Have you forgiven her yet?
Love Live!
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Who fucking even cares about Kanan anymore? Lets focus on Yoshiko and You, the only raibus that matter
Why are the third years so good this time around?
It's anons who need to be forgiven for all the Kanan hating.
No, she is the cuntiest idol ever since Honda Mio. I don't hate her but I couldn't care less about her existence.
Her and Dia are the two I can't stop thinking about.
>this time around
They've been good last time too.
>No cancerous Nico
>No perverted Nozofat
>No deadpan Eli
It's simple, really.
Kanan is far better than Mio. Mio just kept fucking up for her whole existence.
I know, they were terrible in Muse except Nico.
I feel the aquors cast is really well balanced over all, first years are also better than muse.
Mio? The fuck? Rin is a million times better than that cunt. All of the Cinderella Girls suck in comparison to the Raibus except for Rin and Anastasia.
Maki is better than all of the Aqours 1st years combined.
That's why I said "since". Mio is on a tier of her own.
all according to plan
Fit slav was best µ's third year, Dia is best Aqours third year
She has a lot to compensate for Rin and Pana though.
You know it.
At least you're half correct.
It's cute to think of how Dia was into school idols.
Dia is adorable, I never though she'd become my favorite.
I don't know what's the idea behind this image and why I saved it.
>he thinks generic predictable tsundere = good character
She's so cute when she's angry
Third years spilling spaghetti was great, third years used to be bigger authority figures for muse.
Instead here you have Chika speaking up, and Yoshiko putting the kacho into a submission.
Neat. I guess the drawfag is a system engineer or something.
Of course, she's mah waifu after all
Dia or Nico?
Dia and only Dia.
The cute one
Dia is nicomaki's daughter, so Dia because she is also dork and loving sister.
whops, I used the wrong pic. Here is the real one.
Get bullied!
Count me in.
Dia has the prettiest eyes
Everyone loves Dia. But I think the chosen Nicofags might rabu Nico the most of any fags.
pls no bully
Are Dia and You the least hated Aqours?
Nico is absolute gutter trash, prove me wrong.
They seem to be the most normal out of the group
She deserves it.
There's Riko too, I don't think anyone hates her
>cancerous Nico
Shut up
Seems to be the case. Maybe Riko too, she is so bland I can't see how anyone could hate her.
Riko may be bland but she gets into a lot of crazy situations
Depends, how's their popular ranking?
Shiitake is a female so no need to worry about that.
>except Nico
But Nico was the shittiest girl in µ's.
Good choice of wording. Humanity is deficient enough to hate all the superior 2D beings for something. It's only a matter of who is hated the least.
Do you actually think female on female bestiality doesn't exist or is in some way better than male on female bestiality?
I can't tell whether to criticise you for your inability to read or praise you for liking based Anya.
Amor Vivo sol español
I fug the maid
My fucking nigga.
Now that you mention it, I hope they get rid of that penis dog fanarts. Licking pussy is better
>perverted Nozofat
She is pure shrine maiden
>she is a shrine maiden just to molest other maidens
How deep does the rabbit hole goes
The way your mind works is totally beyond human logic.
Heh they pronunce Dia the way I've used to.
But this is fucking terrible. Why
She's just comparing sizes
>1st years
Maki > Rin > Yohane > Hanamaru = Hanayo = Ruby
>2nd years
Honk > Birb = You = Riko > Umi > Chika
>3rd years
Eli = Nozomi = Dia > Kanan = Mari > Nico
She looks like she would be a great housewife and mother. Am I right?
Excellent taste, user.
If you want an abusive wife, sure.
Respect the Ruby, or else!
Or else what?
She's actually very caring if you paid attn. Mari is the abusive one
Who /saintsnow/ here?
Ruby makes me hard as diamonds. I want to ravage her so bad.
Trying to manipulate and control your friend's life and then treating her like shit when she rejects your control doesn't constitute as caring behavior.
Nico as character but jesus christ, Dia would be the hottest raibu.
Best loli.
>Honk above Chika
>ruby is a crybab-
A third of Chika's lines so far are just her going 'LET'S BE µ's!'
And yet she's a better person than honk ans get shit done.
I only hope Chika doesn't go emo.
Chika is a downgraded version of Honk, with butt-fuck ugly hair.
She looks so good in this outfit
Honk won the robbu raibu, Chika got 0 votes at that thing.
Clearly, Honk gets shit done too.
Honk is cuter. Her genki is also more pleasing but Chika beats her in every other aspect.
>Honk won the robbu raibu
They did because it's wasn't as hard as it is now for new idols.
Dia and Saint snow explain that.
They get trashed if they participated under a fake name.
Honoka quit the group because she got a fucking cold.
She almost dies in a concert, that's fucking hardcore.
I think Chika is a better leader, but Honk is more fun to watch and moe as fuck.
>Mari had an injured ankle
>Mari was going to throw away a chance at better education
>Mari wouldn't listen to reason
>Not respecting your friends decision
Shit friend to be honest
Kanan is not her mother
If your friend decision is dumb, you should contest it, as a good friend.
Contest it, sure. Face to face in a frontal way, not with secrets and manipulation.
Honoka is an arahitogami and cannot be compared to mortal souls or judged the way a human is.
>characters have a fight
>reconcile and forgive each other
>fanbase argues forever about who was in the right
Every fucking time.