So, I'm finally watching Armageddon and, is it just me, or does none of this shit make any sense whatsoever?
So, I'm finally watching Armageddon and, is it just me, or does none of this shit make any sense whatsoever?
What dont you get?
It's a pretty straightforward story.
Invaders attack, Moon Wars happen, Getter Team is established with Getter Robo, and shortly after Saotome's daughter dies under semi mysterious death of Michiru. Ryoma gets framed for the Death of Saotome, and time later, a crazy resurrected Saotome attaks humanity with his newest creation, SHIN DRAGON.
A shit ton more happens, but it aint complex.
Basically, Saotome got infected by Invaders, and lost control of himself, but had emergency plans set up in the form of SHIN GETTER.
if you read the getter robo manga series and then watch the OVAs, the story will be all over the place.
Armageddon is just pure action and doesn't really have to make much sense, just enjoy the ride.
That's what happens when you have to change directors and story after three episodes. Its best to just ignore anything from those episodes that doesn't end up making sense or get answered, because they literally had to rewrite the whole thing after Imagawa took his ball and went home. At least it eventually finds its way again to lead to that amazing ending, so its all worth it.
The last fights made the whole series worth it for me, I wouldn't worry too much about the story given the whole change of directors it went through
The show is ridiculously fast and doesn't make sense. This is the one series that I've watched that I can't even fathom why people think it is good
It's shit
The second half of the show is so fucking cliche I just dropped it
stick to ttgl spics
>Getterfags is still attacking TTGL
It's time to move on
>it's too fast!!!
>i don't get it!!!
G-Reco haters everyone.
Too stupid to follow a basic plot.
>super robot series
>making any sense
Just shut up your brain and enjoy the ride.
If you want anything that makes """sense""" go watch some real robot series.
Don't you have bulls to kill, Pablo?
>implying there's a difference between super robot and real robot
>implying getter doesn't make sense
I'm still waiting for your "ttgl is shit" thread.
>we'll never get a real animated version of Getter GO
Its not fair m8
>Just shut up your brain and enjoy the ride.
Yeah, SAO is great isn't it?
>implying there's a difference between super robot and real robot
Mostly the setting and how technology is presented to the viewers.
>implying getter doesn't make sense
I never said Getter didn't make sense, I just gave him the general rule about watching a super robot seires.
Be honest with me Sup Forums, is Getter ever going to be animated again?
No. It's shit and TTGL and EVA is better in every single way.
The Toei version is the real one. The rest came afterwards.
They started at the same time. And I'm not sure how you'd consider Toei's Saturday morning cartoon version the real one over Nagai and Ishikawa's, which is a legit sequel to the originals.
Because the original Getter Robo was also a Saturday morning cartoon. Anime have a far longer preparation time than manga.
The manga barely even has combinations, which is what Getter should be all about. Getter Gai is practically nonexistent there and Getter Shou is used like once.
Aww yeah, Black Getter.
Looks stupid
But the very concept of Getter was all Nagai and Ishikawa, so clearly that means the manga was in preparation for even longer.
Super Robots and Armageddon in particular are watched for the crazy nekketsu shouting characters, the ludicrous plot and setting, and the cool designs.
It's meant to be a different enjoyment/register from Gasaraki and LOGH.
What do I have to watch before Armageddon? I've read the original getter manga and watched the Shin Anime.
Kill yourself retard
Each of the Getter OAV's are meant to be standalone, so nothing
>the Shin Anime.
Which Shin anime?
hi pablo
Shin Getter Robo.
sup carlos
Nice projection, Mario
It's Pedro, get it get tight.
There's 新, 真対ネオ and 真(チェンジ). Neither is an adaption of the 真 manga.
I'm legitimately disgusted by the fact I belong to the same species as retards like you
pick one.
>get it get tight
Sasuga Pedro-kun
It stops making sense because the director quit and took his notes with him.
The ending is worth it though. Just wait till you hit Stoner Sunshine