Let's settle this once and for all.
Red or blue?
Let's settle this once and for all
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Nothing to settle here, Blue has always been considered the literal worst Chaika. Red wins by default, no contest.
White Chaika best Chaika. Stop trying to be contrarian by liking other colors!
it's not fair putting white Chaika in the running
Purple and Black are worse. Also the counterfeit Yellow.
Purple Chaika was okay. She was cute enough, she was just on the wrong team. Black Chaika wasn't necessarily bad either, she just had a different role.
Purple > Red = Blue > White > shit > Black > Green > Yellow
That's racist.
Blue was the smartest Chaika. Was this a plus? I don't know.
Why is only Blue Chaika dressed like a lady and not a slut?
I mean, she was going to go to war and do the exact same thing her "Father" wanted, so I guess that was smart?
Why, yes it was. Going to war while having a plan for victory is always a smart thing to do. And she would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids.
Gap moe. The most slutty is dressed the most modestly while it's the opposite for the pure girls.
>white wants to give you a funeral
>red wants to avenge you
>blue doesn't want to do anything with you
>black wants to bring you back to life
Obviously, Black Chaika is best daughteru.
>going to war is what her father wanted
No user. Her father wanted to be reborn and practice magic with his satellite system harvesting human emotion. He would then start a war.
Blue Chaika decided to fuck that noise and just go to war to spite the world after learning what the fuck was up when she met that kraken.
Doesn't matter because blue, purple, and, black Chaika a shit.
Red Chaika and white Chaika are tied for the best. Fredricka would be best Chaika if she shapeshifted.
Which ever one does anal and has a better butt
Considering Namaniku ATK, all of them would enjoy it, also all of them have have glorious derrieres
Rem best girl
Red all day every day. She had dem boobs, dem hips, dat ass, dem thighs, everything.
I don't even remember Purple Chaika. Was she cut in the anime?
Red all day every day
She was on the rivals team and she doesn't start out as a chaika but has orange hair at the beginning.
Vivi was certainly a best. I never realised she had a colour, though.
Red is for love making after you broke through her tough shell, blue is for brutal rape.
They are all the same person except a different colour. I'll choose any.
What's the name of this magical piece of garment?
Not gonna choose the one that's a literal pot of AIDD
You have that backwards
I want to violently rape red chaika so god damned hard
>Picking anything other then red
Season 2's dub dropped the other day. It was okay. The second season ending is still trash, regardless of which language.
Freddie on front page!
How does Chaika sound and speak in the dub?
She sounds cute, but it's hard to really say since Chaika, by definition, speaks like a retard. So it's pretty fitting i suppose.
Blue Chaika of course.
Why do people hate Blue Chaika? Is it because she's a slut?
Blue is a slut.
She's certainly not pure.
I want to stick it in red's butt
Red is pure, PURE
This isn't exact because the uploaded has messed with the audio to stop YouTube Content ID, but here's a dub:
I hate Torus voice.
"Shocking revelation" is a good translation, though
Time to post this ancient GIF.
This is actually pretty funny.
Why is her butt so red? Does Red Chaika get spanked?
Yes, by me.
red i claim blood
>that pic
Am I seeng things or there is something very wrong with that
Chaika magic! No have to explain shit!
Чайкa на первой странице.
>White people???
>*crowd starts getting upset and heckles begin*
>Listen listen my brothers!
>White people should be fucking ENSLAVED!
>*crowd starts slowly applauding*
>Every single fucking subhuman white man should be strung on meat hooks
>*crowd starts standing and giving a standing ovation*
>The white man should then be anally penetrated with not black cocks, but black dildos
>*crowd is stunned and is getting slightly violent*
>Why you ask? These privileged white men don't deserve the dark chocolate cock!!!!
>*crowd ferociously yells in approval*
>These white men will only lick up the creme filling after their women are chained up and rammed by the giant chocolate yodels that are the BBC!!!!!
>*crowd is making tribal chants*
>We will hunt down the white man!! We shall castrate them all and sacrifice their women to the black man!!!!!! The offspring will be brought to the interracial breeding grounds!!!! I will clean up the remains with my white boy tongue!!! I shall serve the black man's cock with my white boy tongue!!!! The black man will have his way with me and my people!!!!
>*crowd is erupting and stampedes the theater as the white men are hog tied and dragged to the cock chambers and the women willfully submit to their black masters
>"Chaika! Ain't me!" starts playing
What do Chaika kisses taste like?
Is this official art? Because that is ridiculously lewd.
Where did the chaika has a hairy bush meme spawn from
Thick eyebrows are an indication of thick pubes
Is it just me or
>red Chaika in that scene
>nice tits and tighs, developed hips, a body ready to get impregnated
>red Chaika in every other scene
> flat-chest, waistless little stump
Her normal outfit just has really poofy shoulders which balance out her breasts
She is canonically THICC
This pleases me.
It's essentially just a leotard.
She will never cry
as you impregnate her.
Why live?
Red > White >>> Blue
The gun comes in several pieces. Who says that it's already put together?
Red>Fredrika>Sister>Cat boy>everyone else>>>>>>remaining chikas