Man in the High Castle Season 3

Who's ready for the new season?

You think it will get more redpilled, or SJW'd?

>Implying it was ever redpilled in the first place.

I can't wait. Is there a date?

What do you think?
Of course SJW'd. It will be political AF.
I watch it only for nazi aesthethics.

I know they have unintentallu been red pilled

Hopefully they realize that everyone loves John Smith and his Nazi government intrueges but I can’t help but think they’ll make him become a traitor to the Reich

Given how many actors on the show are known for deep research about their roles, you already have some NS sympathizers within. Rufus is one of them guaranteed

They made the Reich look too good last season. Gurenteed it'll get more SJW

There will literally be an Orange man named Commander marmalade who takes over the third Reich with help from Japanese spies. The Main characters will RESIST! his rule.

SJW - It was never "repilled" to begin with, it is just your bias that makes it seem so. To a normie it still looks like a dystopia, think 1984: Nazi edition.

They already set that up with his son being (((furnaced))).

Fugg I hope not. It was actually I teresting seeing the German-Japanese interaction. The trade minister was fucking awesome, he was my favorite character.

On top of that, I love how that soyboy looking guy with glasses became an absolute Billy badass and just said fuck everything


you absolute worthless fucking retard. jesus christ OP: neck yourself. holy shit

It was accidentally redpilled

It's a shit show.
I always root for the Nazis.
I'm not even a Nazi and the way they're portrayed it's obvious that the Nazis are the superior civilization.
Sterile, of course, but that's because SJWs have only that one point of ridicule.
The "hero" group are literal terrorist and cowards.
Nothing makes any sense.
The plot is paper thin.
The dialogue / scenes are coherent only on a superficial level.
The noble silent Japanese guy gets old real fast.
Bet me the fucking Nation of Islam nigger comes back - and is just as anachronistic.
It's pure SJW nonsense.

It's not on Netflix, you worthless faggot. Your rectum must be as deep as your fjords by now, sheesh...

thats already being set up. He will "save" his son from the GES CHAYMBAS

doesnt change anything

no mainstream entertainment production from hollywood has been red pilled since, I dno, "Falling Down", and that movie is like 25 fucking years old.

hollywood is a marxist indoctrination machine, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking brainlet

Jeff bezos is funding this not netflix

you hypercritical faggots can't enjoy anything, christ


Is this show worth watching, I've heard of it but I've never watched it

It will be totally bluepilled now that Drumpf has won and they'll find some way to make it about him. Just like Wolfenstein.

Shame since the first two seasons were a decent balance.

It will get more SJW

Additional story, back when season 2 had been out for a bit I was talking about it with one of my girlfriend's fag friends. He said he didn't want to watch it because "it's scary with all this stuff going on lately." I asked what he meant, and all he had to say was "You know... With Trump."

anyone who doubt that the american entertainment is 1000% blue-pilled..... watch the new season of American Horror Story. holy fucking shit

media.8ch net/file_store/1f9305c280e07c43baa2a96829ccbdea9d00201a784626158660a0cd6e55d6d1 webm

I watched the review looks like it was making fun if people freaking out about trump literally making them
Insane and paranoid

B-but I liked the circus freaks season...

*american entertainment industry

look at the link, if youre one of the 5 people on Sup Forums who havent seen it already

The overwhelming surge of female purity and power will destroy the evil facist regime and usher in an age of peace and prosperity for all Womyn and their Allies forever.

Since trump won much more sjw

i saw the first episode of the season
it unironically portrays trump's victory as some cosmic horror-type event. it is absolutely insane.

i cant find the fucking webms, im sure someone has them

anyway, my point is, "man in the high castle" is the exact opposite of redpilled, and so is everything made in hollywood

Hopefully it doesn't turn out like Season 3 of Mr. Robot -- total garbage, to the point of being almost unwatchable (even if you set aside the completely gratuitous 5 minutes of Trump bashing in episode 1).

Are you sure you are t an autistic that doesn’t understand satire?

that might be it

goddamnit cant someone post the fucking webms, i dont have them

Can't fucking wait. Sieg Heil OP

will that beautiful Japanese woman Tao Okamoto be in the cast???

autists dig up the sauce on Jeff Bezos and family involved with the DOD and the Pentagon military-industrial complex...

Which character was she, the one the glasses guy fucked?