Video got me almonds activated

You are not even bothered to protest, hypocrite 's

Other urls found in this thread:

Damn that's fucked up.

So are you gonna tell us what Hypocrites are or not?

Oh, come on. We do worse to lab rats. It's a fucking mouse. They deserve to be eradicated. Filthy fucking plague-carrying beasts.

The only thing they're good for is feeding my pet snakes.

Kek, mice are pests through and through, but I can't really supporting torturing something with a nervous system.

Based poo's?

Not as bad as the video of the guy cutting a mouse's dick off

Wait, I thought poos worship mice?


Fucking Christ, I hate people. This is fucked up and I hope that guy gets the same treatment.





what? kill yourself OP you weapons grade faggot

At least afford the poor mouse a quick death.

holy shit

Ow, the edge.

Ahh a fellow snake owner! Truly a redpilled pet.

my based cat would fucking destroy that mouse. why are people upset about a few taps on the head with a small stick?


It's.... like some sort of fucked up bestiality BDSM snuff porn. What the fuck.

I dunno

Poor mouse press f to pay respects

I laugh so hard every time I see it

Why does it look so human?

It looks more human than most Poos in fact.


for lost penises

A bit of the ol' corporal punishment it seems. He's just trying to raise a respectful mouse. A bit heavy handed for sure but the mouse will thank the poo later.

Poos are not human, animals are white mans best friend we are the shepherds to animals like god is the shepherd to us.

>Being so disconnected from daily tribulations that you can laugh at a mouse getting its dick cut off

Snow-niggers, everyone.

i guess you can take revenge on an animal

That's pretty fucked user you sociopath

Pity the poor animals at the mercy of mankind.


A feminist, I see.

This is actually common preactice in China.

You people truly are snow chinks

I hope the mouses relatives chews his dick off while he's sleeping


Maybe he's not allowed to kill the mouse, so he tortured it but then set it free?

btw: if you release a mouse from your home in the wild it usually ends up dead within a few weeks. - so not really a solution

so progressive

Come on it's pretty funny isn't it? It's just a disgusting rat


He used what looked like a broom straw or piece of dried grass.
The worst part of the torture is when the bottle the mouse was tied to fell on the floor. But Quasimodo picked it back up and the mouse was none the worse for wear.
Mouse got off easy like a Danish prison.

Generally mice aren't this cute. This has got to be the cutest mouse I've ever seen. Look at that poonum.

i haven't read the article yet, but given the fact and noticing it happened in the UK, i bet he was a poo-in-loo, probably in the Midlands. I can perceive the stench of India from here. Am I right?

No need to. We are literally made up of billions of living entities. We are animals, made of living cells. If society can be called a social construction then we are without a doubt a living cobstruction. We are the top layer of the house of Cards; if our floor falls nothing changes, but if the floors below crash it's over.

I need a hug

I spent like two weeks trying to kill a mouse in my house and then accidentally stepped on the poor bastard at the end of it all, he was thrashing around in pain for good couple minutes. I felt pretty bad about it.

We do what we must.

The Muslim version.

>pet snakes
patrician choice


Seeing yourself as more than a set of chemicals is what makes us human though.

>that heavy breathing
>You could see the absolute fear in its face
>that moment when it realizes it snibbety snabbed

Fuck off, you filthy nigger, there is no excuse for that level of depravity. Oh, aren't you just soooo edgy being cool with animal torture? You're just sooooo coooooooool? Fuck off, tryhard.

>implying the muhammed you replied to is human

dude its a fucking mouse and at least its not that video of the dude who tied up a mouse then cut his tiny dick off......

But how would anyone... But who wou....
> Melahalli Ramanna

Eh, I suppose its a bit fucked up someone would go through the trouble of tying it up, but that's about it. Just kill the damn thing.


If you owned a restaurant and animals were stealing you'd treat them just like a person. Hit them with a stick and make them learn a lesson!
I bet that mouse never came back after that......

>a fucking rodent
You're all limp wristed queers

The worst part of this .gif is a father figure doesn't appear to beat the psycho out of the bastard.

my wife doesn't like to bang like this.
If there isn't full body contact, regardless of who's on top she's not interested.

How to fix this?

Worth noting she cums 100% of the time though and is a good wife.

HOLY SHIT you white people are autistic as fuck IT'S A FUCKING DISEASE CARRYING PLAGUE RIDDEN MOUSE. It would not hesitate to fucking bite you too if it saw fit to do so. These things aren't even technically "animals" they are PESTS. They deserve nothing more than to die very very slowly* and painfully to make them regret every minute of their existence on earth. Would you fucking give the benefit of letting something like an ISIS Muslim dying quickly for all the shit they've pulled?

But I digress, I am talking to a race that accomodates niggers and even FUCKS them. baka

I don't have your hug, but here's my reaction pic of everyone delighted.
Hope it does something..'m.

This is teaching a lesson.
This is torture.

That pisses me off. Sure, kill off pests, they are disgusting. But to tie it up like that and torture it is fucked up!

Anyone who does this to animals always ends up doing the same thing to humans.


he lost his benis :DDXDDD

You should recreate it on yourself. I bet that would be hilarious. Upload it here once you’re done

I'll fucking torture you and then your definition of torture would change drastically. Being hit with a stick-nothing.

Forcing circumcision on Goyum(Animals to the jews). This is what the jew wants.

You do realize mice have a tendency to desire revenge right? I had an uncle to who tried to kill a mouse but failed only to have it climb onto his bed one night and bite him in the face.

Long story short, fast or slow, make sure the mouse is dead by the end of it.

I'm starting to fall in love with Metro.

>torture is the same to different species
go drown a dolphin you fucking retard

Well said, I’m sick of the edge lords too.

If they know what comes in our future, they would not do as we have seen.

I bet you call "kids being made to eat veggies" torture.

I would keep a clean restaurant, unlike this literal piece of shit.

The idea of torturing animals this way disgusts me. The idea of torturing the torturers though gets me hard

>torture is the same to different species
who are you quoting


Aww, it thinks it's human..

Snakes are good for making boots and to be eaten.

>shopkeeper didn't send the fucker into the stratosphere
What's the fucking point in this article?

Animals do not feel pain

But then who tortures the torturers torturer?

honestly whoever did this needs to be fucking skinned alive.
animals are under our protection, the helpless beings. we must be kind rulers.
hitler was vegetarian and loved animals. this is kike behaviour

>nigger fingers
fucking scum


Pepe's space program?

You are some sick fucks... this is the first thing I've seen on Sup Forums that's made me actually stop and ask wtf im doing here.

You faggots a despicable.

There's nothing wrong with killing pests.
Setting aside the time to torment them and prolong their suffering however, is the mark of a decadent and weak sadist that has not yet worked up the nerve to graduate to human prey.

Anyone have any webms of that one guy who posts mice torture videos on /gif/? He skewers them, breaks all its arms and cuts it in half and shit.

>lose 30lbs FAST
>chop off Your Leg


Just because they live together doesn't mean they worship them

Mattress on the fucking floor. Damn it, damn it all to hell. Fuck this gay earth.

More human than a real Nigger like you Lmao


What makes you so sure the mouse is actually feeling tortured? It could be just responding like a robot to the stimuli it receives. I mean you wouldn't get deebly goncerned over an NPC getting tortured in a video game would you?

Until you prove the animal in question is self-aware or at least has qualia you have no right to call this torture. Here's a better title that will leave your almonds inactivated: "A guy is poking a mouse with a stick in a way that's making me feel uncomfortable because of my irrational habit of empathizing with a soulless animal and imagining myself in its place".

Well, to be honest, you need a very high IQ to understand Sup Forums's humor.

Yeah their nerve endings just exist for no reason, you fucking clown