Nothing you said applies to me, refer to these for my response because I don't feel like typing it again.
>that's not the world we live in.
we are changing that now
most of this associated cost of being unhealthy is ridiculous medical costs that are only there because of free government money ruining that industry, instead remove the free government money, allow people to have their doctor or not have him, practice their medicine as they see fit and remove all form of monopoly, that means allow google to prescribe, cut the doctor out of the equation, if you want to do your own research and prescribe your own meds so be it
remove all forms of monopoly
people should want to be healthy to get pussy not to save money
Agree. As long as you don't cost the state any money for health care or lack of employment. But how to accomplish that is the problem. If you go to a hospital they have to treat you. If you become one of the homeless, a common route for drug users, you will cost other people money. I propose a solution, drug users as indentured servants. You find a person who will sponser you, become your guardian, and you are free to do as much drugs as they provide or whatever. As long as you're on drugs, you belong to that person. This way you can't pass the cost of your poor decisions on to the rest of us. And we can extend this to drinkers and people who are overweight and don't exercise.
>that degenerates are getting high
you know these banker types get high by earning profits and making other humans suffer
I think we need to cut them off
>What gives the state the right to control what I do with my body?
Fine. Then you get no state-funded healthcare.
>I just keep it around for friends and for barter.
you should make oil for small infections, cannabis oil works better than steroids for certain applications
In mapleland we are going to be able to grow up to 4 plants for ourselves I'll never have to pay taxes on any weed
>Then you get no state-funded healthcare.
nobody should be getting state funded anything and we need to cut congress off first
I agree, actually.
I was just trying to make him see the flaw in his logic.
All that picture tells me is that the US has some serious issues with their healthcare system. It doesn't apply to the rest of us....
This, sorta. Only its the state that can demand whatever they want from people in exchange of "free" or subsidized health care.
I'm no libertarian but it should be common sense that nothing is free.
I only use weed because I have scoliosis and would be in absolute pain all the time without it. My state does not allow for medical marijuana. It also changed laws regarding the prescription of opioids, which I took for 3 years, to the point where the doctor who did my original surgery would no longer prescribe them to me. It was basically, "Here's some muscle-relaxers. Buy some vodka. Don't kill yourself mixing them." So eventually, I found a medicine man, and now I have virtually no pain at all. Funny enough, I actually have early-onset glaucoma, as well, so the reduced ocular pressure is an extra boon, although. Point is, I'll buy my care; you fuck off on telling me what it is.
Way to completely miss the point you illiterate dipshit. The fact that you can actually use a keyboard is an inspiration to retards everywhere, congratulations.
Getting high doesn't cure cancer, fuckwit.
You're a faggot and you're idea is fucking retarded.
Kill yourself
A weak minded normie faggot like yourself is incapable of handling psychoactive drugs. Because you suck at being able to control your mind while under the influence, you have to ruin the enjoyment of drugs for other people. You are weak as shit and shouldn't be allowed to offer suggestions of any kind,because like your mind, your suggestions are shitty and worthless. You are an average normie mindless nobody and non of your thoughts are original. You are the problem with humanity, as you are just a mindless drone that can only regurgitate the ideas spoon fed to you by media. Non of your opinions matter, stay sober and unhappy like you are. Go to work everyday and pay taxes like the slave you are. And then die like you're supposed
I know I can control myself but the common nigger can't. Niggers can't control themselves sober, let alone on drugs. Unless you want to live among hordes of drugged up chimps, keep that shit illegal.
>drugging out the chimps
Weed has no effect on niggers; they don't have the brain capacity for lucid thought and they are already always hungry and lazy. Alcohol is much, much more likely to fuel a chimp out than weed. The legal drinking age for niggers should be before they've gone to jail but after 25 - effectively disallowing any nigger from legally drinking.
>getting controlled by the jew plant
cbd doesnt get you high.
but i would be surprised if this was a magical cure for cancer.
you will fry your brain and end up a potato.
Yep, keeping it illegal is making it so hard for them to obtain as is (wtf are you talking about).
name of animu please
mental illness isnt real idiot
I can't smoke weed because it would show up on drug test at work and would be grounds for termination.
So I go for shit that they aren't looking for or can't be detected.
Salvia and LSD are awesome.
People think the state=god
When this happens they let the state decide what's good & what's bad for them,you know,lemmings
Fuck what does dipshit lawmakers say,I smoke a j anyday anywhere & they can't stop me
That pic looks like a cuphead level on DMT kek
If yer not workin but do drugs all day u r damaging the economy
Because you lose the whole "right to my body" argument you when induce things that are intended to make you lose control of your mind and body and risk causing harm to others. The only reason alcohol isn't included is because it was already far too entrenched in culture and lobbied for by the time people caught onto its bullshit.
You know most people BUY drugs, right? Pizza places do a brisk business too.
it's all about money and power, quit wasting time arguing about "danger to society" when you know it isn't true. They don't want people to be able to accumulate their own wealth, and cure themselves of ailments, bottom line. When it's legal to grow and smoke marijuana, a ton of people are going to do just that, and have very little to do with the rest of society, but the government has a really short sighted view on this, they need to legalize and all kinds of people who never paid taxes will now be paying tax on pot and selling pot to buy other things which they will pay taxes on. Legalizing pot can literally change the face of america for the better.
You think like a follower and not a leader. What kind of swedish population is more likely to resist a migrant and refugee invasion
>A bunch of docile stoners with lowered test from smoking weed
>A bunch of non-weed smokers who have normal aggression and test because of not smoking weed
It's not just about you, it's about what will lead to the strongest and best quality people. Sweden is one of the jews main targets and the time for resistance is NOW. It's not time to think about the fact that you want to sit around and be a stoner and suck your thumb and watch cartoons.
People abuse alcohol all the time, it ruins their life. However you don't think alcohol should be illegal, do you? Year after year the same shitty debates, debating people who don't understand logic.
meant to reply to below
Pot smokers are also Democratic. If a felony conviction then they can no longer vote for life.
That's another reason why blacks are arrested 4x more than whites for marijuana.
In Australia, cops use a saliva, under-the-tounge, tester on automobile driver's. It detects if marijuana was used in the past 30 days. A positive test equals arrest.
Progressives believe the state owns you.
australia is like USA but with even less freedoms
Alcohol destroys the brain, as well as the liver. Alcohol is the worst legal drug in the world.
>drugs have never been legal
They are also incredibly retarded.
I bought a can of fucking spray paint the other day and had to show ID for it. People like you are a problem, why not just ban everything that isn't given to you by your physician?
If you smoke weed you can't be a productive little sheep, goyim.
Going out as a lethal projectile sounds great. It's being taken out by one that I don't want...
Drugs make you spiritually vulnerable to demonic influence
Most potheads are liberals, you will be one too if ya keep smoking it. One day you will take a hit and say "dude, weed, lmao, equality and shit, peace and harmony maaannnnn."
this guy gets it. I can't believe every time this debate goes down people act like pot being illegal is for the 'good of the people'. It's proven to cure diseases, you stupid fucks
>making laws to prevent things that have literally never happened
Liberalism truly is a mental illness.
True enough. But then again, there are worse ways, too.
You're a fucking idiot.