
ctrl-f no berserk thread

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Was Corkus really a bag of chips on purpose or did he really secretly admire Guts?

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Who's corkus? The fag that told him to fuck off after guts spilled his dream speech before leaving Griffith? If that's him he can fuck off.

Are you series how could anyone forget him m8

What time is the new ep out

How do you forget Corkus?

Are you ready for your weekly dose of CLANG?

Who's corkus? Never heard of him

Finally getting around to reading this
Is there a pastebin or something to where I can dl all the chapters?



Are there any manga/anime characters that even come close to Griffith's level of psychological complexity? This dude is just next level.

Did Griffith really want Rickert dead or was Rakshas acting on his own?

Did you miss how Locus got mad after the slap?

Locus wanted to see him dead after he saw him slapping Griffith like the bitch he is

people with no tangible dreams of their own tend to look at people who want to pursue something, even if they don't know what that is, as airheaded fools. "if i'm content with what i have, so should he". especially in their case, where guts had so, so much more than corkus. corkus didn't plan on getting anywhere better than where the band would lead him and was annoyed at guts for acting like it wasn't enough. and in a sense he was right

Corkus was just eternally butthurt because he got two of his friends injured and killed respectively trying to rob Guts the very first time they met. Why Guts never once retaliated though and even seemed to somewhat like him despite silently taking all of his abuse over the years is anyone's guess.

But Corkus was still looking at it the wrong way, Guts didn't want "more", he wanted something that he could call his own, and as long as Guts was in the Band all of his achievements would forever be those of the captain of the raiders underneath Griffith. Guts didn't want that, he wanted to be Griffith's equal.
Not that a numbskull like Corkus would be able to understand something like that.

Griffith did nothing wrong
Guts deserves to heal Casca

Griffith did everything wrong
Guts deserves to pound Casca, Farny and Witch loli



Askeladd from Vinland saga comes to mind

Real talk, no shitposting. What the fuck happened to the new show? Who did it and why'd they think they could get away with it?

Bluerays, shut the fuck up cunt

>says no shitposting
>shitposting happens

Really it was my fault for asking a question on Sup Forums and expecting anything else.


I think corkus secretly liked guts.

how could you dislike him, especially if he was your taichou


Was Lost Children coming out while the 97 anime was airing?


Quickly, post your favorite 'Guts being a badass' page/panel.


the GOAT panel

why couldnt we get jojo quality anime

Conviction Arc (including Lost Children) will never be topped.


We'll never have an accurate Berserk anime with good art.


Griffith is literally a worse Ryo Asuka though.

I HATE how big Zodds horn became after he lost the other.
One of the incredibly few complaints i have about Miuras art


Maybe he did it on purpose because now the God-Hand is chilling in the world due to the world merging

Wish Guts would just hurry and get his brand removed so he can start making some progress on fucking Griffith's shit up. Hell, Rickert has done more to Griffith than Guts has.

He needs to keep is brand user. And I don't think it can be removed.

I think Corkus probably felt something similar before, but realized that its easier to just ride on Griffith's coattails than try and do something himself.
He got pissed at Guts because Guts was strong enough to even attempt to try and do something of his own.

It is easier now that they can't hide in their astral realms.

Can he kill demons without the brand?
I know he fought Wylad but Zodd killed him.

Corkus Is a Guts who gave up
he committed spiritual suicide as Griffith said.
similar Judeau is someone who never honed himself in any area, he excelled in mediocrity

Now that the Dragon Slayer is enchanted yes but his brand is useful because he is between the two worlds.

Still, it was mentioned before that due to the amount of pain of going near a God-Hand that it could kill Guts. Guess this is why he has the berserker armor

the Eclipse is pretty good
don't think he ever got as mad as he was then again.

but he was able to go near them before just through his own strength of will.

Actual pic related

What would Pre Eclipse Casca think of Present Guts?

She would still be in love with him duh. He's bleeding for her even more than before now.


Give it 50 years.

>not the next scene where he jumps right at him

I liked black swordsman Guts when he was just this demonic figure

>likes black swordsman arc for x
>posts pic from Conviction arc

Guess it's still basically the same time, happens right afterwards.

not Black Swordsman arc, but Guts while he was still "the black swordsman" before he got the Berserk armour and a party beyond Puck

>before he got the Berserk armour and a party beyond Puck
Ah, the good old days.

I think Guts only put up with Corkus' bullshit because, in the end, he was a pretty good commander of his squad. Corkus might have been a dick and a coward, but he did often get results.

did he actually? We've never seen him in the manga acting as a good commander, he alwasy looked like a laughing stock iirc

When does Berserk ever sleep?

He seemed to have done good enough to keep the title of commander throughout his career, and did lead a band of bandits before he met Griffith.

>tfw you understand Guts is never gonna live a normal life

Fuck Corkus, I want Pippin back. He was the best BotH member.

He literally did it on purpose. It was a junction of fate and Skull Knight serves as the adjutant to fate.

Femto spent the past few chapters desperately rushing things along so that the sword wouldn't fall on him.

Now Void will be easier to kill. Can't run off to a realm where he can't be cut.

Reminder that this wasn't only foreshadowing the Eclipse, but the sacrifice of Falconia.

Guys, I've been thinking.
We all assume that SK is Gaiseric and that Void is the Holy Man.
What if its the other way around? Is Miuara gonna have a big plot twist like that?

Easily one of my favorite moments in the entire manga.

I love the silent, gentle giant character type.

Would make no sense.
Mozgus mentioned that the sage was tortured in all kinds of ways, or something like that. With that in mind, take a loot at Voids face again


This was the most coherent episode so far. I actually got hype in a few moments.

I hope they release the soundtrack. I really like the movie remixes they have.

Aside from that there's not much else to say. I'm glad it's ending soon, I guess?

does anyone in berserk, its kind of a shitty hard world

No contest

That guy did nothing wrong.

>torturing griffith for a whole year
>nothing wrong that I've written this down, it makes lot more sense

I unironically like chestnut Puck.
Though i wish he was used less often, and got back more of his Black Swordsman arc personality

Man, I'm so glad Miura has fixed Guts' gigantic chin.

That said, what are the chances that the elf queen will heal / start healing Casca in the next chapter? I really don't think there's much that can delay it now unless Miura pulls shit like the entire chapter being a welcoming feast or something, but even in that case Guts should be losing his shit because they are so close to his goal and would probably just tell her to get on with it.

So basically my guess is that Casca will get healed, but will have some massive mental conflict about everything that has happened preventing Guts happiness, bringing back Skully's words that her wish might not be Guts' wish. It would be way too easy otherwise.

I've had a hunch that there might be some sort of a mechanism in nature that makes the other horn grow bigger if an animal loses the other and that's what Miura was going for with Zodd, but I haven't confirmed if a mechanism like that actually exists so I don't really claim this is true.

It gets even worse, Guts is going to hell because of the brand and nothing can change that save from somehow removing the thing entirely.
>yfw at the end Guts and Casca are having their happy ending and out of nowhere Theresia comes and stabs Guts to death and watches him getting dragged to hell like her father was

I think hes just making Zodd into a rad unicorn.
>Not liking Guts big chin.
He's supposed to be Bruce Campbell.

It has always bothered me that Guts never got a beard. Not even stubble.

>Bruce Campbell aka Ash

Just a reminder that this is the official Dark Horse translation. Though the original Japanese says "heavy" instead of goovy both times. This is just a fun western only easter egg.

Miuara did accidentally reference Evil Dead when he started the first chapter. Afterwards, he decided to continue doing it, being a big fan of the films.

He uses the Dragonslayer to shave.

>liking Guts bug chin
Here, an artist's depiction of his design during the boat chapters.

Guts chin was the most magnificent chin in the world and you know it.

what goes through the mind of someone who draws this image

Groovy is just too perfect a line, im okay with this.

Its at least more interesting than Void's realm. That's just a giant brain.

Mah niggas.

Him grabbing guts and forcing him to drink with the band was fucking hilarious.

I like Conviction a lot

Is Femto bald? What's under the mask?

its a homage to a real painting


no he just has an ugly hairdo