Is this guy a snake or what? I mean I'm not anti-jew but all this guy cares about is money.
Is this guy a snake or what? I mean I'm not anti-jew but all this guy cares about is money
He's spot on about everything except immigration, the browning of America and Israel.
>all this guy cares about is x
straw man.
he was hoping for his own time in the right wing spotlight and is just resentful of the fact that everyone else is more successful than him. jews don't do well on the right.
>white people didn't build civilization
- Ben Shapiro
You keep telling yourself that benny.
>all this guy cares about is money
not sure what makes you say that
Ben "Enthostate For Me, None For Thee" Shapiro
He is a jew. All they care is 1)money, 2)Israel.
He's a stereotypical badger.
>the most incorrectly used fallacy on the Internet.
>Supports free market capitalism that can be used by international conglomerates to undermine national sovereignty
>Supports Israel but all other ethnostates are immoral
>Anyone with anything to say on the role Jews play in geo-politics is an anti-semitic nazi "retard"
He's a kike. Haven't you learned by now to never trust a Jew?
You mean all he cares about is Israel and its US foreign policy. All his other right-wing beliefs that he preaches will bow before that every time, so he's worse than useless. If Hillary were able to run again in 2020, he'd support her again, because she'd bring the ME wars he wants.
>I'm not anti-jew
(Brit flag... )
checks out , Achmed
Used that incident with a female breitbart journalist to leave breitbart and act like a white Knight at the same time, to earn more money elsewhere.
I watched his podcast once and he was going on about how he’s better than other people because he’s a lawyer. nothing makes me love Jews more than watching some kike in a yarmulke berate me for not being a lawyer.
I’m just a humble geochemical aqueous engineer providing fresh water for the people not important like a herb arguing about commas.
I like him; he's pretty realistic. If anything he is (chaotic) Lawful Neutral.
what else should he care about?
At least Pakis and muslims know the truth about Jews.
he's also like 5 feet tall. And his supporters are your typical Zio-con republicans that equate supporting Israel with American patriotism
He doesn't even care about the browning of Israel either. He's said he'd not care if most of the Jewish immigrants were Arabic of black/African and that Israel being 50% "brown" as it currently is, is of no issue to him.
Ben is a civic nationalist.
He got a couple million to start up DailyWire from the billionaire Ricketts(GOPe) family.
maybe it's because he doesn't live there. The Jews living there hate the darker Jews. Every country on earth from India to Mexico has a racial hierarchy
It's easy for a Jew like Ben Shapiro to say he protects the institutions that White men built, while condemning the Alt-Right. But what happens when there aren't anymore White men to enforce the laws that protect Ben Shapiro's free speech rights? He's going to flee, like the typical Jew, and take his racket someplace else.
That's a solid maymay op. Saved
>He doesn't even care about the browning of Israel either.
You don't need to be anti-jew to accept that they are obsessed with money. Look at it this way: In medieval times, the jews who couldn't afford to pay for guards on their houses were killed by angry Christian peasants who had been riled up by their Easter services
In other words he is a globalist.
Show me a tweet where he said he doesn't give a damn about the browning of Israel or the Islamization of Israel show me.
Fucking lying kike.
yes, a globalist disguised as a patriot. He's the heir to the conservatism of national review, something that became obsolete when Trump got elected. That's why he hates Trump, because Trump doesn't bow to the old guard of conservative intellectuals that used to own the GOP