Pol turning me gay or something?

Recently ive become insecure about my identifying of female / male. Even though they have strong female or male traits i often struggle when they have short hair as women etc.

Is it all the gender fluid shit & transgenderism?
Or is it autism?

youre just a retard. normal people like me dont even need to consider if im a man or woman

you can talk about objectively being a fag but not a woman. you are a man. stop with the identfying as a women cause you think all stereotypes are true to everyone and just be a faggot. save everyone on the internet and ur senpai the trouble

Are you suggesting I start using gender neutral pronouns?

I don't identify as female. I identify as my original gender. I just can't seem to identify others pricicely


youre already trans? whats original gender entail? if youre trans then call yourself a woman i guess. you're already in too deep if you cut ur dick off

Vi har bare ordet kjonn i norsk, ikke noe "sex/gender" shit. Det er greit å være en feminin mann, men det betyr ikke at du noensinne kommer til å bli en kvinne

The scenario is: I go to a new school. I am trying to tell a girl in class that I talked a little to x. But I can't because I don't know the gender of x

stop it

just say their birth name or they

How old are you?

I am not transgender. Fuck trannies. I am a white male, I am simply having issues seeing if people in my class are male or female

Does not work in Norwegian. If I say that it becomes obvious i can't tell their gender.

The thing is
Op is always fag
If you just kept your mouth shut you would have been fine but now its too late.

"Hei du!" :)

i see.... lel that does cause quite the problem.. well you got me . good luck

"Du vet han der med det lange håret?"
"Han? Marianne?? Hahaha"

"Du vet hun der med det lange håret?"
"Hun? Marius? Wtf din hestkuk"

What the fuck are you even asking? Are you saying that you have a hard time telling whether something has a dick or a vagina by looking at it? How does that make you gay? Are you attracted to the same sex as you?

Generally, it's pretty fucking easy. It's a little harder when they're fat and/or androgynous looking, but it's generally pretty fucking easy. If you can't tell, then you're probably not attracted to the disgusting thing, anyway.

I am not attracked to the fags who look gender neutral. I want some based blonde conservative. The problem is talking about gender neutral people when they actually want to be called something you don't know

Call them whatever the fuck they look like, and if they bitch, either humor them by correcting yourself or tell them to go fuck themselves. I doubt that you're friends with any of those things.

Fair enough