>using caricatures of stereotypical blacks
hol up
I'm imagining the brilliant mind it took for such an article to be concocted.
>dear white people
>ur mean and no mean to you shut up meanie
So, you sayin...
lmfao Sup Forums is mad because they'd never get to fuck someone as qt3.14 as miranda
Africans can't even utilise short technology properly. That little nigglet doesn't know what he's got.
More digital blackface baka all dez racist wypo
I just want all left wing idiots to die, God will you finally answer my prayers?,
>anglo ghanaian
like a pol parody account. jesus christ what a disaster
>shut up because you’re white
>muttface with the characteristic thunderchin
cheeks out
That's unfair though, Primitive Technology already managed to purify some iron. Can't say Africans did that yet
idiot. this is a simulation. God is just the entity running the simulation and doesn't give a rat's ass about your plight.
Deal with your own problems, nigger.
>white people shut up
>not discrimination
i'm reading the article right now, it's infuriating
But Miranda, you're discriminating against white people right now
that's racist?
why would you use that drawing as the article's picture?
Shut the fuck up
I'm actually discriminated every day, you fucking nigger.
>basilisk nods approvingly
As a spic this shit pisses me off, I won’t be long until niggers start that shit against us. I’m already ostracized by other spics by being half white, loving this country and being a third generation American.
discriminated against*
>syrian education
most latin americans are of at least quarter european ancestry, no?
>We're discriminating against you because your not discriminated against!
I'm sure it makes sense to them and that's what counts.
Light skin blacks are always the most racist. They're insecure about not really being black so they overcompensate. Mixed race people are typically a bit crazy.
Isn't the article discriminating?
What kind of tribal name is Larbi?
That explains it. Her mother got hit up by a proud Ghanaian?
So she's black...HYPODECENT bitch.
nogs don't understand that all these buzzwords just lead to circlejerk, not social conditioning (unless you're a dumb fucking ancom)
where did they go poopoo?
What's it called when blacks actually do discriminate against whites? They usually call it another word ala blacks can't be racist but they can be bigoted.
it’s called assault in the second degree
honestly, crossing the Atlantic in a nog laden wooden tub is sort of impressive.
If you don't eat you don't poo.
what did he mean by this?
>yfw syrian education is actually better than german eduaction
>yfw 50% of all syrians have a university degree
>yfw only 30% of all germans have a university degree
kek, how old is this mistake?
dear black people, the world doesn't owe you shit
They use the term prejudice. Too bad prejudice is an aspect of racism.
White people have never been discriminated against because we are privileged.
We are privileged because we run everything.
We run everything because we built everything.
Other races can't discriminate against us because they don't run shit or build shit.
Other races have accomplished barely anything so their discrimination if given is pointless.
Okay lefties. Agreed.
>never discriminated against
just look at what Antifa is chanting about and just go to a completely foreign non-white country and it's pretty much bound to happen at some point with varying intensity.
He's counting as high as he can
user, she has a chin like Jake LaMotta
if you think this is anything other than false-flagging BS, you're a brainlet.
Why are they stirring up whitey for?
>oy Britons, you lot ain't discriminated against fo bein' white inna white majority country
>makes ya fink innit?
First of all, they shouldn't be. Are Japs discriminated against for being Jap in Japan?
Secondly, in Brit-bongistan, yeah they kind of are.
Right? Fucking nogs
Well yeah, only 30% of Germans are white at this point.
You forgot to mention that they are all either doctors, mathematicians or rocket scientists, you racist.
Anzeige ist raus.
>you're never discriminated against so shut up
But... isn't this title discriminating against white people?
My head always starts hurting when I try to understand black logic. My IQ must be too low.
I don't know about Syrian education, but if it's anything like Iraqi education their degrees aren't worth the paper they are written on. I once taught a class of 20 Iraqi masters students, all of whom had earned bachelor degrees in agriculture or biology back in Iraq and all of whom lacked the basic knowledge of an Australian year 11 biology student. It was a struggle
>that nigress in OP's pic
don't discriminate him
good to see you don't consider the Irish white either, burger bro
threadly reminder that we live in the USA timeline. this is the parallel universe where everything turned out exactly like the USA always wanted. this is the universe of the total USA victory. what you see all around you are the fruits of unimpeded USA.
yes, but most ignore this fact and side with whatever spic country their parents are from. Im half spanish and german, so i dont fit in with most of the spics (mexicans, central americans etc) its no biggie, my dad always had me intermingle with small the spanish community here to be among my own kind, he advised me to only marry a spaniard or a white woman.
This man would be offended by this article.
He's flashing some niggerific gang signs.
Tell that to every single faggot and christian in this country.
The question to ask is: "Is it impossible for there to be a scenario in which Whites are violently discriminated against?"
Blacks are either too naive about their capacity of behaving as the oppressive monster, which is to be pitied...or Blacks know full well they're being deceptive and want to enact violent revenge, which in the case God damn them
She looks like a hebrew trying to assimilate with the niggers. Typical anglo woman
Dear Spearchucking Socialist,
Get cancer of the cunt.
I think they were allowed to move around above deck for one hour each day. Otherwise you can guess where
He's counting how many bastard niggers he's fled from.
Their reasoning is if the boss of your company and the board members are White it doesn't matter that your the only White guy on the floor in one of the factories where literally everyone else is black and they openly joke about a race war. That's not discrimination!
Looking forward to them admitting White Children cannot be bullied because of privilege.
>built everything
demonic cave caucasoids never built anything, they stole it.
Dear niggers, fuck off back to Africa.
Shine trying to count on his fingers really sells it.
"Race based prejudice" instead of "racism" because liberals are indoctrinated by Jewish legal argument thought and think anything is fine as long as you can argue it's the word that matters instead of the meaning behind it.
The Jewish way of thinking is just like that. They even have a joke where one rabbi is arguing some technically in the Torah and other Rabbis say he's wrong. So the rogue rabbi says "I'll prove it! If this is God's will, let him push this pebble with a gust of wind."
So a gust of wind pushes the pebble. The others at still unconvinced. So he asks God that if what he argues is God's will, then for god to flood his cup. Rain temporarily materializes and fills his cup. Again, the other rabbis say he's wrong. He asks God to strike the temple with lighting, and god does, but still, the rabbis say he's wrong. Finally, God himself appears and yells. "This guy is right! This is my will! You fucking idiot's, can't you see my signs?"
But the rabbis explain the technicality of the wording and say that God is wrong. God, instead of getting pissed, congratulates them on being clever and goes away.
That's Jewish thought.
>not wanting to increase the amount of hatred in society
I don't know what you're on about.
The fact that 55% of whites in america think they're discriminated against is good for us, that number will only get bigger.
PT only records short segments of what he does. He likely has access to a large amount of private land and never dukes it out in the wilderness. He probably just relaxes with food, drink, and proper shelter behind the camera as he slowly gets his work done using his hands. I doubt he uses power tools though since it would be easily noticeable. You can't really compare left from right.
Gang signs
Dear black people, no one cares what you think.
>the guy with the swastika gets it better than other
Well I'm depressed now.
But I don't get people here who are angered by an article like this. Are they implying that they'd rather we -- all the groups -- lived in harmony in a paradise of diversity without ever insulting or pissing off one another? That's just the definition of the diversity dream.
That's right nigger, get mad. You won't have to be for long.
>calling polish a nigger
Ok, Dequan.
>cisheteropatriarchal """"""""""""education"""""""""""""""
Listen shitlord your ignorent so just kys youreself or ill dox your dog
>"you're never discriminated against"
>discriminates against whites within the next two words
It's shit like this that makes me which for a race war.
I guess the Boers were right all along about the perfidious Albion.
Fucking this.
>proceeds to be racist to white people
Being forced to live side by side with retarded negroes IS discrimination.
Fuck back to Africa.
Dear depraved and sinister wypipo, your population is at negative birthrate–around the world.
Pls, post that list with jews as slave ship owners.
There are black authors?
Miranda (((Larbi)))
The usual anti-white bullshit by the usual suspects.
Except that's a lie.
Every time an employer is hiring and only has so many positions to fill, and whites ar cut due to diversity quotas, a white person's discriminated against.
And every time a white (especially a male) gets denied entry into college for a STEM degree because the left only wants Paki doctors and engineers, a white person is discriminated against
this thing is disgusting af
>people willfully want to make themselves ignorant
>this is bad for those of us who take education into our own hands
If they stack the deck against themselves, what moral fault is it of ours to take advantage of the hand we know they dealt themselves?